Volume I “We the People of the City on a Hill”
Volume II “The Beautiful Remnant of America”
Because the time is nearer now than ever before - regardless of what our Government looks like, and who is in the White House…whether in a time of restoration or recession…prosperity or lack, We the Remnant must not be found sleeping - but must be awake and ready - whatever happens;
and this has been my purpose in writing these three volumes.
We are running out of time - fast out of time…
(A. h. W.)
John ch.12
20 Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks.
21 So these came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”
22 Philip went and told Andrew; Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus.
It’s almost as if his disciples are saying “Jesus, it’s time to go viral!” A typical carnal response, truly representative of the culture we are right now immersed into. (Human nature has not changed from then until now, and the desire to “be seen”…”be heard”…”be known”…has reached epidemic proportions - even in the Church in this hour)
vs.23 And Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified…”
(So far, this is sounding good to the disciples: “Yes he’s going to do it! We’re finally going global!”)
But then, as if reading the thoughts of their hearts, Jesus’s words suddenly take an entirely different direction: one that is the polar opposite to the carnal desires of humanity:
24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and DIES, it remains alone; but if it DIES, it bears much fruit.
25 Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
(You can imagine how taken aback his disciples suddenly are: “Oh” is probably all they are able to utter)
In other words: It is not time to be seen…worshipped by this world; It is time to DIE to this world…and everything of it.
From the Mountain of Delusion to the Valley of the Great Olive Press
2Corinthians 12
I must go on boasting. Though there is nothing to be gained by it, I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord.
2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows.
3 And I know that this man was caught up into paradise—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows—
4 and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter.
What immediately came to mind was the Kansas City Prophets…and then other so-called “prophetic coalitions” which followed them - each one boasting of great new revelation into heavenly matters…on the surface appearing as being for the glory of God and increase of his kingdom…but deep down, built for the glory and the increase of man; on the surface appearing as a part of the Body of Christ - but in reality an elite tribe of celebrities and exclusivity;
And I remembered the Lord’s words of a previous prophetic vision: “They have formed a “tribe”- and created a “club” in My Name, so that they can be seen and admired by people…and in doing so, they have gone entirely contrary to how I designed and commanded my Church - my Body - to function.
“Therefore as I dealt with those who gathered at Babel, so I will scatter…sift these who think they are something…that they will learn and understand that apart from Me they are nothing…that I resist the proud, but give grace to the humble…that I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.”
(Excerpt from “The Watchmen, the City & the Towers Part 1 ~ see Link #1)
I remembered the stories from some of these prophets, of their visits to Heaven - some of the earliest ones I had believed (and still do believe) to be true. But rather than follow the precedent laid down by the Apostle Paul, in 2Corinthians 12, these heavenly visions had been circulated abroad in the churches, to inevitably find their way onto the mountain of media: And once this happened, the pyramid of “celebrity prophets” was created and a movement coined by C.Peter Wagner as “the New Apostolic Reformation” was born. This was the structure I was now looking at; a pyramid built directly on top of the mountain of media, so it’s pinnacle was extremely high and exclusive…out of sight and hearing…beyond the questioning and accountability of everyone - except the Lord…
The more these prophetic visions were circulated around the mountain of media, the higher these prophets (many of whom had now promoted themselves to ‘apostle’) were elevated upon it; and the higher they were elevated, the greater danger they were in of falling: I knew it was only a matter of time…as many of them have already fallen, with devastating consequences.
Matthew 7:
13“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.
14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
A thunderous CRASH…and a shock wave.
“…a people rising up from dust and ashes - as if the aftermath of great destruction (it reminded me of the moments following 9/11): People were as if, rising from the dead…people who had been brought down on their faces through the refining of the great Olive Press.” Excerpt from “We the People of the City on a Hill”
A great mountain came down with a great crash: I knew it was the monstrous structure I had just been looking at: The pyramid of the apostles and prophets upon the Mountain of Media.{“What will happen Lord? Will anyone get hurt?”
I felt the Lord say: “At first, only people’s pride.”
This is the incredible mercy of God: The great monuments of pride will fall; I knew that in doing this - in causing everything we had become so much reliant upon and placed so much value on to fail, it would enable those once blind, to see - and open one vital window of repentance for the Church - and then for the nation.
From “The Watchmen, the City and the Towers” part 3 ~ See Link #2}
{“This shaking had also brought down platforms, celebrity mentalities, hierarchies and many other high things that had been exalted in the Church - Great pyramids that had been built in the House of God had now fallen like houses of cards (I interpreted this as “lightly and with minimal destruction”…This is the great mercy of God - see 1Corinthians 3:1-15). Blind eyes had been opened. We were now seeing things in a new Light.” Excerpt from 01/26/2023 - “We the People of the City on a Hill”}
I would like to add at this point, something I had not thought about until very recently: In a house of cards, all that is needed is for just one card to be knocked slightly or misplaced - and the entire house comes down. And so it was with the destruction of these pyramids - the downfall of those “ministers”, would begin with the downfall of just one…I saw through the smoke and ashes: In the midst of what looked like utter devastation I could see movement - people bewildered and in a daze. Some were staggering up - but many of them still lay in the debris. As I looked more closely I began to recognize them:
I saw those who had made great names for themselves through the driving out of demons - deliverance ministries - through signs, wonders, miracles…where ministries had been turned into movies…where ministers had been transformed into megastars…
And all I could think of was the scripture from Matthew ch.7:
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
When Jesus drove out a demon it was with a display of such incredible compassionate Love, combined with a Sovereignty and a pure and final Authority that could ONLY be from the LORD. Whenever these on the Mountain had driven out demons (whether authentic or not) I had seen nothing but pride and egocentricity.
Not all on the mountain of media had turned away from God: I saw many who at the collapse of the mountain seemed to step off it with ease. {Because a haughty spirit goes before a fall; but these had not become haughty - and therefore had not fallen.} These were the ones who had been genuinely serving him - their gifts and works in his Name had been real…their testimony on this mountain had remained steadfast, genuine and true: They knew that the collapse of this mountain was eminent, yet they had stayed upon it until the last possible moment, using every ounce of time and resources given them by the Lord to preach the Gospel. When the mountain finally came down, they appeared relatively unscathed. Recognizing that season had come to an end, these ones humbly and obediently let go of that which once was and ran to the entrance of the narrow Way. For others it was not so easy - and for many I feared it would be impossible (especially those who had fallen from the great pyramid on top). Once again, I can only tell you what I saw - that this mountain came down - and everyone that was on it, came down with it (obviously the severity of the fall depended upon how high each individual had been elevated) I knew that the Lord was judging them not by their works but by the attitude of their hearts…by their obedience. (the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:21)
I remembered a vision of before: thousands of faces on millions of electronic screens: “God said to me…God said to me…God said to me…God showed me…God said to me…God told me…God said to me…God showed me…God said to me…GOD TOLD ME…God said to me…God showed me…God said to me…God said to me…”
And then:
“I said Lord…I said to the Lord…I saw…I said…I said…I saw…I saw…I said to Jesus…I said…I said to Jesus…I saw…I said to the Lord…I saw…I saw…I said..I said Lord…I said…I…I…I…”
(See “The Mountain of Media” Part 1 ~
link #3)
Back to the Valley of the Narrow Way
I had been standing on a ridge overlooking this narrow Way or valley, with once again, the other watchmen from my visions. Now every one of them - to a man - began to descend towards the bottom - I found myself descending with them.Also on top of the ridge overlooking the valley, I was aware of the presence of great numbers of angels. They were not moving, but stood, as if at attention, waiting for further orders.
Through the stillness of the airwaves I could now hear music…singing…
And I remembered…a previous prophecy:
{From Cyrus, Trump & America’s True Foundation
~ see link #4
…this does not necessarily mean that every means of communication will go down; For I could still hear the Gospel - coming through mediums such as radio…and especially it seemed, in the Bible Belt: Those who had been faithful with the Freedom the Lord had given them to preach the Gospel were being allowed to keep it: I saw that, in the midst of this “strange silence” many of these familiar voices of Gospel Radio could still be heard.}
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-29
Excerpt from “The Watchman has no Name” ~ see link #5 {I saw more and more Americans were compelled to abandon their earthly lives and scramble to “higher ground”. Some came more quickly and willingly than others…and for many, I feared that it would be too late!
But then I saw those who had already begun the ascent to safety, turn around and reach down to help those still bewildered and scrambling:
“Look! See! The true heart…the true Face of the United States of America!” I was weeping! In the midst of great shakings, people forgot about themselves - their own lives, and began to lay them down for others. I saw many families climbing together - many fathers reach down to haul up those who were struggling below….}
This valley was hard. People were giving up…letting go of everything and anything that they valued. I myself had for a season, let go of every spiritual gifting the Lord had given me…I knew how hard this was - and especially letting go of the gift of prophesy and prophetic worship. I had valued these gifts greatly - and that had been the problem. But now I found myself in a place where I knew, if I were to progress any further with the Lord, I HAD to do it.
One very well known “apostle” of this movement was literally kicking and screaming, amid the debris of the mountain. He was being supported on one side by a pastor from North Korea and on the other by a MBB from Afghanistan.
These fallen from the mountain were shocked, disillusioned and angry - some of them at God. This was no shock to me, because in my own battle with sickness, in the darkest night of the soul, virtually alone as far as human support goes, I too had (sometimes in anger) questioned the Lord. Slowly and with great patience, the Lord had brought me down - to a place where I had to learn to trust Him and endure…and to the realization that his yolk is easy and his burden is light. Help and healing, although it seemed, readily available for others in the church, had evaded me over and over again. Like the Apostle, I had “begged the Lord to take it away but he said to me “My grace is sufficient…My power is made perfect in (your) weakness.” (2Corinthians 12:7-9)
Many people who had fallen from great heights, were still resisting. I did not know how much time we had left, nor how long the Lord would contend with those who refused to humble themselves…I just knew that there was one way for this nation - a very narrow way - and no other. And it began with the Church.
~~~Anger at God? How can this be?
Do we not understand that when we preach a “gospel” that is exclusively of wellness, prosperity, “your best life now” (especially to those who are neither “well” nor “prosperous”) we are setting people up to fall, and in the worst case, ultimately turn them away from God completely; Jesus Christ died to save sinners from an eternal Hell, not to give us our best life now: Preaching a false gospel like this, will inevitably lead to disappointment, disillusionment and the worship of a false christ.~~~
I was now looking at the devastating consequences of what has been termed by some as “the American Gospel”1 not only in America, but around the world.
{People, as the dust began to clear, were reaching across boundaries and barriers, as they began to truly SEE (The Lord - and ONE ANOTHER) they finally found their ‘togetherness’ - their common ground, on the Foundation Stone of Jesus Christ. This was happening in clusters (some large, some smaller) all over the Land.
Excerpt from “We the People of the City on a Hill”}
{“And even then, there will be some who will not let go: So great is their love of worldly power and treasure - and so powerful the deception that, rather then repent and let it go, they will serve the enemy, still believing they are serving Me.”
From the Great American Dream Machine Part II ~ see link #7}
This has become such a tragic state of affairs in an end times church, who more than at any other time, should be awake and alert to the dangers of deception and false doctrine.
Yet even the Apostle Paul, the writer of over 2 thirds of the closed cannon of New Testament, APPEALED to the people… “What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each.” (1Cor 3:5)
And as to the question “who am I?”
My answer is: just a simple Bible teacher - and a student; I never asked for what I have written…nor did I understand it at the time. I simply did it. I have no past history in the prophetic…I have no past history of anything that I care to talk about - it’s all under His Blood.
I looked back towards the entrance. To my relief and joy, many of those who had been fiercely resisting were now beginning the journey through, surrounded by persecuted saints. The angels still stood close, watching but not yet interfering.
I saw and recognized someone else: This individual was one of the most renowned and well known “celebrity pastors” of the entire nation; he was literally worth billions and was renowned for preaching a gospel of health, wealth and worldly dominionism. His teachings were of the popular New Age “law of attraction” (that our words shape our destiny and that just as the Lord spoke things into being, so can we - we can literally have whatever we say.) Because of this, many had been led astray and some turned away completely from the Truth - becoming disillusioned with the Lord, when their expected outcomes had not materialized.
This televangelist was now walking slowly, struggling - his head hung low through shame and guilt - and he persistently looked back. Then he was approached by another much less known pastor who took his right arm; a pastor that, although less than one block away, this famous televangelist knew nothing about; his was a church where both shepherd and sheep lived from paycheck to paycheck - some of them on the brink of poverty. I watched as this pastor, his wife and members of his congregation surrounded this famous televangelist and lovingly moved him forward. His left arm was grasped by a young man in a wheelchair (this was another one whom like myself, had not been healed by the Lord - yet such overwhelming beauty was now emanating from him). One of the infamous teachings of those on top of the mountain of media is that the Lord will always heal everyone, every time of everything, immediately!
BUT, when we take the Sovereignty of God out of our belief system, (when we make it all about us - our words…our faith…our authority) our view of the Almighty God and the Sacrifice of His Son, diminishes hugely and our view of ourselves is elevated.
Again I thought about Matthew 7:21
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
And again in Matthew 26:
39And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”
41Again, for the second time, he went away and prayed, “My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done.”
Now, as I watched, this televangelist moved past me, his head beginning to raise, accompanied by these humble faithful saints - and again I saw unity…again I cannot describe the pure unadulterated love that was beginning to emanate from those in the midst of this Olive Press:
I saw many more like this televangelist from the high places…
they who had been afraid to look upon anyone who had fallen short of the ideology of this American Gospel1(such as the handicapped…the infirm…those lacking physically…mentally…financially)…
because it went against their own theology of victory, success, promotion, prosperity, power and dominion - every time - all the time!
Rather than receive these people with the Love and strength of the Gospel of Christ, these “pillars of the church” had on mass, chosen to bury their heads in the sand, pretending that this “elephant in the room” simply wasn’t there - that they could continue operating in their Great American Dream Machine……
And shockingly, this is what flashed back into my mind:
{I saw that many of the weaker, slower, more misshaped parts, having become dislodged, were violently ejected out of the machine’s workings: They now lay burned out in a corner…”they are the weak links in the chain.” - I saw rather then heard this! ~ From “The Great American Dream Machine” ~ Volume I See Link #8}
Now this monstrous machine had collapsed (at least for the Church it had!) And now the eyes of many had been opened - I could hear the cries of repentance going up before the Lord - and His Mercy was coming down.Now ALL were going down this narrow Way together!
{1Peter 4:17 Again, judgement must and will begin in the Lord’s House: Before reviving America , he must discipline America;
and before doing this, he must first refine and purify his Church in America - so that, as a royal priesthood and a holy people, we are able to stand in the gap for America;
so that mercy (the Cross) will be poured out. James 2:12-13; For we will be judged in accordance with the great liberty we have been given.}
22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’
23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
When we operate outside of his good, pleasing and perfect will, we operate in disobedience. We are all guilty of this at some point; but God is merciful and patient here, to teach us what is his will, revealed in his Word; that we may walk in it. Because, to know his will is to know Him.
However, living and doing to please ourselves - to make a name for ourselves rather than God, is to violate his perfect Law and become as one who is lawless; It is such as these whom Jesus is describing in vs.22-23. And this is what I had been seeing all over the mountain of media!
Genesis ch.3 8 And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
And now I realized:
I saw two extremes coming together:
Cessationists* and (for want of a better word) hyper charismatics: Both these groups were now, at last finding their common ground - at the Cross; I heard repentance…coming from BOTH sides; in fact EVERYONE from everywhere was repenting! (2Chronicles 7:14)
{*Cessationists: they who believe that the Apostolic gifts ceased with the death of John the Apostle). Among these, were the biggest opponents of those at the top of the media mountain and their doctrines.}
{I began to weep: Because as time got shorter, I could hear the cries of humble worship and supplication ascending to the Lord as a sweet aroma; At the same time, as the Sword of Judgement began to cut lower and lower, I could hear the Saints exhorting one another from all across the Land; spurring one another on: “Get on your knees!”; “Set your faces like flint!” and “Don’t look back!” was what I kept hearing. (The heart…the strength of the people of this nation: We must be there for one another Church; we must begin now!) Excerpt from The Beautiful Remnant of America}
Psalm 27. 11 Teach me your way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies. 12 Give me not up to the will of my adversaries; for false witnesses have risen against me, and they breathe out violence. 13 I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! 14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!
Excerpt from “The Beautiful Remnant of America”
{Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity:
It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard – on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes. Read Psalm 133…
…This is the very same oil that flowed from the Olive press called Gethsemane; where Jesus, the Great High Priest, moments after praying his own prayer for unity (John 17:20-23) faced the full pressure of that olive press, in his resisting of sin (Luke 22:39-46): So, we the Church, must also go through this time of pressure, for the anointing oil that is true, pure UNITY to flow. Oil is not produced except through pressure.}
As the Church moved further and further along the narrow Way, I heard many of the Saints begin to sing it. I was brought again to tears as I heard these words:
“I belong to the Lamb of God
He purchased me with his precious blood.
I don’t need popularity…
I’d rather have what he gave to me!
I belong to the King of kings
He’s my joy, he’s my life, he’s my everything!
I belong to the Lord God Almighty
I belong to the One who gave his life for me!”🎶🎵
🎶Be thou my battle-shield, sword for the fight.
Be thou my dignity, thou my delight
Thou my soul’s shelter, thou my high tower.
Raise thou me heavenward O Power of my power.
Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise;
Thou mine inheritance now and always.
Thou and thou only first in my heart
High King of Heaven my treasure thou art.🎵
St. Dallan Forgaill
Mary Elizabeth Byrne
Eleanor Hull
{They pressed themselves and their families in harder and harder into the pillars they were tied to…to the Foundation of the Bible…and to the Cross: until all across the Bible Belt - and the entire nation - the Remnant Church began to look like olives in a press}
Excerpt from “The Beautiful Remnant of America - Volume II
Because when we step over the line and place ourselves on the side of the Lord and His Word…when we separate ourselves from this world and take the Way less traveled…the Narrow Way…the offensive Way (John 14:6), we WILL be persecuted - hated.
John 15:20
“Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.”
2Note from the author: Much of this division among families, will later be restored. Have Faith! (This will be covered in Ch.2)
Regarding the fall of the Mountain of Media (as first prophesied in Volume I, Appendix 5) I had originally assumed that this would be ALL media; both Christian and secular. Now however, I am not so sure: The further I go with the Lord on this prophetic journey, the more it appears that this “strange silence” will be the silencing of Christian media alone! If this is truly the case, then it will make the sting of persecution for the Church much more painful: We will need the Lord, His Word, His Holy Spirit and His Ecclesia: We will need one another!
And again: I must refer back to “Cyrus, Trump & America’s True Foundation”
{I saw that, in the midst of this “strange silence” many of these familiar voices of Gospel Radio could still be heard.}
Ephesians 4:5-6
By the Word of God, did all people now know: “Truly the Lord is walking among us…truly the Presence of the Lord is in our midst!”
(…instead of just a select few handpicked “apostles” and “prophets”) This was truly becoming a Reformation!
Anyone wondering where the true “five-fold ministry” of this hour were? Right here in the fire! And I realized, this is where they HAD to be - or they would not be allowed to speak on behalf of the Lord. The days of His allowing such hubris in His Church were over! This grace had run out!
I had begun to see more and more of these emerge from within the Olive Press; some mature and well seasoned; others beginners - and some not even yet aware, that this was their calling in the Lord. I knew there was a time for them…that at the end of this narrow Way, these evangelists would come to the forefront of this army; but not quite yet. I will write more about them, hopefully in the next chapter, as the Lord shows me.
“I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11
Had this fallen one never known in the first place…?
Had he never really been saved…?
How many more were like this…?
…and how many more were following them..?
As I was thinking on this, my eyes went back to the narrow gate at the beginning: And I realized: The narrow gate was the Cross of Christ…and in order to pass through it, one must first embrace it…denying themselves…opening up their arms and allowing themselves to be truly crucified with Christ…buried with him. This, is what had been happening as people went through the gate: A true baptism of repentance - into a true and complete Salvation…one from which there would be no turning back.
I realized that this is what I had seen back in a previous vision, months before, entitled “The Beautiful Remnant of America”
{I saw many in America: Many families. They stood as if on the banks of the Red Sea, as Israel under Moses…driven there by the Holy Spirit, perused by the kingdom of the anti-Christ. They had been driven there for Baptism: I saw many families. They went down separately…and when they came up they were one: in the Lord and in each other. I realized that this type of unity…the desire and prayer of Jesus…can only come through this kind of baptism: a denial…a Crucifixion of Self…for all of us.}
We have to come back to the realization, that real victory only comes through the Cross…real Life can only be experienced through death - a dying to our own lives: this is what was happening in the Olive Press…like a massive Baptism.
But after the crucifixion…after the death..comes the resurrection.
For more on “the Church crucified” visit https://watchmanonthewall777.blogspot.com/2021/10/part-iii-firethe-church-crucified-this.html
No - a different kind of victory altogether! As if for the American church, the word “victory” had been completely and utterly redefined…
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
John 12:24-26
Again I heard Michael Combs’s song: “Not for Sale” ringing out across the airwaves…and the Remnant Church singing it:
“Some sold convictions for compromise..!
Some have sold the Truth for a pack of lies!
Some sold testimonies for fortune and fame:
I just want to magnify and glorify his Name!!!”
This heart belongs to Jesus. He saved my soul from Hell…
This heart belongs to JESUS:
This heart…
is not for sale…!
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—
just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
John 10:14-16
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.”
He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.”
He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.
John 21:15-17
Now I was seeing the end of the narrow Way (which I have begun likening to an olive press) And one extremely narrow gate (much narrower than the gate at the beginning.
Matthew 19:
24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
This gate at the end was so small that everyone passing through it, had no choice but to make themselves small. Paul the Apostle called this crucifying the flesh. (See Romans 6:1-8, Galatians 2:20)
Matthew 19:
25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”
26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
A camel, when passing through the “eye of a needle”, must first shed its entire load and bend at the knees…and also at the neck! So was going the Remnant in this hour! (that we would no longer be a stiff-necked people - Exodus 32:8-9). I knew that, had we not gone through this great Olive Press, we would not have been able to bend at the neck, to pass through this Way:
{This final separation was a sacrifice…it was unto Holiness…and it was TOTAL:
An Army… A Family…A Body!
To be continued…
A. h. W.
1The American Gospel is a documentary series by Brandon Kimber, bringing forth evidence to show that much of the Gospel being preached in America, has been largely and negatively influenced by the culture in America and is therefore no longer the true Gospel.
Link #1 https://undergod714.blogspot.com/2023/06/habakkuk-21-i-will-stand-at-my-watch.html
Link #2 https://undergod714.blogspot.com/2023/06/everyone-repents-came-cheerful-reply.html
Link #3
Link #4
Link #5
Link #6
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