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Volume I We The People Of The City On A Hill…

Forward Note: I believe that this vision begins at the ending of a previous one I had, entitled “The Great American Dream Machine”: Please see link #1 in the footnotes. 

It is a summation of almost every other vision I have had to date; the links to which, can be found in the footnotes at the end.

i) America’s Remnant

This was a people rising up from dust and ashes - as if the aftermath of great destruction (it reminded me of the moments following 9/11): People were as if, rising from the dead…people who had been brought down on their faces through the refining of the great Olive Press. (See link #2 in footnotes)

***God cannot build His Kingdom on the pagan symbols of the Washington Monument and the Statue of Liberty. The forefathers of the Revolutionary War brought these Masonic idols back from France with them, and proceeded to ‘rebuild’ America’s foundations upon them. Understand we are not talking literally here - but spiritually: Somehow, humanism - looking to the capabilities and the potential of “man” - had replaced a humble reliance on and trust in the Lord - and these monuments are a representation of this: They must come down in the hearts of His Church. The Lord will shake these “towers of Babel” down. He will separate and sanctify His Body.*** 

The remnant were standing on the Foundation laid by the first pilgrims. (See link #3 & #4 in footnotes). And I heard the Lord say: “Before you ever made yourself a nation - before you ever made for yourself a name - I had already set you apart as a great nation, for the glory of MY NAME .”

(When I thought about these words, I couldn’t help comparing this to Genesis 11:1-4: How vastly different are the Lord’s ways to ours…How polar opposite)

This shaking had also brought down platforms, celebrity mentalities, hierarchies and many other high things that had been exalted in the Church - Great pyramids that had been built in the House of God had now fallen like houses of cards (I interpreted this as “lightly and with minimal destruction”***…This is the great mercy of God - see 1Corinthians 3:1-15). Blind eyes had been opened. We were now seeing things in a new Light. 

It had been dark before but now I saw a battered, barren land being bathed in light …this was happening in pockets all over the nation…I saw children, moms and dads, grandparents…I saw families…

the beginnings of unity - reconciliation…

People, as the dust began to clear, were reaching across boundaries and barriers, as they began to truly SEE (The Lord - and ONE ANOTHER) they finally found their ‘togetherness’ - their common ground, on the Foundation Stone of Jesus Christ. This was happening in clusters (some large, some smaller) all over the Land.

This “army” was the most glorious mish-mash of ages, races, social classes. Families of multiple generations stood together…pastors and elders…remnants of entire congregations stood together…many different denominations and non-denominations had found fellowship and unity upon this ‘holy ground’…Upon the Solid Rock, upon which the Lord had declared He would build His Church. 

ii) The’Holy Ground’

The army was standing on what looked like bedrock…the bare Foundations of the USA: Founded upon the Word of God and the Great Commission, it was the only thing that wasn’t being shaken. I looked, but could see nothing else…as if parts of the nation had been shaken to their Foundations. There was no lush grass,  - nothing nice or attractive to look at, or to see at all…! I believe this was not so much literal, but rather, symbolic - of all the man-made pleasures of the flesh - the “American Dream”- that had been coveted and enjoyed so much, but that had now been forsaken - at least, for this Remnant it had. Only the bedrock - the Foundations  of the USA, the Covenant made between her founders and the Lord remained - and this remnant army - like those first pilgrims - were standing upon it. (See link #5 in footnotes)

(In these end days, this Rock…this confession of our Faith {see: Matthew 16:13-19} will be the only safe and unshakable ground; and the remnant Church will realize it - because: Revelation 12:11)

As they came together, helping each other upwards, I could see the brokenness…but I could also suddenly see the RESOLVE: blind eyes and deaf ears had been opened…this remnant now knew what it was they had to do. 

2Chronicles 7:14

Upon this Rock the remnant Church of America began to humble themselves - and pray - with TRUE fervent brokenness…and seeking the Face of the Lord, they began to turn from pride, greed, selfish ambition, idolatry and complacency:  Repentance on mass began to break out. The conviction of the Spirit, moving freely through the brokenness of the people, became greater and greater until I saw there were clusters of people in fervent, wailing prayer, in every state of the Union.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray…and seek my face…and turn from their wicked ways…I will hear from Heaven and heal their Land.”

And that was when the Windows of Heaven finally opened up over the United States of America…

I saw the Hands of the Lord coming down and from out of them flowed something like pure, thick, golden oil - torrents of it - all over the nation: It looked like oil - but it thundered down, with a power and intensity that reminded me of the waters of Niagara Falls.

At the same time, with a succession of loud blasts (like sonic booms), huge geysers of white water began erupting from the ground all over the nation. (I specifically saw New England - see ch.3).  I knew these were ancient wells - I heard the noise as something like great iron caps were blown upwards, by the force of centuries of stopped up water. It reminded me ironically of Noah’s flood: torrents coming up  - and torrents coming down; but this wasn’t judgment…this was pure mercy…and it was going everywhere. I now knew there was no escaping this…no hiding from it. It  was about to become a full blown awakening…and with it would come a great persecution (Revelation 12:11)

In the United States of America Light and Darkness were about to collide - head on! 

iii) The Rivers of Reformation - Ephesians 5:25(b)-26

These Rivers of Life began to gush everywhere, gradually covering the entire nation. I could see the Body of Christ within the River: And as they rushed toward the people, the people began to come towards them. I began to see Resurrection Life pour down on parts of the Land that had been dead. I watched as it began to touch  the Lake Michigan area - It reached to the outskirts of Chicago…I began to cry out for Chicago! (I knew this was coming with great persecution…even martyrdom. I will cover this more in a future prophecy)

I saw the Rivers begin to cascade down the streets of New York; Rivers of Living water seemed to gush through Los Angeles (I remember seeing Long Beach).  These Rivers swept away everything in their path: With the force of a tornado they seemed to churn up the ground beneath them. It was both judgement and mercy…it seemed to cut through the hearts of people like a double edged sword (Hebrews 4:12)…it was a holy fire (Jeremiah 23:29)…and a holy fear…the likes of which this generation has never known before.  I thought about Acts ch. 5:1-11. I knew that the Church who were a part of this River, had forsaken literally everything else - loving not their lives to the death. 

* I asked the Lord what the name of this River was…and I heard the word “HOLINESS”.  I believe I was seeing a Reformation of Holiness…and just like the original Reformation of 1517, this one is centered around a mass returning to the Word of the Living God! Read 2Kings ch: 22&23 

“Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let him who has My Word speak My Word faithfully. What has straw in common with wheat? declares the LORD. Is not My Word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:28-29)

See Link #6 in footnotes 

(We WILL be thoroughly refined through this Great and Terrible Awakening. It will cost us our lives. Matthew 25:1-13; Revelation 3:18)*

There were children by the masses, of all races, running toward Jesus - into the Kingdom. Salvation breached the walls of schools, colleges, hospitals (I saw the outpouring of the Spirit on a large children’s hospital for cancer)

Salvation reached across RACIAL lines: People of different races were crying out to the Lord in what I can only describe as agonizing grief. The sound of the wailing…of the repentance…was reaching Heaven. Through the Power and mercy of the Lord they clasped hands across what was once a great chasm. A deep scar that ran right through the heart of America, was now being flooded by the oil of the Lord - the oil of joy and gladness (Isaiah61:3; Psalm 133:1-3). I felt a completion (as if what the Lord had started through Abraham Lincoln, he was now finishing through His Church).

People were repenting - not just before God, but each other - it was deep, almost heart-wrenching brokenness…not as we have seen before: not from platforms, in front of TV cameras - there may have been a time for that - but this was at ground level, unseen, uncredited, with unknown people, in the midst of great suffering. (Matthew 6:1-6; Col.3:22)

And because it was unseen, it was totally and utterly driven by the Holy Spirit - with nothing of human reason or effort. I saw faithful pastors of small insignificant congregations.…fathers and grandfathers at the head of their families…nameless and faceless disciples of Jesus…in every State, from sea to shining sea.    (See link #8 in footnotes)

I no longer saw any ‘big names’ in the Church - except the only One that mattered - the Name above all names: There were no celebrities…no platforms; The Lord will no longer tolerate a Church that functions like the world. But a great fear and reverence for the Lord was now  sweeping through the Body of Christ in America (akin to Acts 5:11), bringing deep repentance - and we were being set apart…humbled…purified. (2Cor.6:15-17)

The River seemed to flood up from the Heartland, into New York. It flowed from South to North…from West to East, eventually flooding into Washington DC: It was cleansing, purging, thoroughly purifying all who drew near. I watched it breach the “sacred” political barrier that separated the “Right” from the “Left” I saw Capitol Hill - people on both sides of the line, looking out from high places…then some of them came out from the ‘establishment’ ( Revelation 18:4-5) and started making a run to this ‘new party’. Many were those who had loved America…who had fought for America. “Save us…Save this nation…” they had tears in their eyes.

“I will save your nation…” The Lord responded with such overwhelming love and compassion… “but first you must let it go.”  Weeping, utterly cut to the heart, I saw these ‘law makers’, having forsaken the things of this world, fall literally flat on their faces before the Presence of the Lord, and the conviction of the Spirit. They were ushered into the Kingdom by the Church, and began to drink with joy from the River…

Along with so many other temporal things - party lines were also coming down! 

At this point, I saw no political lines - because I was looking through the eternal lens of the heart of God…there was no “left” and “right” - there was only the SAVED and the UNSAVED….the repentant and the unrepentant

I saw the blood of those slain because of ethnicity and race: It was crying out from the earth…from both sides of the line (black, white and all in between). I saw people being hung from trees (the racial attacks of the 1950s)…and I wept. The stench was rising before the Lord (but remember: so also was the sound of repentance - see previous section)  The lies - the hatred - the murder: That which had been politically driven from the start - and is still being politically driven - was coming before the Lord! Therefore God will judge the political system in this nation - He will shake and break its political foundations. And at the right time, those who belong to him will flee (Genesis 19:12-29; Luke 21:20-22). This is what I believe I was seeing on Capitol Hill.

iv) The Spirit of The Living God
~~~It wasn’t until later on that I began to realize that this River…the One called Holiness…also goes by another Name: The Holy Spirit! He appeared in form as a River…giving pure resurrection Life to all who approached…thoroughly cleansing and purging all who drew near:  

Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, “Who are these, clothed in white robes, and from where have they come?” 

I said to him, “Sir, you know.” And he said to me, “These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (Revelation 7:13-14)

I watched, as homosexuals and people living under the banner of the rainbow of six colors fell on their knees under such a power of conviction, like I have never seen! (See Link #7) The same thing was happening within racial, and other demonic strongholds. The Holy Spirit came upon them…the Fear of the Lord cut them to the heart…but then Mercy!..their chains were broken…and they were free! (See: Psalm 145:14, 1Corinthians 6:9-11)

And the words of a hymn by Charles Wesley came to me: 

“Long my imprisoned spirit lay,

Fast bound in sin and nature's night

Thine eye diffused a quickening ray

I woke, the dungeon flamed with light!

My chains fell off, my heart was free

I rose, went forth, and followed Thee!

Amazing love! How can it be

That Thou, my God should die for me?”🎶

You may have heard it said, among charismatic communities, and even from the pulpit, that “The Holy Spirit is a gentleman”...that he is so “sensitive” that he will fly off like a dove, at the slightest hint of offense. 
That is NOT what I was witnessing here - so far from it!  This was more like the Book of Acts ch. 5. Through His remnant sold-out Church, He was swiftly and without ceremony bringing Light into darkest humanity… bringing Holiness and the Fear of The Lord. I knew time was short…He was wasting no time. 
The Holy Spirit is not a “man” (Num.23:19) … nor is He the “woman” part of the Godhead - as is being blasphemously taught in some charismatic circles.
He is the Spirit of Jesus…The Breath of The Godhead - of Life itself! 
He will purge and purify His Church…
He will deal with all iniquity…
He is to be feared above any man…
He existed before time began - and He will carry us through the end of time, and into eternity! 
He brings forth both Mercy and Judgment…both Life and Death - He Is LOVE ✝️
This is exactly what I was seeing here. 
America will not experience the Reformation that is needed to fulfill her destiny, unless and until we the Church get to know Him like this! And only through Mercy - through a revelation of the Cross…the Blood of Jesus Christ!~~~

v) The Battle of the “Bible Belt of Truth”:
“…and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
I saw a great and powerful enemy. Like a dark tsunami wave it came, engulfing everything in its path. I knew that it was coming for the family - and specifically children…not just to disrupt and confuse…it has already done that! - but this time, to entirely wipe them out! It seemed to be targeting the Heartland of America. But at the sound of a trumpet, like a sleeping giant, something had arisen from America’s Heartland. Something so fierce - almost terrifying: It looked different to much of America, in that from the start, it seemed to be made up mostly of Families…multiple generations. And they were all hidden in Christ. 
***The Family is the center piece in the crown of God’s divine order…and consequently, the primary target for Satan’s anti-Christ order. The establishment of family is the Glory of God - and nowhere has this become more evident than in the United States - and specifically the area known as the Bible Belt.***

Unbuckling the “Bible Belt of Truth”

This next part is difficult to describe, so in order to visualize it most effectively I recommend reading:

 John 2:13-17
And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business. When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’ money and overturned the tables. And He said to those who sold doves, “Take these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise!” Then His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.” 


 Mark 11:17
Then He taught, saying to them, 'Is it not written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations'? But you have made it a 'den of thieves.'' 

I saw the hands of the Lord unbuckle something that looked like a belt, from the area of the Heartland - the Bible Belt. As the enemy approached, this belt of Truth flew across the nation, at the Hands of the Lord, like a whip in the hands of its trainer. With every lash, I saw chains being broken: off children, teenagers and young adults. 
As I saw Bible Belt unbuckling  I felt a righteous - almost ferocious anger arising - from men and women - fathers and mothers…grandfathers and grandmothers…uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters. At the same time I could hear praise and worship - adoration, humble surrender, prayer and deep intercession, being lifted up to the Lord from these families. They had each come to the realization that the battle is the Lord’s and could not be won without Him. 
This fight was for the children - for the Family. When I looked at the Heartland I could see a reflective type glass dome over and around it - effectively insulating those inside…almost blinding them to the outside world…and keeping them relatively safe from the corruption of it. At the unbuckling of the Bible Belt, this “bubble” burst: Now the fight was going beyond each person’s own family: Now the fight was for the Families of the nation. When faced with what I believe to be a sudden great pressure, the posture of the Bible Belt suddenly and dramatically changed: from one of defensive to offensive - And the Lord was with them! (This will also be covered more in a future prophecy)
The lash reached from one corner of the nation to the other, (I saw it hit New York, parts of New England) and whenever it did, I would see light break forth. Sometimes  the buckle end would hit - and I would see sparks - as you get when iron strikes stone. (Jeremiah 23:29). It was both judgment and mercy. (Romans 11:22) Many will come to repentance in this refinery of discipline.
***I didn’t realize until afterwards, that the Bible Belt of Truth and the Rivers of Reformation (see Part iii) were both part of the same event - the same movement of the Spirit, but from different viewpoints and by use of different allegories.***

vi) The Army of the Family  (See links #2 & #7 in footnotes)

At the sound of the same trumpet as I heard from the Bible Belt (because this was all happening at the same time), I saw an army of men - young, old and everyone in between.  There were many fathers amongst them, who were returning to their families, even at this late hour. I saw many other spiritual fathers - young and old - of diverse races and backgrounds - also being raised up. And as a result of this, I saw many prodigals coming home! Sometimes I would see them returning - and other times I would see these Fathers going out into the enemy camp to get them! (To read more about this “vision of the fathers”, see link #7)

I saw reconciliation! This army of men had been brought low before the Presence of the Lord in broken penitence. I watched as theses “fathers” surrendered all to the Everlasting Father; I watched as they cast down their crowns and fell on their faces before the One who is crowned with many crowns. These men were small in number: But as I watched, the gathering became larger and larger, until it was beyond number! As the army of men worshipped The Lord, His Fire fell upon them - and they stood on their feet: A mighty army, taking up their position at the heads of their families. (These families were both natural and spiritual) It reminded me of the dry bones prophecy of Ezekiel 37. (They will become the shepherds of the Lord in this hour - not only to the Church, but to the lost!). 

{The early pilgrims (Puritans and Separatists) differed from any previous migration to the new world, in that rather than young single men looking for new economic prospects (as was the trend), these pilgrims made this perilous journey…forsaking all else…risking life and limb - as entire families!} It was through the army of the family, that this nation’s foundations were laid…and it will be through The Army Of The Family that this nation’s destiny will be fulfilled. The Family will not be taken down in this nation: It will not be taken out. 

As I looked at these Families, I suddenly became aware of a new level of Glory…one that I believe has not been known before…

***All across America I saw this glory: The Glory of The Family***

And with this, I again felt a ‘completeness’ - as if America was now ready to move on to the next stage… 👇

I am hesitant to write this next part - for my view was no longer from Earth but Heaven - and I was looking in from the outside: 

vii) A Great Crowd of Witnesses.

Many people I saw: Without going into too much detail, I knew some to be political forefathers, from the Revolutionary War onwards (I don’t know who of our forefathers was truly born again - I cannot and dare not name too many names - but I KNOW that some were there! Specifically I believe, George Washington & also John Adams)…and then there were others, from an earlier era: The Rev. Robert Hunt, John Winthrop, William Bradford and dozens, if not hundreds of early pilgrims…

They were looking down, each one deeply moved, at something that was happening below. As I looked on (my eyes were partly veiled), the crowd parted. Each one bowed in reverence as the Lord Jesus Christ walked through the center of their ranks towards the front of the gathering. 

I wondered what He and the pilgrims could be staring down at with such deep and heartfelt gladness. Then as I looked around and down from where they were, I saw it for myself: 

America had become A City on a Hill - the prayer and vision of John Winthrop, 1630 was answered.  (See link #8 in footnotes)

But what was this City on a Hill? - What did it look like?…

It looked like a Family (Psalm 68:6)…

It looked like Unity (John 17:21)… 

It was powerless, yet surrendered (Jeremiah 9:23-24)…

It was defenseless, yet highly fortified (Psalm 125)…

It was weak  - yet stronger than it had ever been before (see 2Corinthians 12:9-10)

It looked like a heavenly “Thanksgiving service”  - on a national scale!

Glory was emanating up from within. I noticed the nation’s walls - once strong, fortified, insulated - were now down - and in some places almost flattened…but from out and over them flowed rivers of purest gold…these were the Saints of God - in some cases entire families - who were now pouring out their lives to go and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom: Above them was a banner that read the following: 

“And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” Revelation 12:11.

The Cross of Christ was raised high (John 12:32). It could no longer be ignored: It had become the focal point of the entire nation. For some it was the aroma of Life; for others, the stench of death. (2Corinthians 2:14-16)

But that wasn’t all…

The Colors 

Covering the nation, like a lake of glass, from border to border…from sea to shining sea, I saw the stars and stripes of the Flag:  The Blood of Jesus, cleansing the sins of the Land, like scarlet - making us (His true Church) whiter than snow. (Isaiah 1:18)

***I did not realize this at the time, but I was going to see the Star Spangled Banner again! This time not over the nation, but throughout the nations of the Earth! “That this nation , along with England, be evangelist to the world” - the Rev. Robert Hunt 1607. (I will cover this more in a future prophecy; See also Link #7 Part II - The Crash & The Fall)***

iix) We The People ….

Beneath the crowd of witnesses, “We the People of The City on a Hill” had gathered as an army. They stood facing outward, with their backs to the place they had once known (Hebrews 11:13-16): They were being bathed in Glory, but at the same time, being cloaked with humility. As I looked I could see that they had been armored up, with every piece of armor from Ephesians 6. Now they stood ready to go out - to the North, South, East and West. And I saw as if, a scroll being unrolled, that I believe to be the prayer and declaration of the Rev. Robert Hunt (This is America’s true call and destiny - see link #5), and I saw the words of Matthew 16:24-25 If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Then a Voice said “Who will go?” Families - some of these up to five generations - stepped forward. (I was - and still am weeping)

They looked like rivers of gold: They were going out to every nation - every corner of the Earth - and they were going in the power of the Lord: He showed me there will be a special grace upon the American Church to do this - with courage and authority - because of the original covenant at the founding of the nation. As I have written before,  anyone wondering where America is in the end times, need look no further than Matthew 24:14 & Revelation 7:9-17.

America’s isolationist mentality had gone - I had been seeing a thick reflective-type glass dome covering America - It had now smashed wide open: Her walls of insulation had come down. She  had become “One unstoppable nation under God” 

I knew that these ‘missionaries’ were just the “first fruits” of many more, who would soon follow, in droves of hundreds and thousands: They would be driven out of the USA by a great wave of persecution that was/is coming. (I will cover this in a future prophecy).

I looked back towards America’s Foundation Stone…And people were still coming! University professors,  news reporters, more politicians…hardened atheists…were now running towards the Rock - the Foundation Stone of America: They had been watching - and in agony of spirit, they had realized that they wanted what they saw…and what they saw was the Cross! There was still time…the Lord was making time! As if He had put His Hands over the face of a great clock and stopped its movement. And I looked again at the open heavens over America - the open arms of God:  Now I no longer saw torrents of water coming down - Now I saw Fire! (Jeremiah 23:29) 

A backlash (a tribulation) was coming. 

ix)  A New Face & A New Heart 🇺🇸   (1Timothy 6:6-12)

We’re not going to recognize the America that comes out of this! The pilgrims will!- they’ll know it - they will recognize that which they did not see in their own lifetimes. (See Hebrews 11:13-16 _ this will also be the attitude of the end times Church of America)

Those who were going out, no longer clung to things of this world - for like Abraham, they now had their sights set on a heavenly city. (Hebrews 11:8-10)

Again I saw the wealth of the wicked pouring into the hands of the righteous (see Part II of Link #7): But who were these righteous? … 

…Those who were pouring out their lives like drink offerings to Christ…Those who loved not their lives to the death…who had no interest in wealth, but only for the glory and expanse of the Kingdom: In laying down the “American Dream”, they had received the Realities of The Lord…of the Eternal Heavenly City: And because of this, as much as the Lord continued to pour into these recipients, they would continue to pour out to others: I saw this “wealth” slip like sand through their fingers - a continual, unstoppable outpouring. 

It was a remnant United States of America who were 100% united under God and 100% reliant upon Him…anything of human strength and effort had fallen before Him. (1Sam 5:2-4)This was an America that I have never seen before - but that I knew had been God’s plan from the beginning.

Because: Before the Lord can pour prosperity into our hands, He must first pour it into our souls (3John 1:2). Our souls must first be transformed.

And I thought again about the early pilgrims; They who endured unbelievable hardship, which drove them to risk their lives in this new world; many of them not surviving the journey…many more perishing within the first year.

We do not understand; and likely we will not - until we have experienced this kind of oppression ourselves.

“Hold everything earthly with a loose hand, but grasp eternal things with a death-like grip.”
— Charles H. Spurgeon 

x) Looking Through a Glass Darkly 

I do not know timings and dates for these events. All I do know is that something is coming beyond our control, that will shake America to its foundations, exposing its very rock face…and the only Way we can be prepared and ready is by seeking first  His Kingdom and His Righteousness - the things that are as yet unseen. (see Link #9) Because the things that are seen are temporary…but the things that are not seen are eternal (2Cor.4:16-18)

What happened on 9/11 shook the nation…but not to SALVATION…not to Repentance. So it will come again…

“As the towers fell, the people of New York cried aloud My Name

 - but their cries were so much in vain

 - they took My Name in vain”, says the Lord. 

(See Psalm 145:18-20)

So it will come again”

In what form (whether man-made or natural) I don’t know (I do know it will not look like  9/11 - but different): But the shaking will come again. And the difference between whether we see God’s mercy over the nation, or His judgment, will not lie with the Nation - It will lie with the Church! And this time we MUST be ready: Not with a message of patriotism and pride…from a platform…from a few church elites (as what happened at 9/11);

but with the Message of Salvation through the Cross of Jesus Christ…at ground level…from ALL of us! (See also: A Prophetic Word: Links #10 & 11) 

And I heard this warning for America:                       While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. (1Thessalonians 5:3)…At least, it will look like destruction at first - for the Lord will shake everything that can be shaken, until it falls…and only that which cannot be shaken (His Word) will remain. For more on what this shaking will look like, see previous chapters 2 & 3 

But - I heard also this for America…after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1Peter 5:10


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 

who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

See also Luke 22.31-32

You took my name in vain…” says the Lord;  “But yet you are like sheep without a shepherd; I will therefore have compassion on you”.

May the Lord be with us all.

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3



***Great pyramids that had been built in the House of God had now fallen like houses of cards (I interpreted this as “lightly and with minimal destruction”) I have since realized that houses of cards fall when just one is knocked slightly or misplaced. And that the destruction of these pyramids - the downfall of those “ministers” upon them, will begin with the downfall of just one…

We must continue in prayer for them.


America in the end times:













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The Beautiful Remnant of America Part 1

15  “Can a woman forget her nursing child,      that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget,      yet I will not forget you. 16  Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;      your walls are continually before me. Isaiah 49:15-16 This most recent prophecy is part of my “Fast for Family”, and again runs parallel with my previous visions - some of which can be read in the footnotes at the end. The Beautiful Remnant of the United States of America  i The unity of baptism : I saw many in America: Many families. They stood as if on the banks of the Red Sea, as Israel under Moses…driven there by the Holy Spirit, perused by the kingdom of the anti-Christ. They had been driven there for Baptism: (See Romans 6:1-14) I saw many families. They went down separately…and when they came up they were one: in the Lord and in each other. I realized that this type of unity…the desire and praye...

Volume III The Beautiful Remnant of America - Part 2

The Beautiful Remnant of America Part II  So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun; for he will come like a rushing stream, which the wind of the Lord drives. Isaiah 59:19 Before continuing, please ensure that you have first read Chapter 1 ~ The Olive Press i ~ The “Hidden” Remnant   “What is a tree without its roots? Roots expand underground in the darkness - the hidden place, that the tree may stand, firmly grounded through the storm. This expansion does not come without faith, time, patience and endurance, and goes entirely un-noticed and un-acclaimed,  because it takes place underground . And yet we know that this expansion is essential to the life and health of the tree.  So it is for the Church in this hour… “What is a house without its foundations?  A house built quickly- on sand    - will not stand - but the...

Ch.9 ~ The Aftermath of the Great Fall! Part I

Introduction   Written May 4, 2021 Why I believe the Church must endure tribulation: I believe in a final great awakening...and as hard as I try, I cannot shake it off... it is in my DNA... I saw the great eagle that is the USA suddenly arise like lightning from the earth, for (what I believe) would be her last, but finest hour... and at the same time, the gospel move like a great tsunami wave, across the earth, to the farthest islands of the sea, in a playing out of Matthew 24:14;  I saw my own nation explode into the flames of revival; Europe was on fire; I watched as the continent of Africa ran red with the blood of Jesus...I saw other nations that I am not free to disclose...I saw people drop everything and run, run, RUN through the narrow gate - compelled by the deepest darkness the world had ever known...I watched the most hardened and vilest offenders stagger through this same gate and fall to their knees before the Lord...I saw in Africa, hands lifted up from souls tha...