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Ch.9The Lord’s Church ~ A Motley Crew!

  May 04, 2021  Why I believe the Church must endure tribulation: I believe in a final great awakening...and as hard as I try, I cannot shake it off... it is in my DNA... I saw the great eagle that is the USA suddenly arise like lightning from the earth, for (what I believe) would be her last , but finest hour... and at the same time, the gospel move like a great psunami wave, across the earth, to the farthest islands of the sea, in a playing out of Matthew 24:14;  I saw my own nation explode into the flames of revival; Europe was on fire; I watched as the continent of Africa ran red with the blood of Jesus...I saw other nations that I am not free to disclose...I saw people drop everything and run, run, RUN through the narrow gate - compelled by the deepest darkness the world had ever known...I watched the most hardened and vilest offenders stagger through this same gate and fall to their knees before the Lord...I saw in Africa, hands lifted up from souls that were literally drowning i
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Ch.8 ~ The Love of a Motley Crew

  The clock was still ticking:   Back again to the People of the City on a Hill I looked back at the USA - the Lord’s grace was still upon it… It had turned into something that looked like Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park - A huge guiser was erupting continuously and consistently from it: I looked back and saw again: the crash I had written of in “A Nation Under God ~Volume I: the nation was still reeling from this crash - and I saw people were still donating ~ not only truckloads of resources ~ but trucks and planes. And most profoundly the were offering themselves: doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, police officers, government officials, lawyers, business owners, caregivers, cleaners, retail, factory and restaurant workers, university professors, students, mothers, fathers… before my very eyes dollar bills had been transformed, not only into water purification equipment, dried foodstuffs,    medical/engineering/teaching resources etc -    but also into boxes of bibles of multiple

Ch.7 ~ The Strength of a Motley Crew

Forever United ~ A Kingdom Under God Written November 21, 2022 For every walled garden; for every climbing rose: for the fragrance of every wild flower - in every wild meadow…for every brook and stream, every winding, leafy lane…every rolling hill; every patchwork of field and hedgerow. For the stone-built church that still points upwards, because Your Word is etched down deep into its foundations: For the stone cottage and the corner shop; for the sound of the waves and the smell of the sea. For everything that is England, that reminds us of everything that is still good (Luke 18:19)…everything that is of you (James1:17) For the glory of your coming redemption, upon all of these things:  For the multitudes of people who you have shown me, WILL enter in to Your Kingdom.  For the changing face of Great Britain - from one of Anglo-Saxon Celt,  to the most beautiful array of colour and race ever seen..for the multitude of culture and religion that YOU have brought to this country…and who