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Ch.14 The Unraveling to the End


Isaiah 52:7
This picture - taken from the movie “War Games”, is as close as I can get, to describe the John 12:24 glory over the nations: the overlapping and arching lines are the Body of Christ as we go out to preach the Gospel; the dark background is the evil of the anti christ regime and the white orbs are literally bright white explosions, representative of both Salvation and martyrdom: because in the days I was looking at here, there would not be one without the other. These two things went hand in hand!

Now is my soul troubledAnd what shall I say? ‘Fathersave me from this hour’? 

But for this purpose I have come to this hour. 

Fatherglorify your name.” Then a voice came from heaven:“I have glorified itand I will glorify it again.” John 12:27-28

The Timeline 

I saw Matthew 24:14 and Revelation 6:9-11 on parallel courses, as if on a timeline or a graph. Both are directly affected by each other. When the Day of the Lord comes, these two scriptures will merge together to meet in total fulfillment.

With every explosion of revival that I saw, came martyrs - more and more with each explosion, until I believe I saw multitudes: 

I have begun calling these explosions of revival the “John 12:24 glory”…because I was literally watching this scripture play out all over the world: 

For every martyr, there was an outburst of revival…fifty…one hundred fold! Then Satan (through his anti-christ regime) would retaliate…which would create more martyrs…which would only create more revival! This scripture was recycling itself, in every part of every nation - faster and faster as time went on - and over and over again! To the point where I could no longer define the shapes or borders of the nations, because of the constant outbursts of glory everywhere (I was looking from above: Refer to the picture above): 

John 17:20-21. “Greater love hath none than this: that he lay down his life for his friends.” 

Because this is what speaks to Muslims, Hindus, atheists, humanists, louder than anything else! 

{And the wall of prayer rose alongside the wall of darkness.

There has been prophecy concerning a rising tower of darkness within the United States of America; not unlike the Tower of Babel, that will set itself up against the authority of Christ and his church. 

As we were interceding in the Holy Spirit I saw a vision that lasted seconds yet was detailed, it was like it struck through my mind like lightening. 

I saw a blackness rising up. This wall of darkness was featureless, like a mirky black mass; but right up along side it-pressing against it- was another wall. (Matthew 13:24-30) This new wall that rose up had intricate, definable features. 

I saw it rise up, brick upon brick, and every brick seemed to radiate rainbow colours. Like when you hold up a Chrystal to the sun and it shoots beams of light in many directions and colours - beautiful. These bricks were each acting like Chrystals as they thrust themselves into position within the rising wall. Each piece fitting perfectly. And here’s the part that struck me most. It was the speed. There were many bricks flying into their place in the wall per second.

The fact was that the wall of darkness was rising at such great speed, BUT the wall of prayer was rising up to meet it at equal speed. When the top was reached I simply saw intense light. 

Prayerfully seek the Lord about this of course. But let’s not stop praying and interceding for the USA and the nations of the earth. We each have a part to play as children of the most high. We are each an integral part of Gods plan. Be blessed Brothers and sisters in Christ.

Prophetic vision from Joanna Millward (another interceding ‘Brit on her knees’) ~ 08/04/23}

Looking through the cloud of glory… 

People of every tribe and language were now whirling around one anotheragain I could see something that looked like an extremely joyous Jewish wedding celebrationexcept this celebration was in droves of hundreds and thousands! (See Revelation 7:8-17) This was happening in the midst of deep darkness and evil. Whether these people had been martyred or not, and how many, I couldn’t tell…Because all were alive in Christ!

We were living and dying for Jesus Christ of Nazareth - and we were not afraid. 1 John 3:2-3

2Timothy3:12 Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

Do we understand now what needs to happen in nations like the United States of America - and why? 

Because the true unified Body of Christ is multicultural and multifaceted

As I pondered this, my mind went back again to Robert Hunt; and  I realized something else; that among those who landed at Cape Henry 400 years ago, he was by all accounts the only ordained minister among what was a motley crew of sailors, ex-criminals and prospectors. When he gathered them around that 7 foot cross, kneeling in prayer, they were a motley bunch; but he, by the Grace of God, was able to unify them. 

This is exactly what I was seeing now, throughout the nations of the world. 

Then I thought about the the square Altar of Sacrifice in the tabernacle of Moses (symbolic of the Cross) - which faced north, south, east and west; if you will, inviting Salvation to the four corners of the Earth. In just the same  way, the Body of Christ, from every nation, tribe, culture, creed and tongue was now drawing everyone, from everywhere, north, south, east, and west into the Kingdom! Whatever nation or ‘kingdom’ we had come out from, it no longer mattered - because they were no more. Our Kingdom was of Heaven and our identity, of Christ and Him crucified. This was the source of our unity…this is how we were becoming one!

We were like a beautifully honed Chrystal: pure, spotless and with facets that radiated so many heavenly colors that I was almost blinded - and yet I could see!

What a glorious counter action to the Tower of Babel - GLORIOUS!

From out of the shadows…

In the face of what was now a pure and penetrating Light coming from the Saints of God, I became aware of things in the darkness - specifically in the nations of Africa; also Indonesia, Russia, the 10/40 window*** and parts of South and Central America: Principalities that had previously and for centuries, kept themselves hidden in deep darkness, were now suddenly being revealed - as if being drawn out into the open. Principalities that were kept hidden from me…that I was not allowed to see - no doubt because I would not have been able to handle it, were now being - as if summoned - into the Light. At the same time, mighty beings from Heaven…an indescribable angelic host, which I believe had been kept for exactly this hour in time, had suddenly surrounded the Saints of God as they faced these mighty hordes of hell.

The Saints themselves - every nation, tribe and tongue in unity - were now rushing straight towards the enemy…they were rejoicing (almost it seemed, laughing)  in the face of death; they faced death with such ferocious joy - I had never seen anything like this before - it was unnatural to humanity!

 “To live is Christ - to die is GAIN!” This was now the heart…the life… of the multifaceted, multicultural, fully functioning, fully united Body of Christ. And John 12:24 was still recycling itself…over and over and over…

Oh death where is your sting?

And that is when I finally saw these huge principalities that had bound the people in Africa, South America and throughout the 10/40 window, come crashing down! Now is the Salvation of our Lord!

“Set your sights on things of Heaven!” - and I know at this point, that these martyrs saw nothing else! Heaven had become more real to them than the futile things of Earth.

He was increasing, and we were decreasing. The Body of Christ was now finally and fully united - in life and in death.

Looking again from above: I could not define the 10/40 window nor Europe: The glory was so great that I couldn’t see where the land ended and the ocean began…

“I know where you live - where Satan has his very throne.” (Revelation 2:13)

Oh Grave where is your victory?

Christians were now multiplying everywhere; the numbers of martyrs were also exponentially multiplying: In this time of tribulation, these two things (salvation and martyrdom) will go hand in hand; and again I saw Revelation 6:9-11 and Matthew 24:14, as two parallel timelines…which were now  beginning to merge: I knew it was near! 

I saw again the 10/40 window: again the sword (that I thought was Islamic, but I knew represented many different totalitarian regimes including Hinduism, communism and humanism). It was swinging: 10 Christians would be martyred - 30 would rise up in their place…50 would be martyred - 100 would rise up (see John 12:14)

Then I would hear a clatter, as that executioner’s sword fell to the ground; the one wielding it, unable to withstand the testimony of those he was about to martyr. I saw this happen several times; the persecutors and executors of Christians, being brought to their knees through the Mercy of the Lord, because of the faithful testimony of his Saints.

Again I saw the Salvation of the Saints…and the martyrdom of the Saints: I hate to use a term from horse racing, but I don’t know how else to put this: They were now running “neck and neck” (martyrs were equal to salvations) And again I saw people from Russia, Indonesia, the 10/40 Window…they were saved, set free…and immediately began charging like an army - towards Death - facing it…laughing at it - with a supernatural, not of this world, joy…I was crying out to the Lord: “It’s the people of the fifth seal! They’re fulfilling Revelation 6 Lord!  - They’re fulfilling it!” I saw again (from a previous vision) the Indian Ocean; radical Islamic terrorists from North Africa, who appeared, as if drowning in something that looked like and had the consistency of crude oil. As they reached up their hands in a desperate plea for mercy, the Saints (I believe mostly African) would courageously reach down and haul them out. I saw how drastically shortened these people’s lives were cut, after converting to Christ:

~~~And I couldn’t help thinking about Robert Hunt - how in obedience to the Lord, he came to the continent of North America, dedicated the Land, faithfully preached the Gospel, then like a seed falling to the ground, after only 2 years, laid down his life. It had become the same for the Saints in this hour - because ALL without exception now realized that it wasn’t this life that mattered: It was the one to come!

I truly can’t describe what I was feeling at this moment…and as each one fell like a seed, multitudes more rose up in their place. 

Isaac and Ishmael 

As I said before, the Church were becoming one - in life and in death…and it was through this unity in the Fire, that I saw Isaac and Ishmael beginning to come together in reconciliation. I saw the Middle East; and an exited, ecstatic Muslim convert, taking ahold of the arm of a somewhat confused Jew: “This way my brother.”, I heard him say. “This is the Way.” And he rushed him towards the “Way” - the Cross! I knew it would likely cost both of them their lives…yet this was now a pattern repeating itself all across the nations of the world - with rejoicing - such REJOICING!

And again I heard the song by Darlene Zschech

“Victor’s Crown” circulating over the airwaves.

And speaking of the Jews…

Ezekiel 37

10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.

11 Then he said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off.’ 

12 Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will bring you into the land of Israel. 

13 And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. 

14 And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will do it, declares the LORD.”

Revelation ch.7:1-8 & Romans ch.11:26?

I did not at this point see the 144,000 Jews, which I believe is symbolic of the whole nation of Israel; the TRUE nation of Israel:  - I only saw a remnant being saved. Because  Paul says in Romans ch.11:

 “blindness in part has happened to Israel until the full number of gentiles has come in”: I believe that this was the unraveling - or the winding down - that I had been seeing in the nations: And to what end? See Revelation ch.7:9-17

~~~Concerning the 144,00 of Revelation ch.9 - the True nation of Israel; I believe I saw a perfect remnant who have been scattered, sifted and refined by the Lord; whom God has deliberately blinded - 

but that does not mean he is blind to them and he does not hear the prayers.

The Image of the Beast 

I do not know who or what this image of the beast was: whether some form of highly advanced A.I. or something similar. What I do know is that it was pure “MAN” to its very core - a total and complete product of humanity’s desire to “be like God” which began in the garden of Eden - and first took form and shape, in Genesis ch.11.

But the Lord has also placed ETERNITY in the hearts of men; not everyone is going to follow the Beast and take his mark (I saw people resisting) - and here at this point in time - in the very vortex of this hellish 666 nightmare - when faced with their own mortality…their own finality - more and more people were at last beginning to desperately cry out to One who was infinitely greater than themselves - the LORD God.

To me, this was now looking like the days of Noah, where an appeal was made to the people to repent, even as he built the Ark (see 1Peter 3:20); or the days of Moses & Joshua, where for forty years the Lord displayed his glory to the unbelieving people of the world - that when the day of reckoning came, they might repent (read Joshua 2:8-18).

As the Lord saved Noah…as he saved Rahab and her family; he was also saving many at this time; plucking them like burning branches from the fire, as even at the last second, they would cry out to God.

Moving Towards the End…

I looked back one final time at the beloved United States of America: I could now see nothing but the cloud of John 12:24 glory and the faint  remains of something like a crater. (Remember the glory cloud was martyrs as well as salvation) For here is the greatness of a nation. Not that it builds for itself high and fortified walls, and great monuments of achievement within those walls: America you were great - because you were now everywhere…The Lord had made you great because he had spread you EVERYWHERE!

I could still see the face of the nation…a nation that was now laying down its life for the peoples of nations who had previously been its enemies - I saw the people of China, Russia, Iran…(Matthew 5:46)

Again I saw over America: “Revelation 12:11!” - and if nations could talk, this is what the United States of America was saying. It was reverberating around the globe…the whole world could see it - hear it: America is transformed…America is revived!! 

Again: I asked the Lord: “What is the grace you have placed upon the American missionaries at this time?”

“To stay alive” he replied; “Until the work has been accomplished…” Matthew 24:14. The greatness of America is for the glory of the Lord! 

Psalm 33

13  The LORD looks down from heaven;

he sees all the children of man;

14  from where he sits enthroned he looks out

on all the inhabitants of the earth,

15  he who fashions the hearts of them all

and observes all their deeds.

16  The king is not saved by his great army;

a warrior is not delivered by his great strength.

17  The war horse is a false hope for salvation,

and by its great might it cannot rescue.

18  Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him,

on those who hope in his steadfast love,

19  that he may deliver their soul from death

and keep them alive in famine.

20  Our soul waits for the LORD;

he is our help and our shield.

21  For our heart is glad in him,

because we trust in his holy name.

22  Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us,

even as we hope in you. (Italics mine)

Catching Away…

1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thess.4, Revelation 7:9-17

When? You may be asking: 

What I believe, based upon what I have seen is that it will not be a “pre-tribulation” rapture - just because of the deep darkness and atrocities that had been taking place around us at the time of the catching away. Again this is my opinion - based on what I have studied…but also on what I have seen: which is through a glass darkly, extra-biblical and up for interpretation.

What I will never forget is the transformation: A joy…a peace; an utter bliss and jubilation that seemed to suddenly unveil their faces as they were going up: People coming out from every religion and culture…from every tribe, tongue and nation…every island of the sea…and a door, which once was so narrow, was now flung wide open - as if the whole of Heaven had been opened up; to receive multitudes of peoples from every corner of the earth, swirling upward together; and they were pulling people from the fire, even as they were going up: Hands would reach up in a desperate appeal for mercy, and the Saints, in the power of the Lord would snatch these from the fire - even at the very last second this was happening, with such a unity - a finality - a totality - that is beyond words (Luke 23:40-43; John 17:20-21; Revelation 7:9-17 & 21:6-7)

Psalm 87 

On the holy mount stands the city he founded;

2  the LORD loves the gates of Zion

more than all the dwelling places of Jacob.

3  Glorious things of you are spoken,

O city of God.


4  Among those who know me I mention Rahab (Egypt) and Babylon;

behold, Philistia and Tyre, with Cush (Ethiopia) 

“This one was born there,” they say.

5  And of Zion it shall be said,

“This one and that one were born in her”;

for the Most High himself will establish her.

6  The LORD records as he registers the peoples,

“This one was born there.”


7  Singers and dancers alike say,

“All my springs are in you.”

(See also: Zephaniah ch.3)

But for we the Believers, until that time

“And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. 

And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. 

Your clothing did not wear out on you and your foot did not swell these forty years. 

Know then in your heart that, as a man disciplines his son, the Lord your God disciplines you.” Deuteronomy 8:2-5


In Conclusion:

We want to be like the Church in the Book of Acts…and so we shall - in more ways than we realize;

Because, at the end, I saw only two sides: Light & darkness; 

I saw only two kingdoms: Christ & anti-christ.

So this day choose whom you will serve. 

Because as surely as there is a true unity, there is also a counterfeit; as surely as there is a true Awakening, there will also be a counterfeit one: 

To the best of my ability, according to the Grace God has given me, in these three volumes, I have described both. 

Let the reader choose. This is written to give hope and encouragement, so that no matter what is happening in our nations, in the here and now, you the reader will not lose hope, but will continue to rejoice in tribulation and be patient under persecution, knowing that the One who has called you is faithful and True!

Revelation 22:

12 “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done. 

13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.



***the 10/40 window

~ the areas where Christians are the most heavily persecuted: including Northern Africa, the Middle East, Russia, China, India, Malaysia 

“Victor’s Crown” by Darlene Zschech, Israel Houghton & Kari Jobe


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