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The Mountain of Media Part I

The Mountain of Media

“It is what it is…”

I found myself thinking this while I was sitting in a bookstore in the month of June, staring at a display of merchandise; the six colored rainbow, painted over bags, cups, shirts, phone cases - and a book called Stonewall.

I was feeling somewhat discouraged and alone:

“I should be feeling something more than this!” I thought. 

“I’m looking at a clear case of good being branded as evil, and evil being trophied as good - And all I can say is “It is what it is”? What’s wrong with me?”

Why was it that all I could think about was the monstrous pyramid that I had seen being built in the House of God?

Because I believe that nothing will truly change in this Land until that pyramid is dealt with.

There will be pockets of victory: through Supreme Court decisions gone right; 

through sensible and godly State Governors, Senators, etc;

through the consistent lobbying of stalwart advocates of Christian rights and values.

We must never cease to pray - for our children - and their children!

I thank God for those who fight…parents, teachers, politicians, servicemen and women - who stand up in court…who stand before the people…who serve the Lord so bravely and boldly: It was such as these, whom I saw fighting valiantly behind the redoubt in Link #1 (The Beautiful Remnant of America).

But we will never experience true Reformation as a Nation, as long as we continue to fight - to exist - upon secular humanistic foundations. (See Link #2 for more on America’s true foundation)

A Sound 

I had found myself back at the base of a tower that I had gotten to know very well: The tower of the Office of the Prophet. Outside I met up with the same group of adoring fans I had seen before. They were singing and dancing up a storm. 

“What’s happening?”, I asked.

“We’re part of the New Sound!” 

“New Sound?” I queried further.

“Yes. ‘Holy Spirit’ is bringing forth a new sound on the earth, which will open portholes, unlock mysteries and usher in the Kingdom…” 

“Wait - Unlock mysteries?  What mysteries? What do you mean?” (Again this was reminding me of Mysticism and Gnosticism…Once again a huge red flag had gone up in my spirit.)

“These are things that have been kept hidden from ages past…deep things…until now. We are the chosen generation…born for such a time as this…to unlock these mysteries.” 

“With your new sound?”

“Yes. We will heal the sick, raise the dead, and be translated into the third heaven - many of us have already been!” 

“You’ve been to the third heaven?”

“Yes, many times.”, one man told me. “You simply close your eyes and surrender yourself to the Spirit…and He takes you! You can read all about it in my book…”

“Is that what they teach you in this tower?”, I interjected. (I wasn’t interested in his book - or in any part of the massive array of “Christian merchandise” that I had suddenly seen in the beautiful lobby of this tower. {See Matthew 21:21-13}) 

Is that what the prophets are saying?”, I politely asked again.

“Yes”, they responded.

I knew where this was coming from: I could hear the voices of the apostles, prophets and pastors (so called) from high above, as they twisted scriptures like Deuteronomy 28:12-14; Jeremiah 1:5 and Esther 4:14. 

{It’s not that I don’t believe that the Lord can work miracles; through sound, music; through anyone He wants, via any medium He chooses. As a singer I have seen for myself the Lord do this. But I am against what I was seeing: These things being trophied on mass, to the Body of Christ, at the expense of sound doctrine.}

A Sound from a “Mountain”

I had been aware throughout this entire series of events that I could also in the background, hear another “sound”…continuous - and much more widespread than anything I had heard before: The following is an honest and candid account of what I saw and heard coming out from this mountain:

It was as if the entire cosmos was suddenly filled with screens - millions of screens, with thousands of faces; 

and with noise: ๐Ÿ‘‡

“God said to me…God said to me…God said to me…God showed me…God said to me…God told me…God said to me…God showed me…God said to me…GOD TOLD ME…God said to me…God showed me…God said to me…God said to me…”

And then:

“I said Lord…I said to the Lord…I saw…I said…I said…I saw…I saw…I said to Jesus…I said…I said to Jesus…I saw…I said to the Lord…I saw…I saw…I said..I said Lord…I said…I…I…I…”

By now I was becoming overwhelmed with what I thought to be a blatant arrogance…a pumped up narcissism…a blindness - to everything except “self”. It was making me feel sick…

These people were claiming alleged “conversations with God”  - but they showed such flippancy…such familiarity…such downright disrespect - towards The LORD - the Almighty God…

I couldn’t help but ask: What kind of ‘god’ are they conversing with?

They would say things like: “God asked me to go over there - and say this…to this person”  - “and so I said to him “Are you kidding me Lord?”

…And their star struck audience would laugh - just laugh - treating the speaker’s apparent reluctance to obey as a joke;

and then they would marvel as to the enormity of the task to which he had been assigned - and at his special relationship with God, to be able to converse with the Almighty on such familiar terms…

(Whatever we say to the Lord in the secret place…whatever kind of relationship we have with Him in private…is meant to remain that way: PRIVATE! However, when we stand on a stage and publicly represent the Lord Jesus, our attitude - our behavior should be entirely different! We’re not entertainers: We’re not there to make ourselves look good - and to use Jesus to do so!)

I couldn’t tell whether I was in the middle of a nightmare, a sci-fi movie…or both: I put my hands over my ears…

These screens - this blasphemous sound - was going all over the world: I saw Muslims and Satanists alike: they were laughing; 

I saw atheists looking on, in awe and disbelief! 


Because these self proclaimed “pillars of the Church” were strong on entertainment and charisma - but weak on the fear of their God, and holiness unto Him: They did not practice what they preached…they did not in any way, remotely resemble the Jesus Christ of the Bible that they claimed to follow. And these Muslims…and atheists…and Occultists…and New Agers…and agnostics, knew enough about the Bible to realize this! 

“If Christians can treat their God so flippantly, then  I don’t think much of their God”, I heard a Muslim leader say.

“Hypocrites”, I heard from a mocking group of college students in Europe. Through a huge electronic screen, I could see them watching a “minister of the Gospel”, who was worth a cool $$$million, preaching on the importance of tithes and offerings and, as usual blatantly butchering Malachi ch.3.***

“Fools”, I then heard them say. 

(Shockingly, I knew that some of them had actually studied the Book of Malachi - in its context: These secular students were NOT without understanding!)

I don’t mean to sound so brutal here, but I promised you a candid account of what I saw and heard. Whether we want to hear it or not, a terrible reproach is being brought on the Name of the Lord, through, what is known as The Mountain of Media.

I knew that it was becoming harder and harder to preach the true Gospel, not only in North America, but throughout Europe and in large parts of Asia and North Africa, because of this “sound”.

Persecution, and the down turn of Christianity was now coming thick and fast in many provinces and nations…because of the filth coming out from this mountain!

I was devastated…and that is all I can say.

Again I contested:

Who has given you the authority to make such claims…to take such a platform in the Church?

Again they retorted back:

We have been to the third heaven!”

We have seen the face of God!” 

We are the ones who have heard his voice!”

And then, from their mouths came a scripture that has been more misused and quoted out of context by these people than any other in the Bible: 

From Jehoshaphat’s exhortation to his people in 2Chronicles 20:20

“…Believe in the LORD your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed.”

Again I said: “Are you now bringing the Lord into this? Do you have the audacity to believe that you are actually doing this for Him…because He has sent you…in His Name…? And to declare this to all of these?” I gestured down to the mass of worker bees under their spell; and then I looked out to the screens - to the peoples of the world: I again was weeping.

They continued:

“We can all ascend to heaven to speak directly with God: God has architected a plan and purpose for each of you! And it’s the time…it’s the season…it’s about to happen. There is something that you’re about to step into!!!”

Do we all need to ascend to Heaven? Is Jesus Christ - God in human flesh - descending to Earth, not good enough for us? {See 2Corinthians 12:1-5; John 20:29 & Link #3}

Over and over again - year after year this was going on: 

Where once these prophets had spoken accurately over individuals, or local churches, they were now speaking the same thing over the masses worldwide. But in doing so, they had stepped outside of their running lanes and His will. I was devastated - because I knew that, like a carrot on a stick, these prophets - these apostles - these ministries - were forever promising but never producing. And the world could hear it - and see it!


For a season the Lord may use us to prophecy - but we must be faithful and humble enough to obey when the Lord tells us to stop - to wait - to prepare for a change of season - or even that the season is drawing to a close. This is where many of these international prophets were failing.

Now I was no longer in the city, but at the base of a great mountain - one of seven: 

Here stood - 

The Mountain of Media.

Of all the seven mountains of this doctrine of dominionism, the Mountain of Media was by far the most chaotic: 

People were frantically scrambling over one another - crushing each other (in the name of Jesus) to get to the top…and even onto the first level! And because this was the Mountain of Media - which had been built to such great and lofty heights - the entire world was able to watch this ruthless contest of power, greed and pride (in the name of Jesus)…and they did!

Again, there are no words to describe how I felt.

It is from this mountain of media - from these millions of screens, with their sights and their sounds - that I will describe this next section: 

I saw that people were using whatever means possible to gain a foothold on the media mountain - singing, music and artwork, all kinds of skills, talents and theatrics.

Among these were a people who to me, looked like clever magicians: They would take a single scripture, twist and manipulate it in their hands and then throw it out across the nations, through this mountain of media. It seemed to fall upon the masses of the world like gold dust! And they marveled. 

These people carried the title “pastor” but they behaved and spoke:

Some like game show hosts entertaining their audience; 

Some like movie stars receiving their accolades;

They were lapping up the attention…basking in it.

This was being done, not only by “pastors”

but by those claiming to be apostles and prophets.

And again; the world was looking on: some marveling; others mocking. I felt as though some of those on the screens had taken leave of their senses - and I feared for them! 

Word Salad

In one of the many prophetic conferences that were taking place all over this mountain, I found myself listening to one of these aspiring prophets…and scratching my head…

”What is he talking about?” I found myself asking. I saw he had no Bible - but would quote a tiny piece of a scripture, from an electronic device upon a lectern and then proceed to turn, what should have taken no longer than a minute to explain, into a mystical word salad of conundrums and riddles that took half an hour! Turning normal common sense biblical messages into sensual romance and mysticism which seemed to hold the masses mesmerized. I too listened in awe: 

Come on guys - this is really deep!” I heard him say. 

And it really did sound deep…intellectual…a great use of the English language…an imaginative array of words, phraises and epigrams, inspiring every gamete of emotion, that any poet would be proud of…

After all, why use a word with one syllable, when you can use one with four???

The problem was that there was no clear biblical message here - no mention of Jesus Christ at all. I saw that, what should have been the bread and pure milk of the Word of God, was in reality just smoke.


He would use plays on words, find nuance’s behind every word, riddles that seemed to go nowhere - and rabbit trails that ran literally everywhere - except to the Word of God.

I heard the classic “turn to your neighbor and say this…” and “everyone repeat this…” mind trick, commonly used by preachers who belong to this movement. {Besides making the Church look immature and foolish, this is a well tested form of mind manipulation, which basically switches off a person’s critical thinking!}

In fact every clever word trick that could possibly be used, was being used here: And the people were mesmerized at this deep wisdom and revelation. This is why whenever I saw those at the top of these high places , I called them “ascended masters”.

“Holy Spirit”

Like every other voice on this mountain, I heard the prophet talk about the Holy Spirit - as if he were some deep cosmic mystical entity, who gives us new and unfathomable revelation from seemingly everywhere and every source except the Word of God;

and rather than leading us through His Word, into a loving relationship with the Lord, that is pure and holy, this “spirit” seemed to be leading the people into something more like a sensual and intoxicating romance. 

It was as I was thinking the above, that I noted - with the exception of the youth and younger generation - how much higher the ratio of women was among these masses, in comparison to men (4 or 5 to 1); I also noted (as I was able to see) how many of these women were there without their husbands (whom I surmised, likely found this kind of “intoxicating love affair with God” harder to process). I noted this; and I must write it: I strongly believe that many godly marriages are suffering because of what I was witnessing here. The Holy Spirit will never operate outside of His Word, and what I was hearing…what I was witnessing, went so far outside the boundaries of anything I have ever read in Scripture!

(Some scripture on the Holy Spirit: John ch.14:15-18; ch. 15:26-27; ch. 16:7-15)

This ratio was however, not so much the case among the younger generations, where the numbers of male to female seemed to be the same; and here I noted something else, of which I must also write: the feminization and hyper-sensitivity of the young men in this movement..!

Going back to the prophet on the mountain: I am not an uneducated person by any means, but I struggled to understand much of what he said - and I knew for certain that the majority of the masses who were listening were also struggling! 

But it sounded really good! 

And so they cheered, applauded and listened in awe at these new and DEEPER truths coming from the mouth of this aspiring prophet. Just as in the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, no one wanted to appear foolish by actually admitting: “I don’t get it!” - “I don’t see it!”

I too listened in awe at this New Age, mystical word salad of nonsense! - And I realized that I had completely forgotten the original fragment of scripture that the prophet has started out with…I had in fact, forgotten about the Bible entirely! And here is the danger. 

I saw that this aspiring prophet was just one of many who were working their way steadily up the media mountain, to its pinnacle.

From The Pinnacle…

A Prophet to the Nations - 

For a season the Lord may use us to prophesy - but we must be faithful and humble enough to obey when the Lord tells us to stop - to wait - to prepare for a change of season - or that the season has come to an end. This is where many of these international prophets were failing. (See previous section)

Many of these at the top of the Mountain had once served God: They had prophesied again and again, truly and accurately in His Name. As a result, they had ascended rapidly up the Mountain of Media: Now at the top, with literally thousands upon thousands of awestruck fans waiting on them for the next “word from God”, the result was tragically inevitable: Rather than living to serve the Lord, these prophets were now living to please the people. 

Read Isaiah 30 (9-15)

“It is God’s will to bless you - to prosper you…” came from the mouth of a prophet who I could see was right at the top of this mountain. 

He had a huge global following…he was in fact, treated as a god!

And I heard another Sound:

It was a new sound - at least, it was new to me. It was coming from the masses who were following this prophet…And it sounded almost like babel

I managed to find my way in among some of them: “What is this that you’re saying?”, I had to shout, to be heard above the noise. 

We’re prophesying!”, came the reply. “We’re speaking our destiny into being…ours - and our nation’s”.

“The destiny of the nation?” This was something I was very familiar with: I quickly reverted back to everything I had written about the Rev. Robert Hunt; who, before the birth of a nation - at it’s conception…made a declaration of dependence, upon the thrice holy God in whose Name he had come:

To preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, in this newfound Land, and throughout the Earth.

But as I listened to this crescendo of  “prophetic declarations” what I heard was not that.

“Everyone prophesy!!!”, I heard this prophet cry out: “Prophesy over America!”

It sounded to me like Babel: And the reason I say that, was because I heard no true humility. What I did hear was a form of humanism akin to that of Genesis ch. 11: Declarations of prosperity, power and dominion - in the Name of Jesus. (To read more on this subject see Link #2)

I heard again this prophet: “You have the power to speak the destiny of this nation into being…prophesy over your future…!”

There was a cheer of great excitement and anticipation.

For the record: I am not against this, on a general level. I have done it myself, in my personal walk with the Lord. But I always tried to do it in a spirit of submission and the fear of the Lord. 


Exactly because He is The Lord - the Sovereign of my life. He will have the final word over my destiny!

I knew that somehow 1Corinthians 14:5 was being twisted here, to give people not only a false view of the gift of prophecy, but also convince people who weren’t prophets, that they actually were.

You can only prophesy by the supernatural power and the sovereign will of the Holy Spirit.”, came the quiet voice of another watchman: It was at this point that I realized I was not ‘watching’ alone. With me stood the watchmen and women I had seen from before (See: The Watchmen, the City & the Towers Part I

The voice I just heard had come from a woman - middle aged, from I believe, the nation of India.

She continued:

You cannot just speak/decree whatever you want, and call it prophecyIt is a gift… a call of service; and cannot be done except by the Sovereign will and power of the Holy Spirit.  It must be done in the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of all wisdom”

Then I heard the prophet from the pinnacle again:

I need all the prophets in the house to shout!”

Almost everyone among the thousands of spectators shouted in acknowledgment. I found myself questioning: They can’t all be prophets can they…?  And why should they feel like they need to be? We are the Body of Christ: Deliberately versatile; formidable because of our wide range of gifts and callings - just as a body functions through not only a few of the same, but many different parts. (To read more on this see Link #4)

Why are they doing this? Why this obsession to popularize - to sensationalize - this one gift of prophecy? I was thinking these things aloud, and the Lord answered:

My prophets have been hailed as “anointed ones” - they who “touch heaven” on behalf of the masses who can’t.

This is blasphemy - and an affront to the Sacrifice of My Son, who paved the Way so ALL could come.

People are coveting the gift, and in doing so, they are idolizing the ones whom I have gifted.

If the people can be deceived into thinking they are all prophesying, then they will continue to follow (idolize) the ones who are deceiving them.

Now I know why so many people follow the prophets - and why almost as many aspire to become one! To reach the top of this mountain of media as an elect “voice of God”, is to become as a god!

I will take my stand at my watchpost

    and station myself on the tower,

and look out to see what he will say to me,

Habakkuk 2:1

Surely as prophets we say ONLY what the Lord tells us to say…and once it has been said, we must be silent. Unfortunately, this is NOT what was happening here, on the pinnacle: 

“Speak unto us smooth things (see Isaiah 30:9-10) …and once you have spoken them, speak unto us some more!” 

And this is exactly what these prophets were doing. Not content with speaking what the Holy Spirit commanded, and then being silent and retreating from the public eye, these prophets remained in the spotlight, and took it upon themselves to fill these gaps of silence - with riddles, with smoke…and with teaching that was so offensively bad and false, that I had to block my ears in anger. I knew that not one Teacher of the five-fold ministry would be allowed to correct these prophets or call them out, as they had a biblical right to do. 


Because - and please excuse the satire - these people were far above the office of a mere Teacher; these people were in a league of their own: These people were the PROPHETS! 

The prophet on the pinnacle continued:

“The Lord is revealing to his prophets what is beyond the veil. The deep things of God…Deep is crying unto deep (another misconception of Psalm 42:7 - see Link #5)

“There is so much we haven’t seen…There is hidden knowledge yet to be untapped: The Lord is giving this generation the keys in this season!!! To go beyond the veil…”

But the veil has already been torn.” Another watchman close by me, spoke up with great passion and compassion. (A young man training as a Bible teacher, from somewhere in the upper midwestern United States). “Why are you behaving like it’s still there? - Why the great mystery? Why are you treating the Blood of Jesus Christ like it means nothing?

There is NOTHING hidden that the Holy Spirit has not - and will not reveal through His Word! - And through the foundation of the Cross! - To little children! - to the contrite and the humble! - to ALL who receive Him - not just to a select, exceptional fewYou are grievously distorting the people’s view of the Lord!”

The love and meekness of the watchmen (the prophets) who were with me (most of whom were from nations where Christianity was outlawed), was ministering to me: So fierce and fiery I was. But now, through these laid down servants of Christ, from other nations as well as the US, I was beginning to see things in a new Light.

God doesn’t choose prophets based on how exceptional either they or their gifts are; He doesn’t choose them based upon who their father was, nor their mother, nor their ancestral line; He does not look on circumstance or outward appearances.

He chooses them because it is His Sovereign Will. Some come more reluctantly than others: I had once told the Lord: “Get me there - even if you have to drag me kicking and screaming…” The Lord was - and still is - holding me to that! A daily crucifixion of the flesh is required here. Let every true prophet know and understand: There is no reward for us on this earth!

I saw this truly was a wrong and dangerous teaching. It is the fusing together of Christianity and secular western culture. But it was generating for those upon this mountain, great power, wealth and influence. 

It is now time for us to Separate ourselvesBecause I believe, before these mountains come down, Satan will use them in one final dangerous deception: Things will get worse before they get better.

As I was thinking on this, I was aware of a young woman standing next to me. Like everyone else, she was excitedly “speaking her destiny into being”.

“And what is your destiny?”, I asked: My curiosity was spiked. 

To prosper in every area of my life.” She said. “In my finances, in my ministry, in my health, in the fulfillment of my dreams. To reach my full potential. He will give me the desires of my heart”. 

As soon as she said this, she opened her hands to reveal, just as I had seen before, fragments of ripped out of context scripture. Among them I could clearly see the scripture she had just quoted: Psalm 37:4. I was filled with compassion for this young woman. I thought very carefully before I spoke.

“To delight ourselves in the Lord means we must first acknowledge that He truly IS the Lord.” I responded. “We must die to our own personal plans and desires, and surrender ourselves to His plans. The Lord will change our hearts - and their desires. And once this happens, who knows where He will take us. BUT it may not be what we had in mind at first! I was thinking of Jesus’s final words to Peter in John ch. 21:

18 Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.” 

19 (This he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, “Follow me.”

(See also Psalm 145:19 & Proverbs 9:10)

{We are working so hard in the Church, to create an atmosphere…to experience intimacy: But can we not see that, to know Him in His Sovereignty – and to trust Him as Sovereign (as we see over and over again in the Bible) is the highest form of intimacy: As a child submits to their Father…as a bride submits under her Bridegroom; This is what we know and understand, when we say Jesus is LORD over our lives”. 1Corinthians 12;3 }

Again, back on the mountain - amid the hype and anticipation, that had now like an electrical charge, become tangible, I heard: 

“The prophets are saying we have the power to go into our future - to see our future: to claim it…and bring it back…and walk in it NOW!” People were beside themselves with excitement.

Here is what the Lord gave me in response: 

“Yes it is encouraging to know the know that we have a future! 

But in order to fulfill the future the way He wants us to fulfill it, we must be present with the Lord in the Present: we must walk through this journey one step at a time, one day at a time, embracing each one - for each day is a day of Grace…of Hope…of Salvation from the Lord, for all who have received the Sacrifice of His Son (Read Psalm 118:15-27). If do not embrace each day he gives us…if we jump too far ahead, we will not be trained, matured, sanctified and equipped for where we find ourselves and what we find. 

For example: If we were to jump from A to Z in just one or two steps, how would we learn the rest of the alphabet? How would we learn to read? 

If we jumped from the first to the last chapter of a book, how would we have knowledge and understanding of the whole story; 

If we ran in a race but skipped most of the training, how would we ever run it to completion, much less win?” 

It is the same principle here. Some of these prophets were trying to drag the church into the future, without taking the time to accept and embrace the lessons and disciplines of the present. {Compare  Exodus 16:4-5; 18-20 & Matthew 6:34}

(See also 1Peter 1:6-7)

As to the words that the prophet spoke from before: “speak the destiny of this nation into being…”

This cannot be done without first establishing what is the Lord’s will for this nation.

And here, I was taken back once again to the prophet on the pinnacle. He was flying a great banner - a banner of patriotism. He was waving an American flag, in the Name of Jesus - and multitudes were rallying to it. 

“As Israel was founded by the Lord, so is America.”, he was saying. “As God has chosen Israel, He has also chosen this Nation!” I could now see that this prophet was waving two flags: one the flag of the US - and the other the nation of Israel…

I liked this at first: It was honoring to Israel; it seemed very upright and wholesome, at least on the surface.

But it isn’t the surface that matters: It is the foundation. (Link #2)

“He will bless America as He blessed Israel.”, the prophet continued. “He will give America the victory, just as He gave it to Israel!”

And in a sense this is true: There are similarities between Israel and America; God has made a Covenant with America. America was founded upon the Lord: BUT

Will God really bless this nation unconditionally? Will he give us the victory every time?

If He did not spare the rod when Israel sinned, how much less America?

All the victories Israel won by the Hand of the Lord, were to preserve the nation. 


Because from out of this nation Messiah would come 

Every piece of territory Israel took was forging a path - a way through the desert - to the Place where an Altar of Sacrifice would be built - the Place sanctified by the Lord - where His only begotten Son would give Himself as the ultimate offering for sin.

That is what the Old Testament in its entirety points towards - it’s not about us - it’s about HIM

It’s that simple - so much so, that a child can understand it - And that is the goodness of our God!

(Matthew 11:25-26)

Compare this to the United States of America:

As Israel’s purpose was to build the Altar and make the Sacrifice that would lead to Salvation,

America’s purpose was - and is - to spread the message of that Salvation around the world, with the great Freedom the Lord has given us.

You see, this was never just about America, a great nationThis was always and only about a Remnant of that nation, who would obey the Lord - beginning with a small and faithful group of pilgrims, who 400 years ago, planted a seed to lay a foundation for God’s eternal plan. They planted this seed and shortly after they planted it, they died (See John 12:24-25). The Rev. Robert Hunt himself lived a mere 2 years after dedicating this Land to the Lord. This pattern is very similar for all the early pilgrims: They stepped out in faith, but did not live to see the REAL fruit of it. See Hebrews ch.11

In just the same way as the nation of Israel’s purpose was, not so much the nation, as it was the Altar - the Cross, God will raise up another nation (the United States of America), bless it,  fortify it - make it powerful - not for the sake of the nation - but for the sake of the Remnant, who will go out and fulfill the original mandate

As the early pilgrims settled, they built walls - formed a redoubt - a place of safety and refreshing, where people could come in and find pasture.

But, having been fed and nurtured, they would then go out, to shepherd and feed others…

We were never supposed to be insulated and stagnant, behind our high fortifications - but we have become so; and in these beginnings of birth pangs, the Lord is sounding a trumpet over the sleeping church - for those with ears to hear: that we would awaken from our slumber, trim our lamps and don our bridle clothes.

In other words: Be about our Father’s business in obedience to Him. Be mindful of things of Heaven, not Earth.

There are certain factions of the evangelical church that need to understand something: This Land is not the Kingdom of Heaven - this is a place where, through our Liberty, we teach and preach the Kingdom of Heaven. A place where we turn people’s attention, not to the treasure of this world, but to that of Heaven (Matthew ch.6)

It is not our mandate to bring our worldly carnal ideal of Heaven, down to Earth. Jesus will not return to this pyramid we have built; He will not return to those who are at the pinnacle of it: to a people drunk with the fruit of a worldly vine, dreaming of a utopia where America rules the world; where the Church rules America; and where they (these apostles and prophets, from right at the pinnacle of the pyramid) rule the Church. This is a foul and ungodly doctrine! 

See Revelation 18:1-3

It is now time to let it all go; to not hold on to the substance of this world anymore; but to fully embrace, with all that we are - the true Kingdom of Heaven; to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him.

As horrific as 9/11 was, it should have been a wake up call for us…a reminder that nothing - no nation - is invulnerable in this fallen world, and unless the Lord builds the house, he who labors does so in vain.

Psalm 127:1

So is the case with all those who have labored to build these seven mountains of dominion. This is not the will of the Lord: These mountains will fall.

The Lord will judge every high thing that has exalted itself against the knowledge of His Word: And I saw, the higher they had climbed on these mountains, the further and harder these men and women fell.

I thought back again to the millions of screens: What happened in the pandemic of 2020 only made things worse, encouraging more and more pastors to take to the screens, whereby widening their audience. It is the screens that need to go - and the next time, they will.

And yet…

2Chronicles 7:14

Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. (Psalm 127:1 cont)

A. hW.


***Malachi 3:6-12 - This is a specific word, given to a specific people, at a specific point in time: Under no circumstances should this scripture be used as a means to manipulate money from the Body of Christ, deceiving them into the belief that they are under God’s curse if they do not give “enough”. This is an affront to the Cross of Christ (see Galatians 3:9) - This is wickedness!

Malachi ch.3 in its context: According to  Nehemiah 13:10, the people, on their return to Jerusalem from exile, had not been giving the prescribed Tithes and Offerings, as laid out in the Law of Moses, to the Levites for the upkeep of the Lord’s House. So the Levites were neither able to live in, or serve the Lord at the chosen Place in Jerusalem: This was a serious matter in Old Testament times: Because everything:

…whether it is the Tithe (both before the Law {Genesis 14:20} and under the Law {Numbers 18, Deut. 14}),   

…or the Offering, 

…or the Temple, 

…or the Levitical Priesthood, 

- Everything pointed in some way or fashion toward Christ and Him crucified. 

Now, under the New Covenant - on the Resurrection side of this Crucifixion - we find no precedent for tithing - at least, not just for the sake of tithing - ie: because the Law says so.

What we do find are scriptures such as: 2Corinthians 9:6-15 and Hebrews 13:6

Jesus fulfilled the entire Law - completely. But when we read, especially 2Corinthians 9, we realize that the principle of tithing: ie giving generously and with gratitude to the Lord, for the upkeep of His House and for the care of those who serve in it - still remains. Now it has become personal - between each individual and the Lord…so let each person give what they have decided in their heart…And this is how we the Body of Christ, should be taught to give.

See also Matthew ch. 6:19-21 & ch. 23:23-24

Link #1 The Beautiful Remnant of America

Link#2 The Watchman has No Name

Link #3 Deception

Link #4 Through Heaven’s Eyes

Link #5 Exiled

Link #6 Matthias & the role of a true Apostle


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