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The Great American Dream Machine Part II

1Samuel 8:1-22

“Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.” 

But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the Lord. 

And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them

“I speak through my prophets that I may be known - that my voice may be heard - that my people would turn to me…that they would return to My Word.”

(I knew there was no true, pure way of knowing the Lord EXCEPT through His Word - this is what every prophet - without exception - should be pointing people to.)

The Lord continued…

“But My people have turned instead to the prophet: 

They look first to my prophets, placing their words before My Word. 

My People are seeing Me through my prophets rather than through my Word - and hence, they now have a distorted view of Me.

They have made idols of my prophets;

so I will remove my prophetic voice out into the wilderness

I will speak through a people who are nameless and faceless: 

So that you My people, will not hear the voices of men, but will solely hear and recognize My Voice…so that you will no longer look to people, but will search after Me” says the Lord. 

From the Mountain far away…in the midst of the nameless faceless group of prophets and intercessors, I heard those words.

Then I was taken back to a previous vision - of over a  year ago entitled “The Great American Dream Machine”

See Link #1

[At first I thought I was seeing a “Dream”…it was bright and sparkly and full of promise…then as I waited on the Lord, I saw it was a smooth, powerful and precision machine.”] 

I was now seeing it again…

A beautiful, powerful machine - the pride of the whole world - where “…all the parts needed to be able to function PERFECTLY - only the best of the best for this machine…” (Except from Link #1)

I was seeing this same machine - but this time I was seeing it within the Church!

The Pyramids 

[The machinery inside was being damaged - crushed - burnt…and despite the appeals of many watchmen on the outside, the task-masters, who were seated high upon great pyramids, still would not stop this machine!] Excerpt Link #1


At first I hadn’t really paid much heed to the numbers of  these great high pyramids, but now, as I counted them, I realized that there were exactly seven.

God’s perfect number”, someone explained to me.

What are you building here?”I asked.

We’re ushering in the Kingdom - God’s perfect Kingdom - from Heaven to Earth”, was the response: 

Seven Great Mountains

This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; Read Revelation ch. 17

In the literal sense, the seven hills of Mystery Babylon likely refer to the seven hills upon which the City of Rome sits;

But as is the pattern in the Book of Revelation, there is also a spiritual dimension to this scripture:

There is a school of thought stating that the main powers or influences that dominate the entire global consciousness can be placed into seven categories. These are sited as:






Arts/Entertainment and 


It therefore follows that:

If one single collective community can gain control of these seven spheres, they can then control the entire world - which is undoubtedly the principal aim of the harlot women who sits on seven hills, whose name is Mystery Babylon.

What shocked me - what made me sick to my stomach - was when I realized that this school of thought had actually come from within the Church - and these exact same seven great mountains were now being raised up in the midst of the city that I had seen previously (symbolic of mainstream Christianity in America)

In a previous vision (See Links #2 & 3) where I have talked about this city with its great towers (offices) , there was one that I neglected: The Office of Apostle. I will cover this now.

Apostles…or “Ascended Masters” ?

I looked at the Great High pyramids, remembering again from The Great American Dream Machine, the task masters I had seen; seated upon the top of these pyramids - like the Pharaohs of old - as if directing the entire operation from above.

“We will take dominion; We will take it all back!” came the joyous exuberant chants from the Saints of God; whom I have also named worker bees, for the purpose of this prophecy - because worker bees is exactly how they seemed to function! 

“What are you taking back?”, I questioned one of them.

Our territory…our dominion in this world! The devil stole it. We must work to take it back! 

…We must possess EVERY mountain...We must OCCUPY every high place…we must prepare the Earth to receive the coming of Jesus

“This is not in the Bible. Who is mandating you to do this?” (I had been through this discussion before: I knew what was coming.)

A young woman pointed up towards the seven pyramids.

The ascended masters have been to the third heaven.”, she said. “They have been given access to hidden knowledge and strategies to take dominion. We must do what they tell us.”

{I don’t know whether she said “ascended masters” or whether that was what I heard: Because when I looked to these apostles at the top of the mountains, this is what I saw.}

As she was speaking , I heard from one of these ascended masters*** at the top of the pyramid: “God has given us the keys to the Kingdom - we have been empowered to unlock the spheres that influence society…”

I was beginning to feel a weak, almost sickly sensation because of the burden that was now being placed upon these worker bees by those “enlightened ones” at the top - the same burden which I was feeling…that I had felt years before, when I too had been caught up in this same deception.

But what of the Great Commission? Are we not commanded by the Lord to “Go and make disciples of all nations”? (Matthew 28:19)

Yes, but there is a vast difference between being salt and light within our “spheres of influence” as the Lord mandated us - and attempting to take dominion over them. 

Whereas it is true that in the Old Testament, Israel was commanded in certain instances, to occupy high places and process territory, there is no New Testament precedent for taking dominion; nor for taking territory (this is more akin to Islam than Christianity): Indeed, whenever the early Church tried to set up any type of earthly kingdom, the Lord was quick to scatter them. Why? Because our Kingdom is not of this world…this world is under judgment…and the substance of it accursed! So in Acts ch. 8, the Lord scattered the early Church to the four winds, so that the Gospel might be preached - that as many as possible would be rescued from this world and translated into the Kingdom.

[At this point I saw that there were long lines of young people from about 18 to as young as 3, who were being smartened up…as if conditioned, to become part of the workings of the machine.] Link #1

Again I was seeing the same thing here: people were being conditioned to become a part of this great moving machine - which everyone was calling a “new move of God”

[ I realized that as strong as this machine looked, in order for it to run PERFECTLY, all the parts needed to be able to function PERFECTLY - only the best of the best for this machine…and many were not! ] Link #1

Chosen Ones

People would ascend these mountains based mostly upon their backgrounds, giftings, skills and talents. All who “checked the right boxes” were inaugurated into something that looked almost like the Baseball Hall of Fame (“This is crazy”, I remember thinking) I saw that they were each given the title of  apostle (or sometimes prophet) on their forehead. They would then be summoned to the pyramids, while those at the top conducted something that looked like a commissioning of generals in an army. Those commissioned  were given beautiful swinging medals, and garlands were hung about them. But somehow I knew it was all a smoke screen: It seemed that all of this elaborate show was designed to demonstrate the supreme authority of  these “apostles” - while at the same time making them appear so humble: But the more I watched, the sicker I was becoming in my stomach, because of the pride.

{Link #4 is something I wrote concerning what a Biblical Apostle is actually supposed to look like and what their role was/is within the Church.}

“This is a new move of God!”, I kept hearing. “God is doing a new thing!”

However, I saw that this “new move of God” wasn’t new at all. This great dream machine had fallen apart and been rebuilt and repackaged under different names many times, through many generations - with each new generation being told the SAME thing: That their generation were the chosen ones. 

Do we not understand that through the Cross of Jesus Christ, we are all chosen? (1Peter2:9); And we are all commissioned - Not because of who we are, but because of who HE is!

[I saw the workings of the machine suddenly begin to collapse…cogs and other intricate parts began to fall on each other. (I heard the words “Devoid of Faith” and “Crushed in spirit“) But those in power did not stop the machine, but kept it running, acting as if nothing was going wrong.] Link #1

I saw this machine throughout the centuries: I saw that every time the machine had crashed, there had been casualties, as humanity had tried again and again to build their own kingdom…to fashion their own god…in Jesus’s Name!

Smoke Screens and Distractions 

I saw the smoke screen that was being created by this “machine”. Not only was it blinding its worker bees from the Truth of the Gospel, but it was also distracting them from preaching it.

Among other distractions, were the many great commissions being given through the “apostles” - many medals being received by those below, amid great pomp and ceremony and glamour.  I noted however, that very few of these commissioned, in reality actually ever made it to the top of the mountains that they had been assigned to.

But it didn’t seem to matter…

I knew that this elaborate charade was all part of the Wizard of Oz  “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” smoke screen, that was empowering the “super apostles” at the top and enslaving everyone else below - I was weeping as I realized this…

Friends, there isn’t much room for fellowship - or Communion - at the top of a pyramid!

But let the reader think on this: If the Church truly is the pyramid structure that these people seem bent on building, where would Jesus Christ be?

“…but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,

built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone,  (Ephesians 2:19-20)

The Corner stone is the First stone: All other stones are set in reference to this One.

Surely scriptures like this put everything into perspective.

We are one Body - Under One Head: The Lord Jesus Christ.

I kept hearing over and over again:

“Take the territory…”

“Take the mountain…”

“Take dominion!”

“For what purpose?” - I again demanded:

“That there will be a manifestation of the Body of Christ at the top of the system”, came the reply.

-But this makes no sense: Because what I was seeing…the conditioning of these hearts….was not to bring the Light of the Gospel into these dark places…not to risk being hated, slandered or persecuted - but to take total authority and dominion over them; not to be the least, but the greatest:

Again - when you’re dealing with a pyramid, there isn’t much room for the fellowship of the Holy Spirit at the top!

(See also Matthew 20:20-28)

And now as I watched, it was as if a cloaking device suddenly fell away, and these seven mountains of influence began to morph into one: One huge pyramid. (See Genesis 11:1-9): 

A great tower that reaches to the heavens: Where multitudes climb, where multitudes build - but only a very select few have been “chosen by God” - his “anointed apostles”- to reach the top

“So are you now bringing the Almighty God into this: Into your obsessive drive with making yourselves look great at the expense of everyone else..?

Creating a two tier pyramid..?

Playing God?

May the Lord have mercy on your souls…

You are building Babel all over again - and you’re doing it in the Name of Jesus! 

You have taken the American Dream - the pursuit of happiness - of the substance of this world - and brought it into the House of God, repackaged under a new name: A counterfeit commission called the Seven Mountain Mandate.”

What we are looking at here is the counterfeit mountain to Micah 4:1 - which will lead to a counterfeit unity - which will set us all up for a counterfeit/anti-christ kingdom.

Once again, I urge the reader to refer back to the Great American Dream Machine (Link #1). Pay particular heed to this machine’s final demise…and let the reader take a good, long look.

Closed Scriptures 

“Where’s your Bible?”, I suddenly asked.

After this altercation with the apostle, I found myself back once again with the worker bees on ground level.

“Oh it’s up there…”,  came a cheerful reply. A young woman gestured carelessly toward a lectern on a platform, with a huge book upon it - a book that was securely locked with chains all around it.

“That’s your Bible?” I was shocked.

“Of Course!”, came the still cheerful reply.

“Don’t you read it?” 

I had not meant in any way to sound rude at that point; but what I had just seen had shaken me violently.

“Of course we do.” The tone had become somewhat defensive. At this she opened up her hands (hands that I noticed were frail with malnutrition, and almost raw with labor) and within them, filled to overflowing, were fragments of scripture, pieces of torn out Bible passages. So full were her hands of these fragments that some fell out as she opened them. As I went to pick some of the fragments up, I saw a glimpse of what was written on them: Deuteronomy 28:13;  Jeremiah 29:11, Esther 4:14, Philippians 4:13. She seemed very excited over these fragments of scripture and thanked me gratefully. (My heart still breaks for her, and everyone she represents.) 

…And I remembered a previous vision (Link #2 & 3) from those “Offices of the Five-fold Ministry”:

[From their platforms, these elites were now tearing out chunks of the Bible and throwing them to the crowd, who would devour them like candy, and then in turn, would begin throwing them to each other, with great excitement and glee. (Some of these chunks were bigger than others; but most of them were very small - bite-sized. Having been torn out of their original context, these “scriptures” were then cleverly twisted with mysticism, compromise and human reasoning, and sugar-coated with liberal amounts of flattery and bribery: In this way you could guarantee that these same people would ALWAYS come back for more!) See Link #2]

My eyes were now glued on that lectern - upon the chained up Bible. 

Then an apostle from one of the pyramids picked up the great Bible - and began to turn the pages - just as if it wasn’t locked and chained at all!

There was a reverential silence among the mass of worker bees; some of them motioning for me to pay attention - which I obediently did.

The apostle began to turn the pages, which were loaded with brightly colored tabs and markings. “Impressive”, I thought.

After a few suspenseful minutes of watching him turning page after page backwards and forwards, he paused dramatically…leaned humbly upon his lectern…and began to talk…about himself!

I would see things like this happening over and over again within the city and around the pyramids: Besides the story-telling, that revolved around themselves, these ‘great apostles’ would paraphrase the Bible, rather than reading it; telling the stories in their own words…

As if they believed they could do it better than the Bible…

As if they felt that reading the actual scripture accurately was beneath them. 

They would redefine Biblical characters and concepts  - laughingly, jokingly, sarcastically, even mockingly; speaking as though they had a special and privileged position with the Lord (whom some of them referred to as “Papa God”) to do this: After all - They were the “apostles of the new era”…who had been granted special access to archives of secret knowledge - beyond the Bible.

And without exception, they all talked incessantly -  about themselves!

{Compare this with the words and description of a true Apostle - see 1Thessalonians 2:3-12}

Treating God’s Law with contempt:

I heard from the mouth of one of these “anointed ones”: “Jesus broke the Law to touch the leper…”

I heard from another: “Jesus broke the Law for love.”

I cried out from below: “But the Law is good - and pure - and true!” (I was thinking of Romans ch. 7 and Paul’s struggle with sin)… It is perfect as God is perfect (Psalm 19:7)…

“The Law was given by God to His people, to PROTECT them - to prevent another global judgement - to protect humanity from annihilation - until the Sacrifice would be made (Galatians 3:19-27)…Jesus didn’t break the Law. He honored the Law! He fulfilled the Law - He was the One who wrote the Law!”

{As the PERFECT Sacrifice, presented to God without spot or blemish, Jesus had to keep the WHOLE Law PERFECTLY. See also Revelation Ch.5}

You do not understand the deeper things of the Lord!”, they retorted: “We are the Lord’s anointed ones. We have been chosen “for such a time as this.” God has moved us on from the stagnant rudimentary sayings of the written Word. He has given us the key of David; We have been chosen to unlock secrets with the keys he has given us - hidden truths - things so deep and profound that they are not even in the Bible!” 

I knew they were referring to Isaiah ch.22 vs. 22: As was their custom, they had ripped this scripture out of its context and were now throwing it out to the deceived masses below:

Friends this is paganism…Gnosticism…everything except Christianity!

If the Bible is not good enough for us - then I fear as to what will be!

[Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones. 

But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.” 

But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively. Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's error and perished in Korah's rebellion.

These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; 

wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.]

Jude vs. 8-13

See also 1Thessalonians 2:3-12

The only “enlightenment” we need, is towards the Holy Scriptures; which unveil to us the nature and the person of God. Just as we read in Luke 24:45: Jesus opened their minds for one purpose: That they would understand the Scriptures - that pointed to Him!

Also read Luke 24:13-36 & Ephesians 1:17-18

I saw the thousands who were following these self appointed apostles - into this new move of God…

But these so called “apostles” are playing a game! They are pretending! And they’ve been playing these games for so long, and have been pretending to such a degree and with such a lack of accountability, that they themselves actually believe that this “game” is real!

This is why they have the Bible locked and chained; keeping both them and their worker bees beneath them, devoid of the one thing that will set them free - the truth of its contents: My eternal and living Word.

“But you cannot truly have My Presence without My Word.”, says the Lord. And the days are coming when my people in this Land will realize that.”

How can we be so blind?

Because you have chosen to build on the wrong foundations.”

I was taken back to something the Lord had spoken a year ago: 

“They think they have built for themselves high and solid structures…but in reality they are nothing more than houses of cards: and that is how they will fall - swiftly and with minimal damage.”

The Lord continued:

“And even then, there will be some who will not let go: So great is their love of worldly power and treasure - and so powerful the deception that, rather then repent and let it go, they will serve the enemy, still believing they are serving Me.” 

It was tragic.

And then the Lord took me back to the Bible - to Ezra ch.3:

But many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first house, wept with a loud voice when they saw the foundation of this house being laid, though many shouted aloud for joy,(vs12)

Under Zerubbabel the rebuilding of the Temple upon its original foundation was carried out in humility, with tears and lamenting, and for the Glory of God. 

Compare this to Herod’s magnificent white and gold temple, 500 years later: 

Built on the backs of slaves…

Built in the “name of God”, but for the glory and pride of mankind…

Built directly on top of the original temple - over the original foundations; thereby entirely concealing from the people, the most important reminder of the original Covenant. 

Is this not exactly what has happened to the United States of America? 

How many are taught of Robert Hunt and a Covenant made under a simple wooden cross in 1607? 

How many know of John Winthrop and his powerful prophetic words of 1630? 

How many truly understand who the Separatists of the Mayflower really were?

How many truly understand why America is great..? Why it is special…? What was that Covenant that the early pilgrims (when they had NOTHING)  made with the Lord?

What sort of legacy are we leaving to future generations? 

How much easier it is to remember the date a nation became famous and powerful…

than to remember when, in a time of brokenness, humility and obscurity, before it had even become a nation, America was dedicated to God? 

***Do we not understand that the United States of America is the only nation that was conceived…breathed…created by God? There IS no other nation that can boast such a thing, except Israel itself: And to whom much is given, much will be required - this is the truth! America, Robert Hunt’s prayer of dedication was orchestrated by God…He was ORDAINED by God from the beginning, to do it...***

The truth is, we are building on the wrong foundations - and the real enemy is not outside the walls…the real enemy is within them.

[I saw that many of the weaker, slower, more misshaped parts, having become dislodged, were violently ejected out of the machine’s workings: They now lay burned out in a corner…”they are the weak links in the chain.” - I saw rather then heard this!] Link #1

The “weak links”

I was suddenly aware of  the masses of people through the USA:

More and more people who were wanting out!…Of the ruthless system of this world: the lie that calls itself the pursuit of happiness, but in effect is pure greed and survival of the fittest. A cultural trait that is totally contrary to the Way of God - and devoid of Him

This is the reason for the rise in crime, drugs/alcohol addiction, suicide, mental illness, gender identity confusion, sodomy, gangs, sex trafficking, etc. This is also the reason for the rise of interest in the New Age, Theosophy and the Occult***; the addiction to social media, entertainment and the rapid influx of occult and immoral movies marketed towards children and families. All these are merely the fruits of a tyrannical world order, that is devoid of Christ and Him crucified. 

If there is no Gospel of Christ to fill this massive vacuum, then it will be filled with something else. This is a void that can only be filled with Jesus Christ - and yet, when the lost in America look to the Church through the Mountain of Media, what do they see? 

Another pyramid: Predominantly, an institution that recognizes and demands the same credentials as the world…that not only encourages the relentless, reckless pursuit of wealth, materialism and worldly substance, but openly practices it! As one person worded it: We worship a Capitalist Christ”

We have confused…fused… Christianity and the name of Jesus with Capitalism and the pursuit of wealth and self Actualization - and this is fatal. 

*** Theosophy and certain aspects of the Occult are literally open doors to everyone believing and “doing whatever is right in their own eyes”. (Judges 21:25) As a result Hinduism, Buddhism and other eastern religions have now established themselves in the West and are rapidly gaining both momentum and popularity, as they usurp the void that Christianity should be filling - and Islam is next

I have seen this in my own country and I know - If we do not begin to separate ourselves and our children from the pursuit of this world - the American Dream - Islam will take its share: It will take our very own away from us.

Because God has put - not the temporary things of this world - but Eternity, into the hearts of men. (Eccl.3:11) Most people still want to believe in something! But if they can’t find it in the established Church they will search elsewhere - and they already are.

Which begs the question: If the Lord has put eternity into men’s hearts, why is so much of the Church going after the temporal…and encouraging from the pulpit, everyone else to do the same? 

“You are forever proclaiming “Freedom!” You think you are free: But those who live for this world are never free.”

“Beloved, why do you not seek first My Kingdom? Why do you work so hard for things that will perish…and condition your children…and your children’s children to do the same? (Psalms 127)

“My people you must hear Me clearly. Either you separate yourselves to Me and turn from this world order, or you, your children and your children’s children will be crushed by it!” (See Link #1)

At a time when we should be the light of the world and the salt of the earth - What are we..? What have we become..?

Therefore, the Lord will judge this pyramid and the fruit of it. This is not the first time I have prophesied this - and it will not be the last. 

He will judge the greed:

{The Crash & The Fall

In the midst of the shaking there was a huge Crash, as if something of great financial value and stature had fallen and burst open; it’s contents came pouring out. 

Again I heard: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous” Proverbs13:22 

“…I have stored up the wealth of the wicked to give the righteous. For My Gospel must be preached, to the ends of the earth…”} See Link #5 “A Nation Under God”

I still to this day am not sure what that crash was…

But I know that a transfer of wealth will mean a collapse of much of the culture and system as we know it - including, and beginning with much of the Church: We will be required to let go of what we have in order to receive what the Lord has for us. And it must happen - 

If it does not happen - if the Lord does not first judge His House - if he does not discipline those who are lovers and servants of mammon, then the entire nation will be judged for idolatry. It is a stretch in his nostrils. (Matthew 6:24)

He will judge the pride:

[For a season I believe I saw disruptions of towers and satellites - for a season I saw screens (electronic screens - through which these so called “voices of God” were speaking) go dark. For a time there was a strange silence in the airwaves over America…and at last, for a season the Voice of the Lord could be heard.See Link #6

As He dealt at Babel, with progressive humanity, He will do with His Church in this hour; as he confused their communication in Genesis ch. 11, so for a season He will bring ours down almost completely.

Our freedoms will be tested - how we have learned to use our freedoms will also be tested - by fire. And although there will be certain elements of Christian media that will survive this testing, most will not.

[Those who had been faithful with the Freedom the Lord had given them to preach the Gospel were being allowed to keep it: I saw that, in the midst of this “strange silence” many of these familiar voices of Gospel Radio could still be heard.Link #6

Through Christian media came the “Christian celebrity”, and through the Christian celebrity, Idolatry came into the Church. Now I was seeing disruptions of satellites and screens going dark…Now I was seeing books, manuscripts, articles on paper - some of them written a century before. People were now digging to find them. As if the Church for a season had gone back to basics. (See 2Chronicles34:14-21 & Ezra ch.5:17 - 6:2)

[Lord bring this young generation low - in deep reverence of You and insatiable hunger for Your Ways…bring them low that they will dig deep for the ancient wells - that they will search fervently for the ancient paths - that they will stoop down…to uncover something far beyond Capitalist America…something much deeper! “I want the God of the Bible!”, I kept hearing them say. “I want the Word of God!See Link #7

The Lord will thoroughly purge by fire, this Mountain of  Media that is being built in His House - and in doing so, He will sift and bring down all seven mountains: Because they are in reality, one and the same!

There was a time for “going viral”…but now I was seeing that time had (for the moment) come to an end. What once was virtual had now become REALITY: where actual people were going out to spread the TRUE GOSPEL. The Land of the free had now become the home of the courageous and the very brave.

And those who heeded the warnings of the Lord and set themselves apart from the worldly corruption of this counterfeit mountain, will discover the True Mountain of the Lord…(see Micah 4:1)

[Where are we going Lord? 

To a barren desert…to a desolate Mountain - a mountain where we would begin to see things in a New Light. 

But this mountain is not like the pyramid of “the city”: We do not ascend it to be seen, but to be hidden.]

Excerpt from The Great Reformation - See Link #8

For you have not come to what may be touched, a blazing fire and darkness and gloom and a tempest 

and the sound of a trumpet and a voice whose words made the hearers beg that no further messages be spoken to them.

For they could not endure the order that was given, “If even a beast touches the mountain, it shall be stoned.” 

Indeed, so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, “I tremble with fear.”

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, 

and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, 

and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.

Hebrews 12:18-24

A. hW.



{Ascended Masters: A conception of Theosophy (the Occult), these are supreme entities, evolved to a higher level of consciousness and enlightenment; who exist to give help and guidance to us “less enlightened” mortals below. Once a mortal becomes “enlightened enough”, they too will be able to “arise” as one of these ascended masters.

This was so terrifyingly akin to what I was witnessing from the pyramids.

~~For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, ~~

Genesis 3:5-6

Ironically, followers of Occultism consider both “Jesus” and the virgin Mary to be among these ascended masters.}











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15  “Can a woman forget her nursing child,      that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget,      yet I will not forget you. 16  Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;      your walls are continually before me. Isaiah 49:15-16 This most recent prophecy is part of my “Fast for Family”, and again runs parallel with my previous visions - some of which can be read in the footnotes at the end. The Beautiful Remnant of the United States of America  The unity of baptism : I saw many in America: Many families. They stood as if on the banks of the Red Sea, as Israel under Moses…driven there by the Holy Spirit, perused by the kingdom of the anti-Christ. They had been driven there for Baptism: I saw many families. They went down separately…and when they came up they were one: in the Lord and in each other. I realized that this type of unity…the desire and prayer of Jesus…can only come through this kind of baptism: a denial…a Crucifixion of Self…

Volume III ~ The Olive Press

This is the final of three volumes. As with the first two, there is repetitions - the same events but from different viewpoints - and as before, I ask that the reader be patient. You will read again much of what you have already read in volumes 1 & 2 - but there is a twist: Now, there are other nations involved: Because what happens in America will have a direct (or indirect) impact on the nations of the world. I will also write in detail about a global unraveling, that although beginning in America, will affect  the nations of the world. Volume I describes this unraveling, in many different ways. I recommend, before you read one more word of this booklet, to read the first 2 Volumes. Because their purpose is to prepare the Remnant of America for this unraveling.  None of the first pilgrims lived very long, upon entering the New World: But they were obedient to the Lord in the time He allotted them: The seed was sown into the soil of the infant nation. The harvest still remains to

Volume III The Beautiful Remnant of America - Part 2

The Beautiful Remnant of America Part II  So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun; for he will come like a rushing stream, which the wind of the Lord drives. Isaiah 59:19 Before continuing, please ensure that you have first read Chapter 1 ~ The Olive Press i ~ The “Hidden” Remnant   “What is a tree without its roots? Roots expand underground in the darkness - the hidden place, that the tree may stand firmly grounded through the storm. This expansion does not come without faith, time, patience and endurance, and goes entirely un-noticed and un-acclaimed,  because it takes place underground . And yet we know that this expansion is essential to the life and health of the tree.  So it is for the Church in this hour… “What is a house without its foundations?  A house built quickly- on sand    - will not stand - but the one who patiently and deliberately