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Volume I “The Watchman has no Name”

Part I.  A Sound From The “Old Country” 

“The Watchman has no name” (John3:30)

“Where does the founding of America begin?”

I found myself asking that question while I was praying for America - and was suddenly faced with what looked like a timeline, in a modern day American classroom: It was the history of the United States of America….And like a child in school, I raised my hand and asked again “Where does the founding of America begin?”

I asked because I could see that the timeline went all the back to the Revolutionary War…but no further: there it seemed to stop…at the monuments of DC…at the Statue of Liberty - and from that point backwards, it was as though a veil had been drawn - no one could see what was before it…beyond it. Where was the Mayflower…? the “Pilgrims…? I could see the “pursuit of happiness”… but where was the pursuit of Jesus Christ?

“The Watchman Has No Name…” (Luke 9:23-24)

Then I felt as as though I was back in Great Britain. The Lord took me by the hand…in my other hand I held something like a shofar. We began to climb a steep ascent up  a mountain: It was rugged and desolate - it reminded me of the mountains I had been used to climbing in Scotland. 

I stumbled slightly but the Lord kept firm hold of me…leading me higher and higher, up a rough narrow Way, to a high place:  I looked around and became aware that I was not alone…there were many others also making the climb. It was lonely - but we were not alone! We were intercessors…watchmen…but at that moment, we were like pilgrims, following the Lord. 

We were ascending to a high place that I knew was Plymouth Harbor in England - 

(FYI anyone from my side of “the pond” will tell you that Plymouth, England is not, in the natural, on a mountain! 

…but we were  not operating in the natural!)

The higher we went , the more desolate it became…until the low laying cloud that covered the top of the mountain also concealed us…We became nameless and faceless. And again I heard:

“The Watchman Has No Name…”(Colossians 3:2-3)

From the summit of the mountain we could see across the vast Atlantic Ocean to America: (just as in 1620, the small group of Religious Separatists at Plymouth Harbor, looking out to the horizon, committed their lives into the Hand of the Lord and made the perilous journey to the New World.

 ~~~It is not that they were better than us; it is not that they were ‘saints’ and we are not; it is not to say that we have failed where they didn’t: Indeed history shows us clearly, of their unthinking and at times reckless endeavors upon entering the New World - and with often devastating consequences: It is not that we have failed  - but rather, that we have forgotten - or never even realized - our true Foundations.

…And neither were these pilgrims by any means the first to make this voyage - others had gone before, for the exact same reasons (see links #1 & 2 in footnotes)~~~

So why was I seeing them? …

Because they are a reminder - a wake up call if you like…for a nation that, from its very conception, was only intended to exist for the glory of God  

Again I heard  “The watchman has NO NAME…”(Galatians 2:20) - because the “high place” is not what we in our carnal minds imagine…it is not a place where we stand tall, but where we fall - to our knees…not a place where we save our lives, but lose them! - not a place of power and exceptionalism, but HUMILITY! (2Cor 12:9)

…In the desolate mountain mists, the many pilgrims suddenly disappeared - and in their place was one man, who reminded me of an Old Testament prophet. As I watched, the shofar I had carried was set to the lips of this Watchman. 

The Sound 

It was a long, lonely, somewhat unspectacular sound (because “the watchman has no name”)…but at its sound there began a stirring on the other side of the Atlantic …as if an awakening from a deep comatose slumber. And a beam of light shot across the ocean - between Plymouth, England and Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, (where the Separatists from England had ended up, after inadvertently landing at Cape Cod.) The light  didn’t seem to be coming from either New England or “Old England” - it was just there…between the two nations - the one and only thing that seemed to be connecting them. 

(But I knew  this was not about an area - or a nation…This was about SALVATION…to every area…of the nation!)

And I became aware of a small group of people on the Massachusetts side. They were all gathered together on some kind of “foundation stone” that I knew represented Plymouth Rock. They were the only ones that this beam of Light (of Truth) was shining on…and I know they were the only ones that had been  awake enough to hear the sound of the shofar.

The sound could not be heard except by the remnant standing on the foundation of Plymouth Rock…just as the beam of light stretched only as far as Plymouth Rock and no further. 

- Note: I do not believe that either of these  locations, have so much a physical significance, as a spiritual one.

Again: this was not about any specific area…This was about SALVATION…to every area…throughout the nation!

At the sound of the shofar I also became aware of something else…A great rumbling and shaking like the beginnings of an earthquake.  

Part II. Tremors From The “New World”

The “Separatists”

“I will shake the great monuments of this nation…the high and lofty things, to their foundations…for My Church will I do this…until these foundations begin to crack. And you must be SEPARATE” (I thought about the humble and uncomplicated lives of the “Separatists” from the Mayflower) 

“You must find - and return to your original foundations.”

I saw the Statue of Liberty: 

And The Lord’s word to His Church continued…“You have lost your Way Beloved: The light you think you have is no light…and the rock upon which you stand…that which you have thought to be unshakable…is actually sinking sand. You must move now…to separate yourselves…to “higher ground” (see Part I).  Again I saw the Statue of Liberty - it was being shaken…

“Because that which you think is Me…is not Me! And that which you have mistaken for freedom has now become to you a snare!”

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. (Matthew 6:24)

For more details on this shaking and separation see link #3 in footnotes.

The Shaking 

(Note: I cannot rule out an actual physical shaking, but what I saw was more spiritual than physical)

Again I heard “You must move now, to separate yourselves! Because many will be horrified and perplexed at this shaking…But I - who I Am through My Word…My Cross - will not be shaken! You must move to this True and Only Solid Rock…this Tried and Tested Stone…”

A Veil of Great Deception…

What happened next is not easy for me to explain…

I saw the monuments - the great symbols of Liberty…of the Revolutionary War - begin  to shake…

It was NOT the Revolutionary War itself that was being shaken …but rather, it seemed to be what America had inherited through it - AFTER it - A prized inheritance from a place that, following its own revolutionary war, had become almost entirely atheistic.

…And it is this foundation of pride (not the Word of God - the message of humility, that the Pilgrims carried) that America - including almost the entire Church - have been building their lives upon.

(for are we not taught, even from many pulpits, that this foundation is of the Lord?)

…But I felt the Lord say that the type of ‘freedom’ that large parts of the Church in America have been fighting for, is NO LONGER the same freedom that He died for.

As I watched the Statue of Liberty and other monuments shake, it was as though a great veil of deception… almost like a cloaking device…fell right off them! And instead of seeing symbols of Liberty, I saw great pyramids of secular humanism (see Link #4 “The Great American Dream Machine”)

I saw so clearly: “The pursuit of happiness”…”the American Dream”…was in reality the brainchild of pure secular humanism - the love of this world - a snare…with the Name of Jesus stamped blasphemously on top. I was horrified…

For us The Church - to embrace these foundations as Christian…to teach our children so…! To build on such foundations…will end in  catastrophe - for both the Church and the nation….This is why we are seeing so much that we have built in Jesus’s Name  being eroded away….

But the Lord has not left us without a WAY…

And I saw in the midst of the shaking…As these veils were being brought down, a remnant, that was blind…were suddenly able to see…

Part III. The frantic scramble to freedom…

“Because to those in My Church who are not prepared - this WILL be a frantic scramble.”

(I thought again about the remnant I had seen on Plymouth Rock. See  Part I)

And the Lord also gave me:  1Corinthians 1:26-29

We must move to separate ourselves from the love of this world…the “pursuit of happiness” now! If we don’t…I saw in the midst of the shaking - the tribulations - the American Dream was crumbling - and had now become for many, nothing short of a nightmare! 

But the Lord loves this Land…and has not left us without a Way…

(See Link #5 “the swamp”)


I saw more and more Americans were compelled to abandon their earthly lives and scramble to “higher ground”. Some came more quickly and willingly than others…and for many, I feared that  it would be too late!

But then I saw those who had already begun the ascent to safety, turn around and reach down to help those still bewildered and scrambling:  

“Look! See! The true heart…the true Face of the United States of America!” I was weeping! In the midst of great shakings, people forgot about themselves - their own lives,  and began  to lay them down for others. I saw many families climbing together - many fathers reach down to haul up those who were struggling below….

A rush of selfless sacrifice began to erupt throughout the Remnant Church, and out to the American people: And it was then…and only then…that something finally seemed to break - to snap -  in the heavens over the nation! As if the heart of the Lord was suddenly and DEEPLY moved…

and the Glory of God at last began to rise - without fanfare - without glamour - from sea to shining sea…across the United States of America. (See Link #6)

The “fathers”

“your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions”

many of these younger men where being used as signposts, directing people to the Lord; 

“…and your old men shall dream dreams”…not suffer with dementia!…but dream dreams! Through this final outpouring of the Spirit, that curse…that bondage…and many others, was broken off many older men, and they began to rise up and take their true positions in the Body of Christ.  People across generations had hearts that now burned; 

The “higher ground”

I can’t say exactly what this looks like: 

All I see is the humble, courageous and uncomplicated faces of those first pilgrims from England - simply seeking Jesus. 

(Because: The Watchmen…the servants of the Lord…have no name - except One!)

However, I can tell you what it did NOT look like: glamour, fame, riches or some kind of euphoric “experience”

It was NOT a party! (at least, not yet). 

It was Repentance - on such a large scale that my heart both leapt and broke for America, at the same time! 

The American Dream for so many, had broken…but had been replaced by an Eternal Reality that had become  more precious to them than anything of this world! (Luke 9:25)

As people climbed, there seemed to be more and more abandonment of earthy things - of Self. And as this happened, their eyes became clearer, their steps lighter and their faces set more and more like flint on Jesus Christ.

Miracles, Signs, Wonders…

Upon this “high place”, desolate, shrouded in mist…the place where the springs of pure fresh water bubble up: untouched by humanity; untainted by the influences of this world: Here is the Place of miracles, signs and wonders…the place where the glory of God will be poured out upon a people who are nameless and faceless (see part 1). Because God will not share His glory with another. It is a LONELY Place…where, if you are looking for the praises of men…the rewards of this life…you will find NONE: But, if you are truly searching for the Lord…Jeremiah 29:11-14…How can we seek him with all our hearts when our hands are so full of this world? (See also 1Kings 17:2-4; 2Chronicles 14 &15)

“Wide as the Waters”

And I was taken back to the remnant I had seen at the beginning, (Part I) standing on the Foundation that was Plymouth Rock. 

A remnant in America who had heard our shofar from across the water  - those with ears to hear - had begun to awaken…like a sleeping giant…like the sound of a tsunami wave!

But beyond that…I cannot describe it. Except that it was glorious.  

I did not recognize the nation - the “USA” that had begun to awaken! I believe that when the time comes, few if any of us will!

And the Lord  brought me back to my first question: (see Part I) Where does the founding of America begin?… 

“…for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith…” ***

From sea to shining sea, may the Lord return us to these original foundations…and in doing so, may He heal this Land. Amen! (See Link #7)

A. hW.









***excerpt from the Mayflower Compact (a civil agreement  of coexistence between the Pilgrims and the other settlers. It was not that different from any civil compact made in England - except that it granted the Pilgrims FREEDOM - to Worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth…and to SPREAD this Truth to others.)

This prophetic vision for America is the latest one in a series, which can be read at: 

or at #2Chronicles714


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