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The Great American Awakening cont.

 The Great American Awakening cont.

My “vision”  of America continued while at Powerhouse Church  in Nashville, Tennessee on Sunday night. As my husband and I were being prayed over before leaving for Kenya to do mission work, I looked out at the range of people who were helping us - supporting us: and I saw again the heart of the USA. 

As Sandy Powell prophesied “Boots on the ground”. I suddenly saw American missionaries moving out all around the globe. The boots on the ground were many different nations…but America seemed to be leading the way. 

As the “swamp” throughout the USA thickened, it was as if the Lord’s remnant were being forced to move to “higher ground”…where they could see! 

The blasts of trumpets suddenly began to resound across the nation🇺🇸…and Christians…more and more of them…began to suddenly move - as if awakened with a start, from a deep comatose sleep. 

The Missionaries 

Many had been called to the streets of America, while many others, to the streets of foreign lands.  

At the blast of the trumpets and the thickening of the swamp, churches…and whole families began to unify and mobilize: husbands and wives began to rein in their children and move out, from the freedom of the United States to preach the Gospel of Freedom to those who did not know it.  

Not all were physically going…but masses had been awakened spiritually and were moving the Gospel forward in many different ways - this was a spiritual army of multitudes and abundance! 

Many “missionaries” were going out through their financial support. (One of the facets/strengths of the USA is her huge heart of generosity and zealous desire to help wherever needed. This was now being displayed through the Church). 

Masses more were moving out through prayer and intercession! The atmosphere of prayer was, what I can only describe as intense! It was as if a sleeping giant had awoken.🇺🇸

And the Lord showed me: “This is America’s harvest”. 

I suddenly saw the American flag 🇺🇸 stamped upon Kenya…then upon other African nations (I had already seen from some time back, Heidi Baker’s ministry in Mozambique). And I was seeing a similar thing happening in Kenya. And revival began to spread…all over the nations of Africa. It wasn’t a military takeover…It wasn’t any political might: It was the Body of Christ, going forth as an army, to the ends of the earth!

America’s calling and purpose under God is not what so many have thought…

See Isaiah 52:7

The swamp…

I knew the source of this swamp was the pagan pyramids of America’s fake foundations - see:

And I heard the words:

“American exceptionalism”…

”American greatness”…

”be the best of the best” 

These words were being spoken over and over - and in many churches!  And people were hearing…and hearing…and hearing…

But rather then being built up spiritually and becoming stronger, the nation and those churches seemed to get weaker - fatter - sleepier.  Even from within our churches…from our own pulpits, this was being continually spoken. 

And what has been the fruit of this?  

I thought about those who teach the doctrine of Dominionism and the 7 mountains of influence…

The prosperity and word of faith/Law of Attraction doctrine… 

The New Apostolic Reformation…

The “Seeker Sensitive” movement…

The mega church that specializes in entertainment: where “smooth things” are spoken - where the pastor is a celebrity - and the “worship” leaders are treated like “gods”. 

Again - What has this produced in America…? 

Except a lot of lukewarm professing Christians who are asleep and don’t realize it…and  an elitist pyramid that is almost an exact replica of that of the world…with the Name of Jesus slapped on top!…And this also, is being spread from America, all across the globe. 

I felt the Lord say that the American Church must now come to order before the Face of the Lord, and counteract this with the True Gospel. She must take ahold and fulfill her true destiny - Matthew 24:14

I saw the Face of the Lord. He just looked…and as He looked,  He gave me a message from Matthew  ch. 14 (see vs 29-33)

And the message was very simple: 

If we do not get our eyes fully on The Lord - at the exclusion of EVERYTHING else - the swamp that is consuming the nation will also consume us! 

So if America is being consumed, is there hope?…what is the hope of this nation?

See Matthew 12:21…It is The Gospel 

For the sake of the nation…it is time to awaken! And when we do…

It was literally like waking up a sleeping giant! 🇺🇸

And as America sows…pours ouf from her abundance - so shall she reap a harvest!

To read about America’s true foundation  visit:


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