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Ch.6 The Power of a Motley Crew…

Hebrews 19:12-13                                                         But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet.

That time will begin when he (Yeshua) arises as the Lamb that has been slain, to break the seals, to open the scroll: so will begin the Judgment and the liberation of the Earth.

A page was turned…
When Her late Majesty’s last breath had left her body, I had seen something like a scroll with many seals in the hands of the Lord. At the death of the Queen, IMMEDIATELY the Lord had begun to break the seals: 
I thought about Revelation ch.6: At the breaking of the seals, began the unveiling (the Revelation) of Jesus Christ - in the full glory of his righteousness and justice - to the peoples of the world - whether they wanted it or not - whether they were ready or not: and it was as if a warning went out: “You are either for me or against me: You either jump on the Ark (the Cross of Christ) or you will be consumed by the flood” (the judgment of God) Through the Revelation of Jesus Christ, darkness will be separated from Light (all gray areas will be eliminated) and the people will no longer have any choice, but to choose

As I looked at this scroll again, in the hands of the Lord, I knew something similar (although smaller and more localized - a pre-shock to the Book of Revelation) was about to happen in the UK - and everyone would have to choose…there would be less and less places in which to hide! Just like in the Book of Revelation, the Lord has been waiting…patiently: but at the Queen’s death, I felt that this time of waiting was now over. A page had turned, forever. There was no going back…for the UK…for the USA…for anywhere. (See Ch.3 The Unraveling) People who have read Volumes I and II will better understand what I mean.

Ironically, as I sat listening to the, then Prime Minister’s speech: “Queen Elizabeth was the rock upon which modern Britain was built”, I heard these words of the Lord: “It is now time for you to open your eyes - and to turn to the TRUE Rock upon which I am building my Church; because the time is coming - and is right at the door - when there will be nowhere else to run…no place else to hide.”

“…and while my glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by.” Exodus 33:22

What I saw…

For he will hide me in his shelter

in the day of trouble;

he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;

he will lift me high upon a rock.

Psalm 27:5

I saw again, the scenes from a previous prophecy “The Flood”…

{The flood water had risen so high, I couldn’t make out anything that I recognized.  That’s when I saw the boats: I saw the remnant:

Even though they were on the water, these boats were approaching as if, from out of a desert. I believe I was seeing  the foundations of Britain. I saw remnants from the Anglican, Methodist, Baptist movements..they had been refined by fire and by the power of the Holy Spirit, they were afloat and moving swiftly above and through the waters;} from “The Flood”

~And now, I was seeing a huge flood-gate…a sluice gate that was about to open . I saw that it had been held shut, not only through the Queen’s reign, but throughout the reigns of the monarchy all the way back I believe, to the Protestant Reformation. Now at the death of the Queen, this gate - this dam was about to break. 

~I saw Big Ben, standing as it has been for hundreds of years: Except that now, its clock face, huge and majestic, almost seemed to be speaking to me - and I realized the United Kingdom was now, like the USA, in a count down.
~I again saw Big Ben. And this time I heard: It was the sound of a clock’s mechanisms - such as you hear as it prepares to chime the hour…
Dear God make them ready!” I began to pray. “Make your Church ready!”

~I saw again, the lighthouses - the Lord’s Remnant who would make themselves ready - in a prophetic word I had written called “The Unraveling”. See ch. 3 or links below

{They stood constant and resolute upon the same Rock from which they had been hewn.  When so much else was crumbling, these ‘houses’ stood! And as things became darker, the Light from these lighthouses became more and more noticeable across the Land, until - towards the final hour - they literally seemed to cover the land - and people began running to them.}

~I saw the Prime Minister…members of Parliament; dressed in black…mourning the Queen. They did not realize that the time was coming when they would “dress for mourning” again. Not for a monarch or a civil leader - but for a nation - that has forgotten…abandoned the True Rock upon which it was built. 
I now knew that Great Britain was in a count down - that had begun at the death of the Queen…
~And as I realized this, I again, for one last time, saw the burning fuse…as finally, it hit the shores of the UK.

Dam Buster 

“I’m hearing the Lord say over and over: ‘They thought they had my presence; but My Presence is about to engulf the Earth - like water the sea; a presence that will bring about a mysterious influence…that will draw fish to your nets…” Kim Clement: Mount Carmel 2008 

The unraveling - the burning fuse - hit the British Isles…and sent something like a seismic wave, of a magnitude so great that the whole country seemed to sway on its foundations. With this, I heard a crash - as if something had given way; and I saw a deluge of water, as would be seen at the collapse of a dam…
And at this point, I recommend the reader refer back to ch.3 ~the Unraveling: Because this dam that I saw breaking, was not in the UK. I was looking across the Atlantic Ocean: this dam broke in the United States of America…
I saw a tsunami…a flood…torrents of water headed directly toward my nation from the USA. The first and largest wave hit us with such great magnitude that for a moment I was blinded. Seconds later my eyes began to clear and I strained them, trying to see…What was happening? Was everyone alright??? 
I was so afraid there would be nothing left of my nation to look upon. But as the initial great wave began to subside, I could see our  Foundation Stone (see ch.5): It looked at first like a buoy being tossed around in a stormy ocean: And people were there - a Remnant: They were holding on to it…clinging to it; I was so relieved - and then encouraged; and even more so, as I saw these holding on, begin to reach down to grasp many people who were bewildered and floundering in the waters below. More and more of the Lord’s Remnant began to do this - forgetting about themselves and reaching down to help others; and as their attitude changed, from one of self preservation to selflessness, no more did I see them clinging to a helpless floating buoy: I now began to properly see, rising up above the flood, the United Kingdom’s great Foundation Stone; and as it rose above the flood, this Remnant also arose, firstly to their knees (where they were able to see the names upon the Stone - see ch.5) - and then on to their feet - to stand upon it! As they did this - standing boldly in the midst of great tribulation - more and more people now began to frantically struggle through the floodwaters, towards them.
All around them, things of the United Kingdom had begun collapsing, as the great waves crashed, one against another. Within the falling monuments, I saw people who had taken refuge on top of them. They reached out in desperation to those on the Foundation, who grasped them and hauled them to the safety of the Stone.
The unraveling did not stop, but continued: wave upon wave approaching from the United States of America…I knew that whatever was happening over there, was now happening over here with us. (Note: Volumes I&II along with ch.1&2 of this Volume, cover extensively and almost exclusively, what was happening in the United States of America at the lead up to this “unraveling”)

What I saw:

{And I saw Fire…I felt heat…And I saw the Church…with her back against the wall…
and her heart against the Cross…
she began to cry out to God: 
Not cries as we have done before, but these were cries of absolute desperation: An awakening…to realize that it is either Jesus Christ or nothing at all. 
I heard grandparents praying for children…tears flowed like a river, from years and years of prayer…Upon the altar, years and years of prayers came up as incense before the Lord, spanning decades. The remnant from every nation were clinging - cleaving to the cross of Christ- and to one another. I could hear the cries in every language as the Fire of God compelled them - pressed them into crucifixion and burned away the dross. And as it did, the hunger for God and His holiness increased. ~ see link #6 ~ the Crucifixion}

I saw especially, the people of the North of England, who were being pressed almost to the point of breaking - but this breaking was driving them deeper and deeper into the Cross.
I saw what I thought to be great principalities: Communism, Atheism, Marxism. 
I saw the deep inroads these principalities had bore into the soil of these areas; 
and then I saw something else: Something that had staked out a territory directly over - and as a result of  - these principalities: I saw Islam.
And yet the Lord was using the pressure of this evil - to drive a remnant of Jesus Christ in the North of England to the Place of crucifixion…to separate them to Christ…causing them to cry out (and this was a type of cry I have never heard before…)

What I heard:
I heard the names of many places; towns…cities - as if ear marked for the dominion of Satan.
I heard the name of places in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Northumberland, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Lincolnshire...what had once been the industrial north. I wept as I saw the reams and reams of names; many of them were places I knew and loved; one of them was the city where I was born and grew up. I wept even more as I saw these principalities - looking like huge, dark siege towers, that had been placed strategically among and around these towns and cities! I was about to cry out to the Lord for mercy - but instead - and almost immediately - the Lord spoke…and what I heard from him utterly astounded me:
“Fear not! But stand firm: Satan thinks he has marked these places for destruction: But it is I - I who have sealed these places - each and every one - for Salvation.

Therefore “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.” (Exodus 14:13)


I saw a manifestation of Psalm 133. I heard the cries from many who were embracing the cross…the harder they embraced, the closer they got to the Lord…and the more their flesh began to burn.

Many were embracing the Cross at this hour…for in this hour was a great shaking down, of all high and lofty things…for many high towers, of “Self Actualization” and selfish ambition have been built in the House of God: these are directly opposed to the purpose  of the Cross - and are detestable to God (see link # 6)

I watched from the Foundation Stone, with the Remnant, as the flood rose higher and many things - much loved monuments to our nation - were swept under. I felt a pang of sadness (as did many others). I wanted to look back - to try and salvage some of those things that were lost, but I couldn’t. The pressure in the nation at this point was so great that it was driving us further and further away from the things of our nation - and into a narrow Way - into the Cross of Jesus Christ…until all of a sudden, these things didn’t matter anymore; nothing of this world did. All of a sudden, the Lord’s Remnant in the United Kingdom seemed to know nothing - except Christ and Him crucified…
{“The pride of this nation has caused it to be marred and broken... but among My People, among My Remnant there is...and must continue to be humility. For I honor your prayers of repentance and brokenness that are coming before me at this time.” 
I saw intercessors: Some who had been praying for decades, months, weeks and some who had just started. I watched as those prayers went up to become one unified and powerful aroma before the Lord...they were sweet before Him because they were now coming through affliction and sacrifice.  
“You must be patient in this affliction and do not grow weary in seeking me, for in due time you will reap a harvest (Galatians 6:9). For I will indeed break into pieces the pride of the people in this Land...but then...because you have cried out for my mercy...I will pick up the clay and start again.” Read Jeremiah 18:5-10}                                     Excerpt from “The Flood” (16 May 2021) see link #1 in footnotes 

Blessed is the person whose strength is in You,

In whose heart are the roads to Zion!

Passing through the Valley of Baca (weeping) they make it a spring;

The early rain also covers it with blessings.

They go from strength to strength,

Every one of them appears before God in Zion. (Psalm 84:5-7)

Another Narrow Way (see ch.1/link #5)

Psalm 133 

Behold, how good and pleasant it is

    when brothers dwell in unity!

It is like the precious oil on the head,

    running down on the beard,

on the beard of Aaron,

    running down on the collar of his robes!

It is like the dew of Hermon,

    which falls on the mountains of Zion!

For there the Lord has commanded the blessing,

    life forevermore.

Through the deep floods of persecution swamping the nation, many people were driven straight to - and through - the Cross of Christ - and onto an extremely narrow Way.
And it was in the midst of this narrow Way (that I have begun to call the Olive Press), where people were being literally thrown together, through the intense pressure of persecution, that (just as I had seen in America) I began to see here: True pure unity; but on completely different level: The manifold beauty of the Body of Christ - the incredible strength of a “Motley Crew”. (See Ephesians ch.3). 
The Dance                                                              {Please refer also to ch.5/link#2 ~ the unity around the Foundation Stone.}
At first I saw these different nationalities, cultures, races and especially I saw those who had come out from other religions - of which in the United Kingdom, there are many. I was watching the very foundation of the nation stir, as I saw these people coming together under Christ: People from the Middle East with those of the  British Aristocracy. People from the Industrial North of England, with Welsh farmers, people from Scotland and Ireland with immigrants from a multitude of countries in Africa. I also saw different denominations: Anglicans, Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals. 
At first all appeared as if in some sort of a medieval dance: And I realized that I was looking at a Remnant in the Church in the United Kingdom, from a mass of different denominations, cultures, nations, social classes and races. This massive mixture of peoples would step around one another - at first very formally and orderly; not touching, but nodding in acknowledgment: It truly did remind me of a medieval line or circle dance, such as was the fashion among the nobility of Europe during that period. 

However, as time went on on and the pressure of persecution on the Church began to increase, more and more people were added to the mix: As this happened, I saw a change: The  eye contact and communication between the different people groups became more and more evident, and the formality became less and less; 
Still the pressure on the Church increased: 
Social and cultural barriers then began to come down, as through the fire of God, people were pressed closer and closer together. As this happened, the “dance” became less formal, and faster and more exuberant, as they began to interact on a more personal level.  

...and when My Body, in all its wonderful diversity of shapes and sizes learns to “dance together as one”, she becomes a formidable army, who is able to set the captives from Babel free and compel those on the outside to come in and LEARN to do the same. (“Through Heaven’s Eyes” see link #3)

This was why, as Paul explains in Ephesians ch. 2 and 3, that the Gospel preached to Gentiles as well as Jews, is such a beautiful and powerful mystery unveiled by the Lord: 
It was his plan all along to create one Body of many parts…one coat of many colours: An Ecclesia from every tribe, tongue and nation.(Revelation 7:9-17) 
The strength…the power…of a motley crew
This is why Jesus says in Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers…”
 - those who will work to bring peace with God - to not only the Jew, but every tribe and tongue…to the farthest islands of the sea.
“…for they shall be called sons of God.” - following in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Firstborn among many brothers, who has torn down the barrier between the nations and their creator…and has paved the way for us to bring them in!

Just as with the USA, the United Kingdom had also come to realize, that her strength lay not in one race - but in many (Ephesians 3:10)

Unity through Suffering 
I saw the same things - religious persecution - happening at the same time, across different parts of the nation; and the Remnant churches within those areas would respond and resist in the same way, making the same declaration…sounding the same proclamation of Faith. This was beginning to create unity - even among cultures that under normal circumstances would have never been capable of coming together: Because these circumstances were no longer normal…

He said, “My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (2Corinthians 12:9)

I saw those with physical, mental and cognitive disorders: I saw autism - I saw these going through the Narrow Way - the Lord had called them and SEPARATED them unto himself with his own hands…I saw them go through with the disorder - not casting it aside, but the Lord was USING it - I saw this with many many disorders, illnesses and handicaps.
I saw that their hands fell empty and relaxed at their sides - in weakness - as they walked…but this was not weakness as we in our carnal minds would see it: see 2Corinthians 12:9
I saw profoundly, that these had been brought to a place where they had stopped fighting for their healing (this had been largely due to the silencing of the voices on the Mountain of Christian Media - people all over the world were now able to truly hear the Voice of the Lord through his Word!)
And now these ones had surrendered in quietness and confident trust, their ENTIRE lives into the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ: This was why their hands rested limp and empty at their sides: Because they had surrendered everything to Him. Above their heads - surrounding them entirely - were the words “Surrendered unto Christ” - for this is who they were: these words swirled around them and through them - as alive and breathing as they themselves were…these words were a part of them!

And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever. Isaiah 32:17

O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me.

But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me. Psalm 131:1-2

I knew that what had begun in the USA was now spreading to mine and other nations.
Some were healed as they went through the Olive Press - some afterwards; Then there were some that as I saw them, (the pain of a life of incredible suffering and challenges) I questioned the Lord, “Will they ever be healed in this life?” I did not receive an answer, but I knew, as they went through this great and narrow Way, that it did not matter to them any more…all that matted now was Christ crucified and a “New Creation” (Galatians 6:15) - And furthermore, the Lord was using their pain…their struggles…to bring such incredible glory to His Name! I had never seen anything like this before: His strength manifested…perfectly…completely…in their weaknesses!
This is amazing and astounding: Because it flies in the face of so much that has been taught all over the face of the globe - including in the UK, from the Mountain of Media!
We say we love God - but can we LOVE him in good times and in bad…for better or for worse…for richer or for poorer…in sickness as well as in health: 
I saw over and over again, that when the Body of Christ began to realize YES they could, was when things began to turn around within that particular city or nation - and they became an attacking force on the Earth. In the United States of America, these were the missionaries that were now flooding into the UK and around the world (see Volume II appendix 6/or link #4). Here is the heartbeat of the Great Shepherd for His sheep - and here among these struggling people, I saw the Truth of the Lord, put to death in the hearts of his Church, the poisonous doctrine of the “gospel of Man”: 
the Law of Attraction, the love of money and the desire to “take dominion!”

“As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died. 

It doesn’t matter whether we have been circumcised or not. What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation. 

May God’s peace and mercy be upon all who live by this principle; they are the new people of God.Galatians 6:14-16 nlt

When a Foundation Stone becomes a Rock 

{A nation under God…

but it cannot be saved unless and until we the Church let it go, and cleave ourselves unto God. 

We will not experience true unity until we have first separated ourselves from this world and everything of it. As surely as a tree must be pruned in order to reach its fruition, God Himself will SEPARATE before He UNIFIES. Excerpt from link #4 ~ “A Nation Under God}

Just as I had seen in America, I was beginning to see now, in the UK:  The power of a people crucified with Christ…of the Church in the Olive Press!
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”John 13:34-35
And as precious and as vital as our Foundation Stone had become to us, I saw the Church in the Olive Press now begin to abandon it - to jump…to dive…off the Stone of the nation, to rescue those trapped in the flood: I saw them grab atheists, secular humanists - and people from other religions and belief systems. I saw them reach across to teachers, doctors, nurses, farmers, industrial workers; infiltrating schools, hospitals, prisons and correctional institutions. Then, as these courageous evangelists came up again from the water, I was startled; because they were no longer standing on the Foundation Stone - not the one I had been seeing - the Foundation Stone of the nation: Now they were standing on something much more powerful…and permanent: the Rock that is Christ Jesus. And those to whom they had reached out, were standing…kneeling…lying prostrate on their faces…next to them!

“Greater love has none than this: that he lay down his life for his friend”

I saw this happening more and more among the Church as they were going through the Olive Press. This “explosion of LOVE” began to spread like wildfire; and as it did, more and more of the Saints, filled with love for God and the lost, dove off the Foundation stone, to rescue them. Until eventually the entire Foundation fell away (as if it was no longer necessary) and now I saw everyone - the Remnant of the United Kingdom…and those who were being saved (both the harvesters and the harvest field) standing on the One Rock that is Christ, the Son of the Living God. And the eyes of everyone throughout the nation could now see them; this Remnant were hidden no more - except in the cleft of the Rock!
And again I saw (just as with the USA) in the United Kingdom, Light was about to initiate a head on collision - with darkness.

What was this Rock?
I thought about Peter’s confession of 
Matthew 16:
13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples, “who do people say the son of man is?
14“Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”

15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 

16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 

17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.”

{In a place called Caesarea Philippi…the epicenter of emperor worship…the very heart of paganism itself, surrounded by shrines and symbols to gods of fertility, above the noise of idolatry (see Exodus 32) Simon Peter confesses his Faith - in Jesus Christ and Him alone. This is why Jesus goes on to say: 

18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 

19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

These keys will be given to those - and ONLY to those - who in the midst of a rebellious and idolatrous world, that is pulling in every direction except that of Christ and his Cross, standing in the face of “the gates of Hedes”will maintain their testimony, boldly as Simon Peter did, continuing to declare unashamedly, that Jesus is the Messiah - the Son of the Living God! 

I now saw, among the Remnant of the UK, that these keys were about to be given! 

Excerpt from Volume II, Ch.5 - see link #7 & 9}

Back to the North of England:

The Time and the Season 

{From Kim Clement, Mt Carmel 2008 ~ link #8

The church stood on her feet - a mighty army. She was a warrior bride… men, women, children… 

Immediately a wave…a tower of darkness stood up to meet her in battle…and there was what I can only describe as a great collision…Light collided head on with darkness, with an incredible force. This became a series of collisions…darkness collided with Light again and again…and the darkness was being driven back. And I saw the blood of  martyrs being spilled. 

I saw the blood of Jesus flowing down into the deepest and darkest of places - places that most of us do not understand - and unlocking prison doors: These are salvations that will be totally beyond our capabilities- a complete sovereign move of the Lord - a display of the depth of His heart for humanity, and His incredible might to seek and save the lost.

Kim Clement: PRAY!…Can’t say it enough!”

{At 13min 40sec}

I watched strongholds crash down, and the earth beneath began to BREATHE as the sons of God were revealed. The nations were gasping, breathing, because chains were being broken; immovable obstacles were being moved; Great geysers of white water erupted out of the ground…I heard the crash as the huge caps that had held them back, were literally blasted upwards. At the same time, I watched wave upon wave of angels battling in the heavenly realms, clearing the skies.}For entire prophesy see link #8

I do not know in detail what happened in the North of England, nor what time and season this was: 
All I know is that it was TIME;
All I know is that as the prayers…the cries of the Saints came up before the Lord, I heard a clock strike the hour - and I saw Heaven open - and the feet of the Lord - suddenly begin to walk the streets, the hills, the moors of the north of England.

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2Chronicles 7:14)

These prayers were not eloquent… not loud…not in any way mighty; I saw no great crowds or gatherings…I don’t know how many were praying, nor how long they had been doing it; (And honestly, theses things really don’t matter to the Lord! ~ see Matthew 6:5-6 & 18:19-20)
Because…and here is what I do know…they were coming up from a people who were united in brokenness, with their backs against the wall and their lives against the Cross…a people who knew their need for Christ (Matthew 5:3); and as their prayers and tears went up, suddenly I was aware of the Lord Jesus Christ coming down..!
And again I heard:
“Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.” (Exodus 14:13)

…These principalities - these great dark siege towers that I had earlier seen, that had for so long been entrenched in these places, were suddenly confronted with the Light and Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, as he walked through the Land: and finally…one after another…with the sound of a huge sonic explosion…they fell!
And the Light of Christ, like great rushing rivers, began to flood the streets, towns, cities of the North of England.
These very places I had heard marked for destruction earlier, were now being flooded with the Light of Truth - the Light of the Gospel!

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”Matthew 18:18-20

A Rainbow of Seven Colours

{An army of fathers of the Remnant Church stormed the ranks of the enemy. Over the ramparts, within the enemy ranks, I could see various satanic banners: one of them I could clearly see represented the rainbow of six colors . From “A Nation Under God (link #4)

I saw a great standard arise across the United Kingdom - a standard that looked like a Rainbow. 
It wasn’t only a standard for the issue of marriage (between a man and a woman) and gender identity…it went beyond that - this standard (the Standard of Genesis 1&2 ~ the same standard as I had seen over the families of the USA) spoke  - broke - into the other religions, beliefs and social structures of Great Britain (schools, universities, hospitals, prisons, places of religious worship) - and I heard the sound of laughter - not mocking or jeering - but true pure joy  - the Joy of a people from across the generations; from every tribe, tongue, race and religion (of which there are many in Britain) - of diverse cultures, social classes and belief systems (again, there are many) - who all were once blind, but now they could see…who all were once in shackles but now they were free!


To be continued…


Link #1 ~ The Flood

Link #2 ~ Empire of the Son

Link #3 ~ Through Heaven’s Eyes

Link #4 ~ A Nation Under God…(Volume I)

Link #5 ~ The Olive Press

Link #6 ~ The Crucifixion

Link #7 ~ The Keys

Link #8 ~ The Resurrection

Link 9


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The Beautiful Remnant of America Part II  So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun; for he will come like a rushing stream, which the wind of the Lord drives. Isaiah 59:19 Before continuing, please ensure that you have first read Chapter 1 ~ The Olive Press i ~ The “Hidden” Remnant   “What is a tree without its roots? Roots expand underground in the darkness - the hidden place, that the tree may stand, firmly grounded through the storm. This expansion does not come without faith, time, patience and endurance, and goes entirely un-noticed and un-acclaimed,  because it takes place underground . And yet we know that this expansion is essential to the life and health of the tree.  So it is for the Church in this hour… “What is a house without its foundations?  A house built quickly- on sand    - will not stand - but the...

Ch.9 ~ The Aftermath of the Great Fall! Part I

Introduction   Written May 4, 2021 Why I believe the Church must endure tribulation: I believe in a final great awakening...and as hard as I try, I cannot shake it off... it is in my DNA... I saw the great eagle that is the USA suddenly arise like lightning from the earth, for (what I believe) would be her last, but finest hour... and at the same time, the gospel move like a great tsunami wave, across the earth, to the farthest islands of the sea, in a playing out of Matthew 24:14;  I saw my own nation explode into the flames of revival; Europe was on fire; I watched as the continent of Africa ran red with the blood of Jesus...I saw other nations that I am not free to disclose...I saw people drop everything and run, run, RUN through the narrow gate - compelled by the deepest darkness the world had ever known...I watched the most hardened and vilest offenders stagger through this same gate and fall to their knees before the Lord...I saw in Africa, hands lifted up from souls tha...