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Ch.5 Empire of the SON


{Again I wish to emphasize that everything I am about to write, was taking place as the unraveling - the burning fuse - was approaching from America - it had not yet reached us.}

“And I heard the sound of something being smashed against a rock - and a spark was ignited!” (from: The Unraveling - ch.3)

What She Left Behind…

I saw Queen Elizabeth II’s faith: It had not fallen to the ground - but from out of the stump (the mourning of her death) a strong green shoot was now sprouting.
Again I thought about Queen Elizabeth’s death - and I heard a scripture that by now, had become very familiar to me: 
John 12:24-26 “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit…

I saw certain members of our Royal Family. Through what I believe to be a time of great trial and pressure, they were being drawn to an altar of prayer- not to Allah or Buddha or any Hindu or New Age god…not to the god of this Age - But to the altar of the God of the Bible - to the Cross.

“I saw the glory of God hovering over Buckingham Palace. Fearfully and wonderfully…” (For original Kim Clement prophecy from 10/21/2021 see link #1)

“Empire of the Son
{This following prophetic vision is symbolic, not literal}
I knelt in the Spirit at the Queen’s death…I knelt and like everyone else I wept…And again as I knelt and wept, before my eyes, I saw the Hands of the Lord raising up the Foundation Stone of the United Kingdom. Upon this Foundation Stone, as I have written before, were numerous names - some of them well known and others not so much. And approaching the Stone, with great reference, slowly, sedately and absolutely together - almost as if in a regimental march, came citizens of the United Kingdom - from the North, the South, the East and the West…
From England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, they approached the Foundation Stone. 
The following is just a brief overview and not an exhaustive list, of the names I saw on this Foundation:

As the Remnant from England approached, I saw on the Stone:
John Wycliffe* - reformer, Bible translator 
William Tyndale* - reformer, Bible translator
George Whitfield - reformer, evangelist
John Wesley - reformer, evangelist
Charles Wesley - reformer, hymn writer
William Boothe - evangelist, founder of the Salvation Army
Charles Spurgeon - minister, teacher
Bishops Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley - martyrs: Protestant Reformation*

Northern Ireland 
As the Irish Remnant approached  - marching with great uniformity and precision - I saw the names:
Saint Patrick* - minister, evangelist
Saint Odran - martyr (first in Ireland)
St. Columba - evangelist 
Mrs Colville - evangelist: Ulster Revival 
James McQuilkin - evangelist: Ulster Revival 
Frederick Buick - Presbyterian minister, revivalist: Ulster Revival 
David Adams - Presbyterian minister, revivalist: Ulster Revival 

As the Remnant from Scotland approached, I saw the names
Patrick Hamilton - martyr (first): Scottish Reformation
George Wishart - martyr: Scottish Reformation 
John Knox - theologian: Scottish Reformation (leader)
Henry Forrest - martyr: Scottish Reformation 
St. Columba - missionary, evangelist 
Hellen Stirke - martyr, Protestant Reformation 
Peggy & Christine Smith - intercessors: Hebrides Revival 

As the Welsh Remnant approached, I saw:
Mary Jones* - Disciple of Christ 
Evan Roberts - minister, revivalist
Martyn Lloyd-Jones - minister and teacher
Griffith Jones* - Anglican clergyman: Welsh Reformation
Howell Harris - evangelist: Welsh Reformation 

I heard the steady sound of marching feet on the ground: This march towards the Foundation of the UK, from all four corners the nation…from all four provinces…was slow, sedate, highly regimented - and absolutely together! Until eventually, I saw the entire Remnant of the United Kingdom, now standing united around its Foundation Stone: They kept vigil…they stood in reverence around the stone…sometimes braking down in tears at the sight of the names of those who had helped to lay it.
Because the Lord showed me; it is now time for one final Reformation in the United Kingdom of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 

The Commonwealth 
Then as I looked, in my peripheral vision I saw others coming over the horizon towards us: it wasn’t only the provinces of the UK - I now saw others peoples - other nations: Australia, Canada, Kenya, India, Ghana, Bangladesh, Belize, Jamaica, New Zealand, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroon, Grenada, the Bahamas, Cyprus, Dominica, Eswatini, Fiji, Guyana, Malaysia, Nigeria, Barbados, Gambia…
I noticed that their pace as they approached, was swifter than ours had been; and although their march was not as regimented as ours, they were every bit as unifiedI saw a mass of beautiful color, variety, culture, that seemed to break in to our somberness - and I thought at first “these must be the nations of our commonwealth”, but then as I continued to look - behind and beyond these…I saw more people…more nations approaching - who were not part of the commonwealth:
Trinidad, Tobago, South Africa, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Somalia, Cameroon, Ghana, Sierra Leone, the Gambia, Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Yemen, Oman, Hong Kong, the Republic of Ireland, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar, Singapore…
Still the people (the nations) kept coming: Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Nauru, Samoa, Tonga, Malta - 
and finally - right at the end - came Israel…

“…central to my eye was the main shaft of light; spanning from the USA…to Great Britain…to Israel(see ch.4/link #4 in footnotes)

Many groups of people were dressed in their native dress - not only Scotland and Ireland, but India, the various countries of Africa and Asia. And again, a mass of colour - of variety - of culture - broke in to the somber gathering. (although we all remained somber and serious, this was definitely a great comfort:  Somehow I felt that whatever the  UK was about to go through, we would not be going through it alone) 
I could see that some nations were dressed in period clothes - as they would have been during the time of the British Empire: I specifically remember Australia and New Zealand;  
I noticed some of the women from the Middle East and North Africa were approaching, covered almost from head to toe - including their faces; I knew that these had been compelled for the time being, to keep their Faith hidden, because of the strict regimes in operation where they lived.
Each one carried in their hands, fragments of a stone that I saw was the same as…that had actually come from…this One Central Stone that the Lord was raising up - the Foundation Stone of the UK. And it was as I saw this, that I realized all these peoples and provinces had at one time or another, been a part of the British Empire - and all had received, through a faithful Remnant from the United Kingdom, the Seed of the Gospel. 
{To my shame, I had been amazed that any fragment of Christianity could possibly have survived in some of these areas - and yet they had! ~ The magnitude of the mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ!}

As they approached, they laid down these fragments they were carrying, on the One Foundation Stone, the other people making way for them to come. And as they did this, I saw that the Stone itself was getting larger and larger, with now masses of people, encompassing it as it grew. Each one came and knelt down - joining the rest of us (the Remnant of the UK) in humble worship. I was overwhelmed with the joy of unity…of togetherness: That regardless of what nation or province we were from, we were all part of the same Body of Christ. 

Empire of the Son…
Still they approached the Foundation Stone - more and more from a multitude of peoples, of tribes, tongues and races - until I saw the people were beyond number! And as the people grew - so did the Stone, so all were able to gather around it. All were representative of provinces and territories where the UK had left traces of its Christian influence - and all were bringing fragments of that influence, back to the source. As I looked at the Foundation Stone, I saw that now, it was literally covered with names (the more people who laid down their fragments, the more names I saw on the Foundation)
I was now seeing names like Oliver Cromwell*, Thomas Cramner*, William Wilberforce*, General Gordon*… Winston Churchill*…I even saw Queen Elizabeth II’s father, King George VI…and then there were multitudes more - names I did not recognize: the unsung faithful, who in some way or another, had helped to shape and/or preserve the Foundation Stone upon which their names were written.
I also, for the first time, as more names were uncovered, saw Saint Augustine and the Venerable Bede.
And finally - I saw HM the late Queen: Elizabeth II; I saw her name on the Foundation Stone - and again I broke down and wept…and I was brought back to the beginning of this vision - when I first saw Queen Elizabeth’s faith:
It had not fallen to the ground - but from out of the stump (the mourning of her death) a strong green shoot was now sprouting.

A Solom Assembly 
The people from many nations (including the UK) kept their vigil around the Foundation - looking intently at these names upon it. From time to time, many of them broke this reverential silence - and (like myself) spontaneously broke down in tears, as history - it’s lesson and its revelation, smote their hearts. This was a Holy moment, for an Ecclesia who had been called by God and were right at that moment, being set apart and awakened - by God!

I looked at the fragments of stone that people were bringing; these too, had names on them - but these I did not recognize: I saw “officers and gentlemen”…and their wives, mothers, daughters and servants; I saw them especially in India and Africa, during the Victorian and Edwardian eras: they had been few in number - but they had taught the natives how to pray - to the God of the Bible! - and it was the descendants of these natives - both spiritual and physical - who now approached this One Foundation Stone of the UK and placed their fragments upon it.
I knew that, just like in America (see link #5) having restored the Foundations of the UK, many of these would receive a portion from the Lord to take back to the soil of their ancestors…to preach the Gospel!

As they all knelt in worship before the Foundation stone, there in the center stood the Lord himself - and as one Body, in complete unison, all fell on their faces. The Foundation Stone itself had grown I thought, to almost the size of a small city, as more and more fragments were placed upon it - and as the people continued to worship the Lord, I saw at the center had arisen a mighty Cross: Here the massive Remnant of the United Kingdom- from countless tribes, tongues and peoples were now gathered as one!

Right at the end of this steady parade of people, tribes and nations, I saw one lone figure, draped in a tallit with long fringes - his face almost completely hidden by it. He came carrying a piece of Foundation Stone on behalf of the nation of Israel, that looked different to the rest. As he laid it down upon the Stone that had now become a great Cross, I saw clearly what it was; I believe everyone there saw what it was! Something I had come to recognize and know well: A promise made by the British Government to the Jewish people…a promise called the Balfour Declaration! The people as they witnessed this, became even more somber: I saw some of the faces of those witnesses who stood: members of the Royal Family such as Prince William and Prince Harry, I knew were now there, along with members of Parliament, who all stood in reverence and watched as this man in the tallit walked directly into the center of the great Stone and laid down this covenant at the feet of Jesus Christ. The hands of Jesus then proceeded to unroll it, as if it were not a fragment of stone, but a scroll.
Then I saw the Lord look both to his left (where members of our Parliament stood) and then to his right (at members of our Royal Family), as he silently laid both his hands on the head of the one kneeling in the tallit. Then, the man in the tallit arose and walked back to join the Ecclesia of people, taking up his position of vigil next to someone whom I thought to be Prince William: 
Everyone could now see the contents of this scroll - and as they looked intently into it, more and more people began to break down -  to weep and to groan; until the whole assembly, in complete unison, was once again kneeling down on the ground in broken, humble repentance, prayer and worship.

I have mentioned Prince William several times now. Did I see both him and Prince Harry at this Foundation Stone? Emphatically yes! I did not see their wives - but this absolutely does not mean that they were not there! I could not make out the members of Parliament…nor of Government - nor the face of the Prime Minister; but I know that they were there, witnessing everything - many of them breaking down in tears as they did so. {I knew the Holy Spirit was “breaking them”…preparing them…for something that lay ahead} 
What about the King?  I do believe that he too will be saved - him and the Queen Consort. But those whom I saw - and can name in my particular visions…and whom I have been seeing on and off for some considerable time now - are Prince William and Prince Harry.

{Excerpt from

Forever United- A Kingdom Under God

For every walled garden; for every climbing rose: for the fragrance of every wild flower - in every wild meadow…for every brook and stream, every winding, leafy lane…every rolling hill; every patchwork of field and hedgerow. For the stone-built church that still points upwards, because Your Word is etched down deep into its foundations: For the stone cottage and the corner shop; for the sound of the waves and the smell of the sea. For everything that is England, that reminds us of everything that is still good (Luke 18:19)…everything that is of you (James1:17)

For the glory of your coming redemption, upon all of these things: 

For the multitudes of people who you have shown me, WILL enter in to Your Kingdom. 

For the changing face of Great Britain - from one of Anglo-Saxon Celt,  to the most beautiful array of color and race ever seen..for the multitude of culture and religion that YOU have brought to this country…and who You will bring into the Kingdom…

For their coming unity, that I have seen around the Cross, and for the great revival at the end of times that YOU will bring among them and through them.}

To read the complete prophecy see link #3


*Saint Patrick was former slave in Ireland, but would return there, following his conversion to Christianity and lead many of the pagans in Ireland to Christ.

*John Wycliffe was the first person to translate the whole Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English, thus making it accessible to many more people, than it had been under Roman Catholicism. He is also considered by some as being a forerunner to the Protestant Reformation, because of his similar beliefs concerning scripture, to Martin Luther.

*William Tyndale was a frontman in the Protestant Reformation and the first to translate the Bible into Modern English, from its original Greek and Hebrew.

*Bishops Litimer and Ridley were burned together on the same stake on October 16, 1555 by the Roman Catholic Queen Mary I, for refusing to renounce their Protestant faith.

*Griffith Jones dedicated his life to teaching the people of Wales to read English, that they might better understand the Gospel through being able to read the Holy Scriptures.

*Mary Jones’s hunger for the God of the Bible, drove her as a young girl;

~to acquire an education (still a rare luxury in Wales at that time), so that she could read the Bible; 

~to find employment, so that she could buy a Bible- and then;

~to walk a 26 mile journey so she could finally purchase a Bible. 

She was the inspiration behind the 1804 British and Foreign Bible Society, which continues to translate Bibles to this day.

*Thomas Cramner: Arch Bishop of Canterbury, during the Protestant/English Reformation; fought so that everyone in English Churches should have an understanding of Justification by Faith alone; 

He was responsible for the possible death-bed acceptance of Christ by King Henry VIII; 

Later, he watched his two friends, Bishops Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley burnt at the stake, by order of Queen Mary I and was himself martyred shortly afterwards.

*William Wilberforce was the British MP responsible for the abolition of slavery: First through the 1807 Slave Trade Act, which prohibited the trade of slaves within the British Empire;

And then through the 1833 Slavery Abolition Act, which made illegal the purchasing or ownership of slaves throughout almost the entire  British Empire. (This made him many enemies, of those who made their money through the slave trade - and of those who enjoyed having them!)

*General Charles Gordon is most well known for his death in Khartoum, Egypt, while trying to evacuate Egyptian forces from the besieged city. What is not so well known is how his devoted faith in God was lived out, taking care of the poor and hungry in London and at great cost to himself, providing the uneducated with an education.


*Oliver Cromwell’s leadership led to 

~the strengthening of the commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland;

~the development and strengthening of a constitutional government (as apposed to a government dictated by one single power - its monarch) 

~ and of much greater religious freedom.

*Winston Churchill was used mightily by the Lord during WWII, to unify an already fragmented and weakened nation, to stand and to “ride out the storm of tyranny”. This included orchestrating the rescue of almost the entire British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk and imminent capture. In spite of his checkered history of controversial decisions, our nation would not be as it is - and has been for nearly 85 years - were it not for how the Lord used him.

{Note: We can argue for weeks…months… years…about the good and the bad…the rights and the wrongs - of the beliefs, decisions and actions of men like Cromwell and Churchill; 

but it doesn’t change the fact that I saw their names, amongst many others on the Stone. 

And all of these individuals, while being at times,  controversial in their decisions and living far from perfect lives (like us all) each helped to lay the Foundation that I was seeing before me in this vision: The Christian Foundations of the United Kingdom. Let the Lord be the judge of all these - I am writing to the best of my ability what I have seen.}

A. hW.

Link #1

Link #2

Link #3

Link #4

Link #5


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