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Volume III Part 4: The Unraveling

The Unraveling 

I saw a tightly twisted cord or rubber band that seemed to stretch around the nations. I couldn’t as yet see its beginning: I knew it was in Israel, but it was too far away to see - but I could see  that its end was in the United States of America. This is the cord of the enlightenment of the Gospel. I looked at how the cord was spread around the globe, intertwined within certain nations, but not others. Then as I looked back at its ending - the USA,  I realized that I was looking at the spreading of the Gospel throughout the nations of the world, in reverse.

America, the final base of Christianity. 

As I realized this, I saw that the end of the cord - the USA - was beginning to unravel - as if a tightly sprung piece of metal was beginning to uncoil. 

What was causing this? 

The Lord was bringing up America’s true Foundation Stone (see Volume 1 ch. 2 or Link #1 in footnotes): As the unraveling got faster, more and more things of this world began collapsing throughout the USA. 

Still more it intensified, until people began spilling out of the borders of America to spread the Gospel. (See Link #2). Further and further the cord was unraveled as the Lord separated truth from lies…right from wrong…light from darkness. As the unraveling continued, I felt like time itself was going in reverse: 

So if this unraveling begins with America: the final base of Light for the Gospel - where would it go next. Which nation brought the Gospel to the shores of this Land?

I saw the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 … 

The islands of Great Britain were:

~~Silent - but NOT dead For as I looked I could see a remnant of watchmen - intercessors who had linked hands, forming something like a wall, all around the nation from coast to coast, and were deep in intercession and worship. 

~~Covered with darkness - but not completely: Here and there across the nation, I could see glimmers and patches of light. As I looked more intently I realized that these were actually great lighthouses, positioned strategically and deliberately at numerous points throughout the Land. 

In order for me to proceed further, I must refer back to a prophesy I received 21st November 2022: 

“…They were immovable structures: built from a huge, solid breeze/cinder block type material. Their walls were at least 4ft thick. Their foundations stood possibly 100ft down. Some of these lighthouses were individual people, and many more were local churches, families, and unsung ministries, working at ground level. They stood constant and resolute upon the same Rock from which they had been hewn.  When so much else was crumbling, these ‘houses’ stood! And as things became darker, the Light from these lighthouses became more and more noticeable across the Land, until - towards the final hour - they literally seemed to cover the land - and people began running to them. (For full prophecy See Link #3 in footnotes)

And then, the same trumpet sound that I had heard in a previous prophecy, that had been sounded from the British Isles to America, I was now hearing over the British Isles themselves: (See: Volume I ch.3 or  Link #4 in footnotes) 

“Who will hear Lord? Who will respond..?”

And just as I had seen with America, there was a stirring within the nation. A remnant in the United Kingdom were responding - a people were awakening.

The Gospel in Reverse...

Once  the unraveling had begun in America, I knew that there was no stopping it, and very little time before it’s affects reached the shores of Great Britain. If you picture thousands and thousands of dominos in an elaborate array - and the first one (the USA) is hit: This is how fast things were unraveling - falling. It took literally seconds between it’s leaving the shores of the United States and hitting the British Isles. I suddenly felt an urgency - that they had much less time to prepare themselves in Britain, than we had in the States. 

Take heed watchmen… 

And I heard, for the first time, words come from the mouth of the Watchman in my vision: “Brace for Impact! Brace, Brace, Brace!”

And just as with the Bible Belt, this remnant were making themselves ready. 

In my vision it took seconds…between the unraveling hitting the Atlantic Ocean and reaching the shores of Great Britain - like dominoes falling. But I will slow it down to real time, to explain what I saw was happening in various nations during this unraveling.

The unraveling hit the British Isles like a seismic wave, of a magnitude so great that the whole country seemed to sway on its foundations. 

Almost immediately I saw a ripple affect: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and other nations that had all been under British rule…that had all been “Christianized” - “civilized” to some degree: At the unraveling of Great Britain, these nations too began to rapidly unravel, and remnants of foundations, laid for the glory of Jesus Christ began to be uncovered and brought to the surface.

 - and  I could hear the Lord say to his remnant in these nations: “Stand. Stand to your posts. Stand in My Strength. If  Salvation is to come…if  souls are to be redeemed, you MUST STAND.” And the Lord gave me the words of David from Psalm 37.


Britain’s Lost Foundation Stone

Things had begun falling and crashing to the ground of Great Britain with great force: So great was the impact…the shaking…the unraveling

that I was afraid there would be nothing left of my country to look upon. But from this very same ground I now saw - just as with America - a Foundation Stone being raised up. I could not see what was written on it, but I began to see names like John Wesley, William Tindal, John Wycliffe.

The watchmen (intercessors) that I had seen on the walls around the nation at first, were still standing their ground, praising and worshiping in the strength of the Lord; the lighthouses also had stood firm through the impact…and their lamps did not go out, but rather seemed to burn brighter and brighter as Britain’s great unraveling intensified. Hallelujah for your mercy Lord! 

As things become harder and darker, more and more people began to run towards the lighthouses - from every quarter. These stood strong and secure, not in their own strength, but I saw that they had been built upon and hewn out of the SAME Foundation Stone…one that in Great Britain is presently hidden - but is about to be revealed.

Above the flood 

As the Stone was raised, the remnant Church - those who had taken their stand upon the Word of God - were also being raised up with it: These now stood above what had become a flood, which covered the entire nation. 

And again, I will revert to a prophetic word from 16/5/21:

“The flood water had risen so high, I couldn’t make out anything that I recognized.  That’s when I saw the boats: I saw the remnant:

Even though they were on the water, these boats were approaching as if, from out of a desert. I believe I was seeing  the foundations of Britain. I saw remnants from the Anglican, Methodist, Baptist movements..they had been refined by fire and by the power of the Holy Spirit, they were afloat and moving swiftly above and through the waters;.

I felt the Lord say this: “I will shake this nation to its foundations...Its Christian foundations...And I will uncover the foundation stone...I will clear away the rubble and thoroughly purge the surrounding land...and I will rebuild my Church from the ground up. All that can be shaken will be shaken...will be tested...and you must allow that which is not of me to fall. I will take My True Foundation and lift it up above the floods. And all who choose to stand on it will be sustained above the flood with it.”

 I saw a stone...heavy...grasped with two hands, and being brought up out of the water. What was written on it, I couldn’t decipher.  

“And with My own Hands, I will resurrect from the bottom of the sea, that which was thought to be dead, buried and forgotten.”...

I also saw names on the boats...Wycliffe, Wesley, Tindel..and I felt that a vital part of this nation’s salvation would be a hunger for the pure and undiluted Word of God and a turning and returning to the Truth of it.

As I looked, I could see that the boats were the only things that were staying afloat, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Everything else was sinking or already submerged.

 “And you will search again for the ancient paths”... the Lord led me to Jeremiah 6:16 “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” For the Lord will do a new thing...that which has not been done in this Land before...but He will do it on its original foundation... “for the new way is the old way”...the Lord continued... “For I do not is you My People who must change, and are already changing...being broken down (I saw clay in the hands of a potter)...that you may be able walk humbly in my ways.” 

Jeremiah 18:3 “So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.”

Image: King James Bible Scripture Pictures

“The pride of this nation has caused it to be marred and broken... but among My People, among My Remnant there is...and must continue to be humility. For I honor your prayers of repentance and brokenness that are coming before me at this time.” 

I saw intercessors: Some who had been praying for decades, months, weeks and some who had just started. I watched as those prayers went up to become one unified and powerful aroma before the Lord...they were sweet before Him because they were now coming through affliction and sacrifice.  

“You must be patient in this affliction and do not grow weary in seeking me, for in due time you will reap a harvest (Galatians 6:9). For I will indeed break into pieces the pride of the people in this Land...but then...because you have cried out for my mercy...I will pick up the clay and start again.”

Read Jeremiah 18:5-10

Pictures taken from the movie “Dunkirk”

His winnowing fork is in his hand and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” (Matthew 3:12)

And then - through the winnowing…above the flood…above the Great darkness that had all but completely enveloped the Land - I saw the Sun of Righteousness began to arise over the horizon of the United Kingdom, with Redemption in its Light and healing in its wings. (Malachi 4:2)

And I heard the sound of something being smashed against a rock - and a spark was ignited! 

To be continued…

A. hW.






#5 For further reading 
A Kingdom United Under God


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