
Ch.14 The Unraveling to the End

  Isaiah 52:7 This picture - taken from the movie “War Games”, is as close as I can get, to describe the John 12:24 glory over the nations: the overlapping and arching lines are the Body of Christ as we go out to preach the Gospel; the dark background is the evil of the anti christ regime and the white orbs are literally bright white explosions, representative of both Salvation and martyrdom : because in the days I was looking at here, there would not be one without the other. These two things went hand in hand! “ Now   is   my   soul   troubled .  And   what  shall   I   say ? ‘ Father ,  save   me   from   this  hour ’?  But   for   this  purpose   I   have   come  to   this  hour .   Father ,  glorify   your  name .”   Then   a   voice   came   from   heaven :“ I   have   glorified   it ,  and   I   will   glorify   it  again .” John 12:27-28 The Timeline   I saw Matthew 24:14 and Revelation 6:9-11   on parallel courses, as if on a timeline or a graph. Both are directly affected b
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