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I will trust God for my reward

It seems that these last few years I’ve been bombarded by a culture that is captivated with “his special Christian lineage”, or  “her special Jewish heritage”, 

with possessing “exceptional giftings”, or “unusual anointings”, or “exceedingly high callings”; 

with being chosen by the Lord “for such a time as this”…to slay giants, move mountains, possess spheres of influence or liberate nations; 

to take on and defeat the “Python spirit”, the “Jezebel spirit“, the “Ahab spirit”, the “Leviathan spirit”, the “Pharisee spirit”, the “Sadducee spirit”, the “Religious spirit”, etc, etc, etc…No wonder so many of Gods people seem worn down and confused.

Big names on big platforms…“Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.”(1Samuel 8:1-22),

{In Revelation 2:20-23, Jesus, when confronting the Church of Thyatira over their tolerance of “that woman Jezebel” (an individual or individuals who were displaying the same lethal characteristics as the Jezebel of 1Kings) wasn’t giving them the go ahead, to jump on a media bandwagon and start “rebuking the Spirit of Jezebel”: 

He was calling them to REPENT - because of the evil influence that possibly more than one individual, was having on this Church.}

This is not an assault on personal deliverance ministry, which I generally support as biblical: There is precedent for this, as we see Jesus both naming and driving out demons. What I don’t believe (and what the Scriptures do not support) is self proclaimed apostles and prophets who publicly claim: 

1 The Lord has shown them a principality over a nation 

2. The Lord has shown them it’s name (By giving the principality a name, they are giving it fame - and also themselves)

3. The Lord has shown them how to drive it out  - usually involving huge platforms, arenas and conferences, taking place over years…and sometimes decades (as apposed to fasting, repentance and prayer.)  Jesus named the “deaf and dumb spirit” and then immediately humiliated it. He didn’t appear on a public platform, year after year rallying the troops to “drive these spirits out of our nation!”

Personally, I don’t care if these “apostles” and “prophets” say “God told me it’s name”. …I don’t care if they call down fire from heaven to prove their point…See: Revelation 13:11-18. Scripture is our final reference - and our safety net!  

If it’s not in the scripture, IT  WILL  NOT  BE  IN  MY  LIFE!!!

Why do we seem to be so restless? Why do we persistently want “more”? Why is the Scripture not sufficient? If Scripture is not enough for us, then what will be?

It’s only my sub-standard opinion here; but could it be that all of this is actually a distraction from Satan, to keep our attention on ourselves and away from the Lord and from doing the one thing that he has actually commissioned all of us, without exception, to do? (See Matthew 28:19-20) If we are not busy, about our Father’s business, will we not inevitably end up being about Satan’s?

Must we continue to pursue these people, for them to tell us that we have “the David anointing”, or “the Esther anointing”, or “the Daniel anointing”, or “the Elijah anointing”, or “the Joshua anointing”, or “the 22:22 anointing”, etc, etc, etc; me…me…me…. I…I…I

before we can ever do anything for God?

Since when did it ever become about us?

I don’t care if they’ve told us that it’s “the year of the mouth”…or “the year of the door”…or “the year of the great reset”…or “the year of the new beginnings”. Saints I do not base my walk and life as a Christian on the mystical readings of the numbers of a Jewish year, from a Hebraic calendar that is neither accurately nor authentically biblical.

(This is what pagans do - and consequently it will always ring true for someone!)

So now, I’m just asking the Lord to take me back to a place where there are none of these distractions…where it’s okay to be a nobody from nowhere, along with everyone else…Where the only thing required of me is to be a witness for Jesus…to return to the works I did at first (Rev.2:5)…to simply walk in the “Lord’s anointing”…Because I’m not anyone - from anywhere; I’m just a simple Bible teacher - and a student. And when I came here, I thought that would be enough…

I’m looking forward to returning to Kenya y’all…and then back home.

And if what I have written resonates in any way with you, keep low…and keep on! For everyone who humbles themselves will be exalted…and whoever exalts himself will be humbled…And believe me, the humbling is coming!

Written with much love and concern

For more on this subject visit:

The Office of a Bondservant

Following the Prophet or Following the Lord

The Apostle - Parts 1&2


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