The Book of Esther: The Power of Humility
Ch. 2
After these things, when the anger of King Ahasuerus had abated, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what had been decreed against her.
Then the king’s young men who attended him said, “Let beautiful young virgins be sought out for the king.
And let the king appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom to gather all the beautiful young virgins to the harem in Susa the citadel, under custody of Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who is in charge of the women. Let their cosmetics be given them. And let the young woman who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti.” This pleased the king, and he did so.
In the four year period between Esther ch.1 & ch.2, when Esther becomes queen - King Xerces (Ahasuerus), ruler of the Persian Empire, will embark upon a failed attempt to subdue the armies of the Empire of Greece. He will return, himself subdued, humbled and finally ready to be introduced to the concept of one greater than himself: the God of Israel.
Now begins a chain of events whereby King Xerces will not only play a vital role in Israel’s salvation but, like his father Darius, will come to recognize through Mordecai, Esther and the nation of Israel, the God of Israel as supreme.
In Esther ch. 1 we see a display of pride and conceit.
But: Proverbs 16:18-20 - Things have now changed, and will continue to change dramatically.
Because God is so merciful !
He allows kingdoms to rise and fall (Daniel 2:31-45) - but with each fall…with every subduing, seems to come a humbling, whereby the Lord is able to snatch a people from the fire (just as he did with Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon, beginning in Daniel ch 3), and He will prepare a Remnant from His own people to do it.
This is what is about to happen in Persia, again through the Lord’s Remnant - his humble servants Mordecai and Esther: -
who, in the face of ongoing captivity and displacement, will continue to maintain an attitude of honor and assume a posture of humble submission: Mordecai under his captors - and Esther under Mordecai!
America will also for a season, be humbled and subdued, just as Xerces was humbled and subdued by Greece.
… and when that happens: “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2Chronicles 7:14
{Under Cyrus and Darius, there was a remnant of Israel who separated themselves for the return from exile, to rebuild the altar and prepare for the coming Messiah;
and there was also a remnant who stayed behind in Persia, so that the nation of Israel could continue to be a light to the Gentiles of the One true Lord.} Excerpt from Ch.5 “The Great Reformation”
There is no mention of the Lord anywhere in the Book of Esther, and yet his hand is so evident: In chapter 7 we see Esther almost acting as priest: Standing between her people and the evil attempting to destroy them.
When we look at the lives of Mordecai and Esther, we see what strength and beauty there is to be found in - not rebellion - but humble submission. It appears that Mordecai, had taken fully to heart, the Lord’s instruction to his exiled people in Jeremiah 29:5-7 - and had instilled these same Words in the heart Esther. This will not only save her, but her entire nation, from total annihilation.
So it is with America, that during a time of great prosperity and freedom, the pride of the people will reach such heights that the Lord will have no choice but to humble us - starting with and specifically towards those on the mountain of media who are representing the Church - and those in the Church who are following them. We will fall from this high place; we will first be humbled, before the Lord brings forth his “Esther” - his Salvation - to the Land. And this Salvation will not come as it did in the Book of Esther: not through sword and the might of men - but through humble, broken Repentance! He will prepare and use a humble remnant, just as He used Mordecai and Esther, to heal - to save - the Land. See also Link #1 “Submission”
“You will learn to grow in darkness. How can something grow when deprived of natural sunlight? - unless there is another supernatural source, that will override your carnal needs and natural instincts; causing you to grow in the midst of drought; bringing you to Life in the midst of death. (Indeed, there is no real Life until we first embrace Christ’s death.) My Church will learn to do this in the midst of the “Fire” you have been asking for…and the time that is approaching.”Excerpt from Fast For Family 02/08/22. To read entire prophesy see Link #2
I questioned the Lord: “In the middle of drought?”
“A spiritual drought is coming”, the Lord graciously continued, “where you will be deprived of much that you have held so dear: And I will require a reckoning of how My People have put to work the gifts, skills, knowledge and resources that I have bestowed upon this nation, in such abundance.
What have you done with your Freedom, My Church? How have you used your Liberty? Have you used it to build the Kingdom of Heaven? - or have you used it to build the American Dream?
If the answer is the latter, then now is the time to humble yourself, turn from the carnal ways of this world and seek My Face. For now is the time of Mercy”, says the Lord.
Read Matthew 25:14-30
And Link #3 “Mercy”
I knew He was referring to the silencing of the Media Mountain in the Church; but I also felt that this drought would go further than that:
Because, to whom much is given, much will be required. Luke 12:48
Seven Mountains
Ironically, I once again saw the Seven Mountains of Influence: But this time I was seeing them in a different way. I was seeing them from the perspective of the Church.
Upon the Mountain of Religion, I saw multitudes of Bibles - different translations - Bible teaching materials - all manner of theological information and prestigious Bible seminaries.
And for what He has given, The Lord will require a reckoning…
I saw the Mountain of Family: Some of the most well-known prestigious Christian families…and others not so well known: But to all of these families, had been bestowed three…four…five generations of Christian heritage:
For what He has given, The Lord will require a reckoning - from this generation.
There were others: The Mountain of Business: I saw wealth and prosperity coming into the Church. Some of these Christians were using their wealth wisely, and in a way that honored the Lord - but others were not. And again: For what He has given, The Lord will require a reckoning.
The Mountain of Education - I saw both Christian and secular institutions: but especially Christian schools, colleges, seminaries - and those who had been blessed enough to attend them. It is a privilege - not granted to everyone:
The Lord again will require a reckoning for what He has given.
And for those good and faithful servants, who have truly understood that what they have is from the Lord, and for Him alone…those whom have used wisely, without greed or pride, what the Lord has given them…pouring it all out for His service:
“Take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”
Matthew 25:28-29
See also Link #4 “A Nation Under God”(The transfer of wealth)
Again I heard Jesus’s words of Luke 12:48 - “To whom much is given, much will be required”
Again I heard His words: “How are you using the Liberty…the Freedom I have given you? Are you burying it into the soil of your own interests…your own families…your own businesses; your own “dreams” - or are you laying it down on My altar, that I can use it - that I can use you for the expansion of my Kingdom?
This is not to put fear or condemnation on anyone: His Mercy covers us…and His grace is more than sufficient for us - but there is a great shaking coming to this Land - including the Bible Belt - where our walls of comfort and insulation will be brought down. The Lord will test all we have built…He will put to work all the knowledge and skills we have gained, and He will do it outside of our own comfort zones: This will require that we lay down all that we have accumulated…and every plan we have made that suits our own needs and those of our families - even if these plans have the label of “Christianity” on them. I believe the Lord is, as always, giving us warning…so that we can prepare our lives…and our hearts…for His coming.
We must realize that being born and raised in the United States of America, is in itself a HUGE privilege - not to be taken lightly or for granted.
In terms of those claiming spiritual succession; ie: attaining privileged positions in the Church because of their Christian lineage…or their Jewish lineage - and even (forgive me for saying this) bragging about it: Again I am compelled to write: Think very carefully - because To whom much is given, much will be required:
(Read 1Corinthians ch.3)
There is a reason why you have the lineage you have…the education you’ve had…the job you have…the skills you have - and it’s not about you.
America is in great danger - unless and until we realize that everything we have…everything we have been given…is of the Lord and is for the Lord…
We will either lose what we have or worse still - we will lose our souls to the anti christ.
And the Lord reminded me of this…👇
{America’s Missionaries…
Many of those going out, were bringing their Liberty with them…but this was a different kind of Liberty: This was Liberty in its truest, purest form. For amongst them, were service men and women, medics, teachers, cleaners, business owners, industry workers, caregivers, mothers - and fathers! And they were pouring themselves out for others! Many among them were unskilled in the natural - still more had disabilities…yet, these had now been gifted with a weight and wealth of supernatural wisdom, knowledge and anointing…because they too had heard the call - and emptied their hands of everything else!}
Excerpt from Volume I - A Nation Under God
And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10: 38-39
…And this was where I suddenly realized - that I was actually looking at the collapse of the Seven Mountains of Influence in the Church; as people began to lay down their lives, and instead of building mountains and taking dominion, they took the gifts given them by the Lord, and poured them out, to spread the Gospel to the nations of the world! How great is our God…and His mercy upon America! His plans WILL come to pass!
And He also reminded me of this…👇
{During this time of tribulation, many large ministries that had carried the Church for so long, were hit hard, so that they seemed to be fragmented and scattered…and this was a good thing: Many pastors, associate pastors and elders who had been (knowingly or unknowingly) prepared by God for this hour, upon being dispersed outside the church structure, began to preach the Gospel…powerfully and passionately. Individual congregants, some of whom had been awoken as if from a deep sleep, others who had been faithfully and humbly praying and waiting, went out to the highways and byways, and also began to preach the Gospel, with signs and wonders accompanying.}
Excerpt from Link #2.
We must now begin to wait (Isaiah 40:28-31) and to pray: For only in this Way - in the laying down of our wants…our plans…our lives for the Lord - will we truly understand what Real Freedom looks like.
We must learn how to worship in the wilderness, looking to Him for everything. (Read Deuteronomy chapter.8) There are some lessons we must learn now - and quickly - here, at the beginning of Birth Pangs. The lesson of Submission is one:
From 11/21/22.
James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, (James1:1)
Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James,(Jude1:1)
There is no greater freedom in Me than to be My bond servant (Ps84:10). For through My vicarious death on the Cross, I have redeemed you…I have bought you back, as the master purchases the slave. For once you were bent beneath the load of your taskmaster, the prince of this world: But my Son took the weight of that burden upon His shoulders, and has given you His burden in exchange - which is light, and his yolk which is easy: Once you were slaves, to the power of sin and eternal death. You were by nature objects of My wrath. But now I say to you “Fear not! For I have redeemed you: I have bought you back, with the highest price imaginable: the Blood of My Son; And because I have purchased you, your life is no longer your own: I have called you out of this world and into my service…you are now mine; As My own personal possession you can confidently put your life in my hands, trusting in my perfect protection, guidance, provision and Love. And I am the perfect Lord and Master. You can call yourself my child - but you can also call yourself my bond servant - engrafted into Me, with an unbreakable covenant of Love through service - and service through Love
(Song of Solomon 8:5-6)
For it is my desire that you would be yoked to me, as a bride to her bridegroom (Isaiah 54:6), to serve me in comfort and security, without fear of punishment…not through a Law that is still written in stone, but through My perfect Law - a covenant which I have perfectly fulfilled through My Son, and have now written on your own hearts. This my beloved bride, is true freedom (1Peter2:16)
Isaiah 43:1-2
1Peter 1:18-19
Matthew 11:28-30
Ephesians 2:1-6
1John 4:16-19
In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted, but you have given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required. Then I said “Behold I have come. In the scroll of the book it is written of me: I delight to do your will, O my God; your Law is within my heart.
Psalm 40:6-8
Mixed Messages from the “Pillars of the Church”
The following is an excerpt from Ch.5 The Great Reformation
{Beyond the Veil
And that’s when I saw the veil come off the eyes of the Remnant Church of America:
It was as if a huge dome that had been sheltering them for so long, began to open up.
To reveal what? What could “We The People” see that they hadn’t before?
They could see the nations of the Earth…through the eyes of the Lord.
“We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth.”
The Rev. Robert Hunt, from Cape Henry, Virginia, in the year 1607, dedicates the Land destined to become the United States of America, to the Lord.
This is not to say that people weren’t aware of other nations or cultures…nor of what was happening within them: Truly there are branches of Christianity coming out of the United States that are having incredible impact throughout the Earth.
But rather, I knew the Lord was addressing a major cultural stronghold - one that has kept the main trunk of His Church in the United States of America comfortably isolated and somewhat disconnected, since its founding (in a way not that dissimilar to the attitude of the early Jewish Church, before their persecution and dispersal.)This was why the Church’s final separation, away from the Nation and unto the Lord, was so critical.}
I am not saying that this mountain calling itself the New Apostolic Reformation, from out of which was spewing the “take dominion” theology, was entirely responsible for the existence of this dome.
What I do know is that when these seven mountains had fallen and the voices upon them had been silenced, the American Church on mass, were able to see the nations of the Earth through the eyes of the Lord - and love them as he did; and the self preservation that is so prevalent in American culture through pursuit of the American Dream, was broken off.
I had come to realize that so many among the masses in these gatherings had wanted an awakening; they had wanted to see the nations of the world revived;
but through the noise coming from these seven mountains - and especially the Mountain of Media, they had been hearing mixed messages:
And this “gaslighting” was pulling the Saints in America in many different directions; preventing them from doing the one thing that the Lord was calling them to do:
Was this about making America glorious, by laying down their lives - giving up the American Dream for the Gospel…?
Or was this about making themselves and America great and powerful through possessing the seven mountains of influence?Because through the “apostles” and “prophets” on these mountains, the people had been hearing both…
…But Saints, we cannot have both. These are two ideals that cannot coexist - not for long…
These mountains must and will come down. This gaslighting needs to stop; These voices of distraction, hindrance and confusion must once and for all, be silenced.
Galatians 1:3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,5 to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
If this Age is evil - and the substance of it accursed - why, in America, are so many of us still trying to hold on to it?
This is why, in spite of the fasting, and crying out to God…the many public gatherings and national calls to prayer, (all of which are very, very good) nothing has really materialized from them in the long run - nothing that would transform an entire nation.
We must choose which foundation we are going to take our stand upon:
Either the foundation of the great commission laid by Robert Hunt and the early pilgrims;
Or the secular humanist foundation laid directly on top of it, following the Revolutionary War.
We as the Body of Christ, cannot stand on both foundations; and the days are coming when we will realize this.
{How can we be so blind?
“Because you have chosen to build on the wrong foundations.”}
Excerpt from Ch.6 ~ The Great American Dream Machine Part 2
Even our gatherings of fasting and our national days of prayer and repentance for the nation I saw, were always overshadowed by the idolatry of these “luminaries” on the huge platforms.
At a time when the American church had come together to repent of sin, I saw that one of the first and greatest sins was actually being committed right there in the midst of the solemn assembly; Idolatry:
The people were idolizing the big names on the platforms, who were supposedly, leading them in repentance!
One moment I would see someone weeping in the presence of the Lord; and a few moments later, I would see this same one become almost faint with excitement…even hysteria, because they had managed to get within 10 feet of one of the “luminaries” on the huge platform:
One moment they were worshiping the Lord…and the next, they were worshiping an idol - a celebrity…and yet, so engrained this celebrity culture had become in our churches, that it didn’t seem to occur to any of them that this was wrong.
Shockingly, I knew that many of those on the platform leading this rally of repentance, were the same “wolves in sheep’s clothing” that I had seen deceiving the masses in the previous chapters; I was reminded of a previous vision; “The Watchman, the City & the Towers Part 2
{I could see that through the liberal amounts of counterfeit, through the mass of lies and deception, was also the genuine: Genuine signs and wonders; genuine healing and deliverance; prophetic words that were genuine and true; That which was truly of the Lord was happening on the same platform, right alongside the counterfeit, with the eyes of the world looking on. The problem was that for the most part it was being exploited in exactly the same way…And this was bringing a terrible reproach upon the Name of Jesus.}
This is what I was seeing here, at this solemn assembly of repentance. Regardless of the will of the Lord, these “apostles” and “prophets” were always there! They were sharing - even usurping - this platform, with those who had been genuinely called by God; Nobody could or would contest this, so strong was the conditioning of the Church masses to believe that these apostles and prophets had to be the center of every such gathering - and that the Lord would not do anything without them! As a consequence, the people loved them…and on mass, they followed them: It was heart breaking.
Tall Stories & Grand Narratives
Just as I was thinking that this could not possibly get any worse, on this same platform I was hearing stories; of ferocious battles with demons, shape-shifters and even “wear wolves”…
Sensational stories; that – at a Christian gathering - had the masses transfixed with awe, and gave those speaking on the platform (who were mostly deliverance ministers) a superhero - almost God-like status. It reminded me of the “Serpent Seed Doctrine”, prevalent among certain Pentecostal leaders, a century ago. Again I realized: This was the same thing, rebranded and repackaged. Again, I found myself asking: Is Christ’s death, burial and resurrection not enough for us - that we must resort to this “sci-fi fantasy and superhero worship in the Church?
Ezekiel 13:3-7
“Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals among ruins.
You have not gone up to the breaches in the wall to repair it for the people of Israel so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the Lord.
Their visions are false and their divinations a lie. Even though the Lord has not sent them, they say, “The Lord declares,” and expect him to fulfill their words. Have you not seen false visions and uttered lying divinations when you say, “The Lord declares,” though I have not spoken?”
{“The established Church tried to call these people to account. Many tried to bring them to repentance; but they were so elevated and insulated that no one could get through to them! They were beyond reasoning with. Although their sin was exposed, it seemed that the masses below, wanted these people more than they wanted God and His Righteousness: So now we have placed them all in the Hands of God.”}
Excerpt from previous chapter: The Mountain of Media Part 2
8 Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones.
9 But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “TheLord rebuke you.” 10 But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively.
11 Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam’s error and perished in Korah’s rebellion.
12 These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted;
13 wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.
This is what is holding back the great Awakening that America so desperately needs…that the people in this gathering were crying out for:
This idolatry in the Ecclesia must stop…
Again I say: These mountains must and will come down!
“A deception is coming…a great wave of deception is coming, that will engulf the entire world and sweep under, all those who are not rooted and grounded in the Truth of My Word. Because there IS no other Truth in this world except that which is found in My Word…no matter how tantalizing and tempting other messages…even those spoken from the pulpits of My House, may sound.
Now is the time to be awake and alert. Now is the time to be seeking NOTHING else but Truth…which is found in NOTHING else but My Word.
My beloved, there is no other gospel than the One you first received…there is no other rock, but The Lord.”
The Constitution will eventually fall. The Capitalist System will fall to the powers of the Anti Christ Regime.
The Word of God will not fall !
We must choose which side of the line we are on - and step over it.
Because America’s strength is not where we think it is. We will fulfill our destiny, but first, like the Israelites, we must learn the lessons of Deuteronomy ch.8. We must learn how to worship in the wilderness, looking to Him for everything. The Lord will turn this nation on its head and use the weak and foolish of this world - even little children - to shame those who think they are wise.
I saw again, the Army of the Family. But now they looked different: Now they looked like the Israelites under Joshua, about to cross over the Jordan.
I saw these families moving out as Joshua and the Israelites moved in to take the Promised Land. I heard the Lord say, “Are they ready?” To which we replied “Yes Lord, we are more than ready! Anxious to follow the Word of the Lord.” I knew I was seeing a glimpse of the future.
Matthew 24:14 is America’s destiny: it is America’s “Promised Land”. It is not to be seen with the natural eye…it’s to be hoped for by the Spirit. (2Corinthians 4:16-18)
And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15
A. h. W.
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