Voicing (not for the first time) a deep concern:
The emphasis on miracles, signs and wonders - or the “anointing”, over the Word of God, is becoming almost frightening. Visitations from angels…portholes into the third heaven, things that Paul the Apostle cautioned against…or wouldn’t even talk about…are being trophied in the Body of Christ!
But Jesus and the early Church fathers, did not “peddle the anointing” - God forbid! The Apostles did not try to “popularize” Jesus through sensationalism and the promise of miracles, signs and wonders.
They did not compromise the Gospel - They preached the Gospel…and were hated by many because of it; imprisoned and killed for the privilege.
The New Age and Occult, The Hindus, the Buddhists, The Mormons, the Roman Catholic Church, factions of Islam - and even Judaism, all have branches within their religions that claim the working of miracles, signs and wonders, including angelic visitations, portholes into heaven, healing the sick, prophesy and speaking in unknown tongues. And is it any wonder, when the False Prophet himself is able to perform “astounding miracles on behalf of the beast, even calling down fire from Heaven”, to deceive the people of this world? (Revelation 13:13-14)This is why signs and wonders merely enforce and confirm the convicting power of the Gospel - not the other way around. It is not signs and wonders that will set us apart at the end (as the devil can clearly produce his own) It is Christ, him crucified and resurrected (1Corinthians 1:22-24; 2:2) This is the Gospel, the Only Truth and the only thing that saves. We must preach Christ and Him crucified. This is what sets us apart (The Lord calls it “Holiness”)…And the world will hate us for it - but there is no other Name under Heaven by which they may be saved (Acts 4:12)
Again, I love the gift of prophecy…I love witnessing the working of signs, wonders and miracles: What I hate is what is being built in the House of God through them: A pyramid…
Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.”
And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built.
And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. (Genesis 11:4-6…compare to Revelation 13)
This is being verified more and more through the push for “unity” (Ecumenicism) which is being spearheaded by the leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation - along with the open claims of certain “prophets” that the Church (including Mormons and practicing Roman Catholics) will be united - and the thing that “unites us” will be - not the Cross of Christ - but the working of signs, wonders and miracles.
(Because there is a true unity - Revelation 7:9-17; But there also is a counterfeit unity - Revelation ch. 13)
But when we listen to what these people are saying…when we follow them into this kind of global unity, surely we are provoking the wrath of God - and walking into something that will only end one way: Revelation ch.18
Galatians 1:6-9
For more on this subject visit:
A great deception is coming - and is already here: one that will give us EVERYTHING we want!
But as servants of Christ in Kenya, the Lord had mandated us: to preach the true and offensive Gospel, from the entire, pure and undiluted Word of God - and this is what we did.
During this time, The Lord had burned Revelation ch. 7:9-17 into the very core of my being. The revelation of this scripture had taken ahold in my soul and lit a fire within me. Everything I said and did from that point on, was coming from a conviction that this scripture is where it ends for all of us:
Whether it be through rapture or martyrdom, Revelation 7:9-17 is our final curtain…where we the people of the Church Age take our final bow. This is why we must, as the scripture says “love not our lives to the death” (Rev12:11).
It was from this place - Revelation 7:9-17 - that The Lord had mandated us;
It is to this place that the Ekklesia in Kenya - and every nation - must arrive;
And it is to this end that we preach the raw and unfiltered Word of God - for ourselves, and the nations of the world.
America ch.21
From 04/08/22
“The Crash & The Fall
In the midst of the shaking there was a huge Crash, as if something of great value and stature had fallen and burst open…”
I still cannot to this day tell you what the crash was, except that the more I see it, the more I believe it to have come from within the American Church: as if a great dam, or a protective wall had caved in on itself. Christians who had taken ahold of Revelation 12:11 came pouring out, to bring the eternal Gospel to the ends of the Earth. This was America’s beginnings (as prophesied by the Rev Robert Hunt 1607). And this will be American’s end…(So many are searching for end times America in the Bible…they need look no further than Matthew 24:14 & Revelation 7:9-17.) This unprecedented end times harvest will happen right under the nose of Anti-christ, and in the midst of the greatest evil (and the greatest deception of evil posing as good) that the world has ever known.
I know that the hour is coming when the Church in America can no longer be insulated…nor can we use our exceptionalism to look after only our own house. We are now on borrowed time here - and we must learn and understand the true meaning and purpose of our Liberty under God - and begin to use it for His glory, not our own comfort. The Lord loves this nation - and the nations of the Earth (Psalm2:8)
This has been our mandate from the Lord from the very beginning: That through the pure and undiluted teaching of the Gospel we may be able to bring as many as possible to this place 👇
So that they - and us - will be ready for this 👇(Revelation 7:9-17). Everything we do as end times followers of Jesus, in His Name, is leading us up to this point in time!
The Grace of our Lord be with us all 🙏
A. h. W.
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