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Definition: to seize, catch up, snatch away

harpázō – properly, seize by force; snatch up, suddenly and decisively; to take by an open display of force (i.e. not covertly or secretly).

See 1Thess 4:16-17


Why with such force? If we picture during the tribulation: The incredible increase of evil in the second heaven, where satan operates. It is no wonder that the Lord will  take possession of His own - snatch us up to the third Heaven - with such great force.

The word was described by one native Greek speaker as a term you would use as if snatching a child from the path of an oncoming car: in other words: to be snatched up from the path of great and life threatening danger. Which is why I believe we must face tribulation, to some degree (John 16:33) so that we can be snatched from it. We cannot escape it. 

The Lord is so good…He wants as many of us to be ready and willing to be “snatched away”…so He will increase the pressure upon us in the earth, and the unleashing of evil…to help us make that decision…because He is merciful.

Why do we think we will be caught up to Heaven, when we love, work and even fight so hard for things of this world?

We send our kids to college, to find the American dream…and they find atheism and materialism, and all of a sudden, the Masonic system that has usurped the nation’s Godly foundation established in 1620, has now usurped the throne of their hearts. We send our kids into the education system only to lose them. This is why we are being shaken. Our Salvation will depend on it! We should be crying out for this. 

That the Lord would squeeze us like an olive in an olive press…for the sake of our kids…our little ones. For the sake of the loved ones we sent to college, only to lose them  to the humanistic/atheistic pyramid of the anti-christ order.

It will continue to get worse on this earth…but the Lord has promised to sustain us (Matthew 6:25-34) and to keep us from wrath (1Thess 5:9), and as more and more people scramble for answers not of this earth, what an amazing time to preach the Gospel…to go in - and out - as an army…with a bang! Harpatzo!

In some of the more charismatic mega churches, you will hear things like “today God is going to uncover your destiny”…or “God has a purpose and a destiny for your life”.

Lord help us realize that the rich reward of a  soul won for you, with sufferings and sacrifice…that the joy of a life laid down for friends and enemies, in the service of You, is our destiny. He who wants to save his life will lose it…but the one who loses their life for you, will gain REAL LIFE eternally. 

Lord, change our perspective…change our hearts!…that the pressure and squeezing upon the Land IS Your mercy…because You love us and want to show your glory through our lives laid down - You want us to look like You. This is the reason for the shaking of the nations of the earth.


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