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John 12:24-25

 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:24-25

A few years ago, while we were under the 44th Presidency, I saw the nation burning: These were not physical fires, but rather, I felt it was a burning down of what we had become used to in America…it was the infrastructure, the industry, the military…everything we had built…and everything we had glorified…and I felt the Lord saying not to fight the fires but to let them burn. (I was too wearied from the fight to contest at that point, so my response was “Your will be done Lord”)

Then yesterday (08/12/21) this is what I got - directed at the Church, because everything begins with the Church:

This is a nation that began with God. If we want the will of God, we must allow Him to pull down…shake down…burn down, in His House, everything erected by us - everything we have built for ourselves, until that which was built by God, for His Glory is uncovered…The place where it began - its foundation stone. 

And I felt the Lord saying to His remnant “Do not be afraid  - What are the foundations of America except it’s Constitution? And this…even this, will one day be undone….

BUT: what are the foundations of My Church, except My Word? - The Bible…which will never be undone! Without THIS foundation, nothing would survive…

But…because of it, I am shaking everything else that can be shaken until it falls…so that the thing which cannot be shaken (My Word and everything built upon it) will stand and will endure.

“However, you must use this time I am giving you wisely…It is not for building the American dream…not for the pursuit of wealth, enlightenment or earthly knowledge - but…”

(I thought about the year 1620: a storm-battered schooner, settled in Plymouth Harbor - the prayer of a small group of God fearing people from England and Germany, fleeing religious persecution - America’s true beginnings)…

“…BUT: for the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom…it is not for your comfort and pleasure, but for the Glory of My Name.”

However much the foundation of America has been covered up and overrun by Masonic pyramids and “new eras of enlightenment” we, the remnant of God, MUST HUMBLE ourselves and return to these original foundations of 1620 - of simple allegiance to ONLY Christ and Him crucified.

Both of these pictured below, are symbols of ideals that have long ago woven themselves into the fabric of American culture - and recently, the pyramid has become interwoven into the fabric of the church, through celebrity and prosperity cultures - which have been triggered by movements like the New Apostolic Reformation and the Seven Mountain Mandate…so much so, that many Christians are now not even aware of the difference: But these are as far from each other as the East from the West - and we, the Body of Christ must recognize…and choose.


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