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Volume I America - From the Great Olive Press to The Great Awakening

 America - 
From the Great Olive Press to The Great Awakening 

This is most powerful thing I have ever seen in my life

Part I

America’s great upheaval(the shaking of a nation)

I saw the Land all over America, as if in massive upheaval - like soil being turned over by a huge rotavator, ready for seed baring. (See John 12:24) This seemed to be happening throughout the nation. What was causing this…?

I saw what I thought were the hands of the Lord, bringing up a flat stone from deep within the ground; whether this was happening quickly or slowly I could not tell…but I could see it coming up. 

The earth around was shaking, cracking, being churned up in great mounds…all over the nation. I could hear the noise, like an earthquake. 

Everything that had been built by human hands, to cover over this Foundation Stone, was breaking up and falling away…I saw many great “Mountains” (monuments of Finance, Education and others) built to the glory of man, that were lifted up by the earth and toppled. 

The devastation could not be ignored. It was everywhere - because people everywhere had bowed down to what these monuments stood for - and bad fruit had been produced. (I believe this upheaval was more SYMBOLIC than literal)


“I am and will shake the great monuments of humanism in this nation…” (I thought about Washington DC)

“…and uncover its original Foundation Stone: For I remember the prayers and supplications offered up to me…” (I thought about the year 1620 and a storm battered schooner, landed at Plymouth Rock; a small group of pilgrims from England, who had risked life and limb to find religious freedom, on these beautiful shores). See link #1~~~

In the midst of the churning and upheaval, as the original Covenant - the foundation Stone was coming up, everything that “We the People” thought we knew…that we had in our foolishness relied upon, was being overturned…And  it was as though the Land itself was finally allowed to breathe…great heaving gasps.

Then as I looked at this Foundation Stone of the 1600s, something like scales came off my eyes and I realized I was actually looking at the Bible - the Word of God…(because it was upon that foundation, that the puritans originally made this covenant with God!)



“You have forgotten - yet I have not. You have placed pagan pyramids over this sacred Covenant…” (Again I saw Washington DC) “But in the end, because of the prayers of My people, I will uncover this foundation and bring up the stone, that I may bring Salvation over this Land…and from here to the ends of the Earth.” See link #1~~~

“A nation is not saved by the words of man (the Constitution)…but by the Word of the Living God.”

The Constitution…

I saw 1787 - the people’s document for the people - The Constitution of The United States. It fell down upon this foundation Stone, the Word of God…and was immediately broken into pieces! 

…And the Lord gave me Matthew 21:44: “Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces (the repentant); 

anyone on whom it falls will be crushed (the unrepentant).”

(It’s not that there is anything wrong with the Constitution - quite the opposite! But this man-made document cannot save America from the tidal wave of evil that is coming: Only Jesus Christ and His Word can.)

…So the Constitution fell, and was broken…And repentance hit the United States of America! 

Part II

America’s Great Repentance - (The death of a nation - see: John 12:24)

As the upheaval of the foundations of America continued, the people began to fall before the Lord, and were immediately broken by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. First the believer - then the unbeliever! 

As the great shakings continued, more and more of the great and beloved nation seemed to fall and surrender to the refining of the Olive Press…Until finally the Foundation Stone (The Word of God…the fear of God) was lifted up and set in place. 

Many would not look upon it or receive it. But many others did look upon it - and were cut to the heart. It was as though the USA had almost been turned completely upside down! The Great American Dream machine*** also came to a grinding halt. It was to many, a tremendous loss…the death of America! - but…John 12:24. 

And there was smoke and ashes…


…But something much greater and more powerful seemed to have risen up from the ashes of the collapse of the machine. Something had changed!

From the smoke and ashes I heard the sound of children, fathers, mothers, many different generations in total surrender…praising Jesus together. From the midst of the devastation…the heart of America, came the extraordinary power of Family. I heard teachers, police officers, restaurant workers, nurses, so many people…as if awakened from a deep comatose sleep, or taking a breath for the first time in their lives! Once they were blind…now they could see! They fell on their knees in repentance and began to worship Jesus!

It was as if The Lord had taken everything…leaving us with nothing except Him. (John6:68)

Part III 

America’s Great Awakening(the Resurrection of a nation)

Repentance had cut like a knife through the heart of the nation! - But instead of death, it brought life…that heart now began to beat. As if the Lord had to temporarily stop the heartbeat of America in order to truly  resurrect her! (Ezekiel 36:26)

As I looked at the Church, we were like a new man. The Lord had removed our earthy treasure chests from off our shoulders, and we now moved swiftly, like deer on the mountains! The Fire of revival was spreading everywhere…there was nowhere in America that wasn’t being effected. I watched as Salvation breached the walls of schools, colleges, hospitals (I saw the outpouring of the Spirit on a large children’s hospital for cancer) 

Salvation reached across RACIAL lines…then I watched it breach the “sacred” political barrier that separated the “Right” from the “Left” …

Along with so many other superficial things - party lines were also coming down! 

I saw no political lines - because I was looking through the eternal lens of the heart of God…there was no “left” and “right” - there was only the SAVED and the UNSAVED….the repentant and the unrepentant…

*…not everyone in the USA is going to receive this…not everyone will rejoice over it. Let the one who does receive it, rejoice over their salvation!*

The United States of America became as a beacon of Light across the world. And the Gospel went out like a tsunami wave. 

True Liberty & The seat of Government

I don’t know who was in the White House (whether it was 45, or someone else - R or D)…nor did I really know what was going on…except that Salvation was breaking out at ground level: many of the people were vastly changed: Their hands, once full of worldly substance, were now empty: For the first time in, I believe hundreds of years, America was experiencing true Liberty: The pursuit of  “happiness” had been replaced by a penitent desire for, and pursuit of the Joy of the Lord and to know His Ways! People were thronging, talking, breathing freely. From out of the Olive Press, for one final season, America  could breathe…for one final season she could SEE (Revelation 3:18). 


“I will for a season, bring down the “American way”, so that the people can recognize MY WAY.”

The Face of a nation

I looked through the original Foundation Stone…and as I did, I saw the true heart…the true Face of the USA… It was nothing like I had  imagined: It was the face of the early pilgrims:  

Powerless, yet surrendered (Jeremiah 9:23-24)…

Defenseless, yet highly fortified (Psalm 125)…

Weak  - yet stronger than she had ever been before (see 2Corinthians 12:9-10)

It was the most unexpected…peculiarly humble…and POWERFUL thing I have ever seen in my life!

A. hW.

 Link #1


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