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 2Chronicles7:14 “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

This is exactly why the Lord allows nations to be shaken. 

But following the attack on 9/11, the repentance never came…

In the aftermath of 9/11, I sat listening to a famous TV evangelist, who seemed to be speaking more like a political leader rallying the citizens, than a pastor, shepherding his flock…

He was talking about what had just happened to America…And I quote - 

“You attack one of us, you attack all of us…Why? Then he jokingly sang: “Because 🎵”we are family”🎵”. 

As I set and listened to him, I remember feeling confused:

My first thought was” Not everyone in America is saved….some parts are extremely secular…so how can everyone in America be your family?

My second thought was “I thought we (the Church) were your “family”. As I continued to watch I remember thinking “Is he preaching a Gospel of Salvation or of patriotism?”

Was he passionate and pumped up? Yes

In a way, I totally understood: had it been my country, I would have been the same way…and indeed, a few months later Great Britain was attacked in a similar way…

but where was the sorrow…where was the call to repentance?

I was to realize over the next few weeks, listening to one Christian minister after another, that this was no longer about repentance and Salvation…this tragic event, which was supposed to be the Church’s wake up call for repentance, had become a parade of patriotism. And more and more prominent Christian leaders were jumping on the bandwagon. 

It is because of this…a failure to hear what the Spirit was saying to the Churches, that we are now in the devastating situation of today. 

Where did we go wrong? By placing nationalism before the will of God and aligning ourselves with our country rather than separating ourselves to our Lord. Had we done the latter, we would have recognized the warning signs and the need for repentance much sooner. 

It would not be so tragic, were it not for the fact that we have just done exactly the same thing with President Trump…and again with have been disciplined for it. 

When will we, in the Western church learn…? What will it take for us to learn…? Another COVID…or worse? To assume as a nation that God was on OUR side - no matter what?

No, it is for us to forsake all of this world…and step over the line to God’s side. For the sake of the nation, the Church must do this.

See Joshua 5:13-14


This has been on me since 2001…and only now do I feel spiritually capable of releasing it. I ask for everyone’s forgiveness, for not speaking out…

but trying to be heard over the domineering voices of the masses of TV ministers…the so-called “pillars of the church”, I confess that I have sometimes wondered if there was any point in my saying anything at all.

I love this country…

Image from Warner Christian Resources 


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