Introduction Written May 4, 2021 Why I believe the Church must endure tribulation: I believe in a final great awakening...and as hard as I try, I cannot shake it off... it is in my DNA... I saw the great eagle that is the USA suddenly arise like lightning from the earth, for (what I believe) would be her last, but finest hour... and at the same time, the gospel move like a great tsunami wave, across the earth, to the farthest islands of the sea, in a playing out of Matthew 24:14; I saw my own nation explode into the flames of revival; Europe was on fire; I watched as the continent of Africa ran red with the blood of Jesus...I saw other nations that I am not free to disclose...I saw people drop everything and run, run, RUN through the narrow gate - compelled by the deepest darkness the world had ever known...I watched the most hardened and vilest offenders stagger through this same gate and fall to their knees before the Lord...I saw in Africa, hands lifted up from souls tha...
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