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 Excerpt from a previous post: “He will continue to put us through the olive press until we realize...we have One Head, under whom every knee must bow; One Lord, to whom we are all indebted. How can we possibly follow or worship any other?” ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’”Ex20:1-6

I was so torn up over this- especially in the run-up to the 2020 election. Why?

Because of our insatiable desire to follow “a person” (1Cor.3:1-9), rather then the Lord, so much of our five-fold ministry has become a platform of elitist status; a complete polar opposite to the example set out by the early church leaders and by Jesus Christ Himself. I love these brothers and sisters: I blame no one: What I do blame, and hold entirely responsible is the elitist celebrity culture that is sweeping through the Charismatic Movement in America: this is what I wage war against (Eph6:12).  It is because of this, I believe most of our prophets failed to prepare the Church for the oncoming battle. Do I believe they heard from the Lord? At least some of them, Yes. But because of their desire to please an ever-expanding ‘fan-base’, they did not choose to say what they heard: (2Tim4:3-4) Instead  of repentance, many resorted to peace & prosperity messages, or words that were vague, generalized and so full of riddles that they were almost impossible to understand, much less for us to test (1Thess5:19-22). As a result much of the Body of Christ is now in tatters. Many people, including President Trump have been affected by this. We have so much freedom to speak in America: But when we assume authority to broadcast across the globe in the Name of The Lord, it becomes a serious thing- and MUST be done not from the imaginations of our own hearts, but in a Holy and reverential fear of the Lord.

This is something I feel I must write ... the love of the Lord for His Church in this Land...and His deep concern for the state of it, is compelling me. 

The five-fold ministry is a ministry of humility and servant-hood. It is not a platform to achieve celebrity status. God help us๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ’”

...And what do the world see (and they do see) when the look at this - at us? Do they see a Church that can, or cannot be bought? Do they see a Church that will, or will not compromise? Do they see a Church that truly loves and worships the Lord, or a church that loves and covets the world? Because one thing I know: the more we emulate this world, the more susceptible we will become to it....I am praying! ๐Ÿ’”




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