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Part IV - The Great Reformation

This is a continuation of Part III (The Watchman, The City & The Towers), which can be read in the link #1 in the footnotes, to get the context for this next chapter: 

Excerpt from Part III 

{A flashback to a movie…

This is probably one of the most bizarre visions I have yet seen:

Sometimes the Lord will use original or even strange analogies to get a message across to me: This time, it involved a movie called “Space Camp” that I had watched several times in my younger years; mainly because of my fascination with the solar system and space explorationLittle did I realize how the Lord would use this fascination  - and this movie, to paint a powerful picture for me: 

The process that a shuttle goes through, between its launch and its entry into orbit, will become the journey of the Bride of Christ, between her separation from this world, her refinement process and finally, her union with the Lord.}

Part IV

The Great Reformation 

Against a gravitational force 3 times that of the norm, a shuttle is thrust upwards away from the earth into the atmosphere: This is the closest way to describe what I was witnessing within the Remnant Church: It was a refining through pressure, like olives in a press, like gold refined by fire, as we turned away from things of this world and ascended with the Lord. 



{“You MUST cloak yourself in My HUMILITY, if you choose to hide yourself in Me. You must bow low…becoming nameless and faceless.”

 (I noticed that the weightiness of the robes was bringing people lower and lower.) }

Excerpt from The Beautiful Remnant of America See Link #2


An oxymoron…

We were ascending…and at the same time getting lower. The greater the pressure, the higher we were propelled with the Lord, and the lower we were pressed, under the heavy cloaks of humility. Basically, the higher we went, the lower we went.

Rest assured that this was not elevation by our worldly standard - and the cloaks of humility were there for our protection - against pride and destruction.

Roll Maneuver

Shortly after launch, a shuttle will roll 180 degrees, to align itself, so as to maneuver efficiently and safely while in orbit: 

So I saw the Lord literally turn the ascending Remnant Church on its head - at least that was what it looked like to me, from my earthly perspective: But later I realized that the Lord was actually turning us the right way up, so He could most effectively use us in the places where He would send us: To the world we were upside down - But we are not of this world!

Acceleration into orbit

Just as with a space shuttle, which at approximately 30 miles up, jettisons its Solid Rocket Boosters, so as we continued higher with the Lord, and the pressure of refining continued, more and more things of this world began to rapidly fall away.

I knew that the nation below was also being shaken. At approximately one minute into this “ascent” everything suddenly seemed to go dark: It was as if people lost contact and communication with one another: 

The rapidly ascending Church were not immune to this. As the communications all around them began to fail, the Saints began to press in more and more to the Lord; setting their faces like flint towards Him, as never before.

And more and more things of this world were “jettisoned”


{…as the Sword of Judgement began to cut lower and lower, I could hear the Saints exhorting one another from all across the Land; spurring one another on: “Get on your knees!”; “Set your faces like flint!” and “Don’t look back!”  was what I kept hearing. (The heart…the strength of the people of this nation: We must be there for one another Church} 

Excerpt from The Beautiful Remnant of America.


At this point, I began to realize that it wasn’t only worldly thing’s being jettisoned. As we went higher with the Lord and lower under the humility, I saw:

“we need to worship this way…” 

“We need to use this kind of music…” 

“We need to create this kind of atmosphere…”

“We need this qualification…” “from this seminary…”

“We need to be under this pastor…of this denomination…”

It is not that these things were bad…But under the increasing pressure, (just as a shuttle before entering orbit, jettisons that which is no longer necessary) I saw that all was being  dispensed with - jettisoned - through the pressure of refining. And with this, was coming a greater and greater unity: 

Because the only thing remaining - that wasn’t falling away - was Jesus Christ and Him crucified: The basic tenets of the Christian Faith, encompassed by the eternal Living and unchanging Word of God. 

These were the pillars that the Remnant were being pressed further and further into...the same pillars that are described in “The Beautiful Remnant of America” 

From within the white fires of refining, I began to hear the testimony of the Saints: I heard “Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again!” (Revelation 12:18; see also Daniel ch.3) 

With the raising of America’s original Foundation Stone, came a realization and return by the remnant Church, to the true foundations of the Christian faith. At this point our faith was becoming so pure and undiluted, I felt as though we were being transported back to the Book of Acts - or to the time of Martin Luther and the great Reformation. And the white flame of refining burned within our hearts: It seemed to burn within us and all around us…breaking any and every carnal, earthly bond and chain…a flame of purity that did not consume us (Exodus 3:2-3) : There truly was a fourth man in this fire!

A baptism of fire for the Remnant in America 

Lower still we were descending beneath the weighty cloaks of humility…higher still, we were ascending with the Lord: Still this oxymoron continued.

Where are we going Lord? 

To a barren desert…to a desolate Mountain (see Link #3) - a mountain where we would begin to see things in a New Light. 

But this mountain is not like the pyramid of “the city”: We do not ascend it to be seen, but to be hidden.

One final separation…

What was that sound?

It sounded like a sonic boom, 

The white flame that burned through the Remnant Church seemed to disappear… 

And one single blue flame fell upon the humbled contrite unified Church of America: 

One flame…One baptism…fell upon One Body:

With no fanfare…in the secret place…was heard the sound of a baptism of fire!

What was it that the Church separated from at that point? 

 I thought again about the space shuttle: Seconds before it reaches orbit, it ditches one final load: it’s (now empty) external fuel tank.

I know that this final separation was a critical moment for the American Church - one that would reshape the destiny of the Church and the nation forever… 

Because this final separation was from the one thing that the evangelical Church held most dear - something which, with the best intentions and without realizing it, so many of us had placed on the same level as Jesus Christ: 

It was the United States of America itself


{A nation under God…

but it cannot be saved unless and until we the Church let it go, and cleave ourselves unto God. 

“We will not experience true unity until we have first separated ourselves from this world and everything of it.

As surely as a tree must be pruned in order to reach its fruition, God Himself will SEPARATE before He UNIFIES.” (Dec27 2021}

Excerpt from “A Nation Under God…(See Link #4)


This final separation was a sacrifice…it was unto Holiness…and it was TOTAL: 

At that point America’s Remnant  were no longer looking to this world, but had become as a Bride, looking for an eternal “city without walls”, and I saw the words “Holiness unto the Lord” written upon herI knew that the Church would now be reliant upon the Lord and Him alone: 

The orbiter after separating from its empty external tank, fires the blue flame of its orbital maneuvering system (or the OMS burn) which thrusts it through the final furlough of ascent and out into orbit!

I watched as with the sound of a sonic explosion, the Bride of Christ separated from the “USA” and under the blue flame of Holiness, continued ascending upwards with the Lord. Now she is following ONLY Jesus: and only after this separation did the white flame of refining cease upon her and the blue flame of baptism descend.

The White flame*** See Footnotes 


{I watched as “We the People” laid down our second amendment rights, our flags, our patriotism…all these things we have worshipped as Americans, when we should have been worshipping God: I saw the people of this Land laying down their “Liberty” so that they could become slaves for Jesus Christ: Once that happened, they were immediately swept up by the River called Holiness…and every manwoman and child became one with it (Revelation 12:11)}

Excerpt from “The Beautiful Remnant of America”


And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)

…But: NO ONE is “going viral” until they have been baptized by the Blue Flame of Holiness.

Beyond the Blue Flame (Within the River)

I cannot describe what was happening at this point or where we were: It is a place I have never been and do not recognize: 

It is the place of the Saints of Hebrews ch. 11

It is the Place where Paul was in Act ch. 9:3-19…where Peter was, from the time he watched his Lord ascend to Heaven, onwards…

It is the place where the Apostle John was, on Patmos. 

It is the place of Israel is described in Deuteronomy 8…the place of Moses in Exodus 3; 

It is the place of King David in 1Samuel 16 & 17…the place of Elijah in 1Kings 17… the desert place of John the Baptist:

It is the Place of Jesus Christ: Through His death, burial and resurrection.

Where is this place? 

It is in the heat of the battle, and in the Heart of the Lord;

In the world…but not of it:

Because when there is nothing left…there is the LORD.

Read Hebrews 11

Here is the place of miracles, signs and wonders, like we have never known before!

But - 

the Lord wasn’t done with His Bride in America yet…

Beyond the Veil 

And that’s when I saw the veil come off the eyes of the Remnant Church of America: 

It was as if a huge dome that had been sheltering them for so long, began to open up. 

To reveal what? What could “We The People” see that they hadn’t before? 

They could see the nations of the Earth…through the eyes of the Lord. 


 “We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth.

The Rev. Robert Hunt, from Cape Henry, Virginia, in the year 1607, dedicates the Land destined to become the United States of America, to the Lord.


This is not to say that people weren’t aware of other nations or cultures…nor of what was happening within them: Truly there are branches of Christianity coming out of the United States that are having incredible impact throughout the Earth. 

But rather, I knew the Lord was addressing a major cultural stronghold - one that has kept the main trunk of His Church in the United States of America comfortably isolated and somewhat disconnected, since its founding (in a way not that dissimilar to the attitude of the early Jewish Church, before their persecution and dispersal.) This was why the Church’s final separation, away from the Nation and unto the Lord, was so critical. 


{Beneath the crowd of witnesses, “We the People of The City on a Hill” had gathered as an army. They stood facing outward, with their backs to the place they had once known (Hebrews 11:13-16): They were being bathed in Glory, but at the same time, being cloaked with humility. As I looked I could see that they had been armored up, with every piece of armor from Ephesians 6. Now they stood ready to go out - to the North, South, East and West. And I saw as if, a scroll being unrolled, that I believe to be the prayer and declaration of the Rev. Robert Hunt and I saw the words of Matthew 16:24-25 “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Then a Voice said “Who will go?” Families - some of these up to five generations - stepped forward. (I was - and still am weeping)} 

Excerpt from “We The People of The City On A Hill”

(See Link #5)


The Lord began dropping nations into people’s hearts. I watched as one after another, Family by family “We the People of the United States of America” succumbed to the Lord’s heart for the nations: 

They became like little children, seeing and hearing for the first time: 

I heard gasps and exclamations of amazement:

One woman, in tears, looking at India said “they’re so beautiful”…

Another woman wept as she saw ravaged Sudan… 

A husband and his wife, overwhelmed with the love and compassion of the Lord, began to cry out for Russia… 

I saw the island of Cuba being dropped into the heart of a fairly well known pastor. 

Another pastor was looking toward Nigeria…

still another group towards Argentina…

and a family towards Nepal…

and another to the area around the Baltic Sea…

and still another to Canada…

and to France…and to Japan…and to Great Britain…and to Romania…and Ethiopia…I could go on and on…

Such a massive transformation I was witnessing in large portions of church culture: from a love of capitalist America…of “my ministry”…of “my dream”, to a love of the lost souls of the nations of the Earth. The astounding view of the Earth that greets astronauts through the shuttle’s tiny skylight window, upon achieving orbit, was nothing compared to what this Remnant in America were seeing: the nations and continents of the world, through the eyes of the Lord.

To many, the nation that was dropped in them was their own nation- the USA; having let it go with the rest of the Remnant, they were now receiving it back at the commissioning of the Lord. I saw them spreading out to State after State - all the way to Alaska and Hawaii.

Just as, under Cyrus and Darius, there was a remnant of Israel who separated themselves for the return to rebuild the altar and prepare for the coming Messiah, there was also a remnant who stayed behind in Persia. These stayed behind for this very purpose: that the nation of Israel could continue to be a light to the Gentiles of the One true Lord. So it was with this Remnant who stayed behind, for the United States of America.

I knew, based on the great deception that I’ve been seeing, that these would need to be as strong and courageous in the Lord as the ones going into foreign lands. Because the time of testing is coming to all - every nation. 

When the Lord commissions us, He sends some thousands of miles away…and others to the neighbor next door;

He sends some out first…and others out later;

He sends some to plant…and others to water;

He sends some to bring in the multitudes…and He sends others to go after the ONE that was lost (Matthew 18:12-14)

But every commissioning has equal importance, and all are equally valuable to the Lord: {Not all of us were saved at some big rally in an arena: Where would we be now, had the Lord not commissioned someone to go after the ONE that was lost…and had that one he sent, not OBEYED him?} He does not look at numbers…or the size of a ministry (in fact, to whom much is given MUCH will be required ⚠️)…He does not measure “greatness” as we do - all that matters is OBEDIENCE.

See: 1Samuel 15:22; 16:7,1Corinthians 3:6-9 & Matthew 20:1-16

Across racial, social, generational and denominational lines, I saw families…friends…neighbors…communities, embracing one another as they parted ways: At least some of them seemed to know that they would likely not be returning - but they also knew that their parting would not be forever.

I heard: “God be with you”

“And with you”

I was deeply moved as I heard this; for they were rejoicing as they went; and again I remembered Revelation ch.12:11

{Note: This MUST happen: 

The soul of America will perish if this doesn’t happen; 

because “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” Psalm 127:1}

Making Ripples 

It is the pebble that falls unseen, that makes the ripples…pushing them - not inward - but outward. So, every now and again and at intervals I would see the Lord drop something like a pebble into the heart of the USA, causing the nation to shake all over again- and more fire would fall, scattering his Church - moving them outward, as in Acts ch 8. I knew this was the Lord’s way of keeping his Bride-in-waiting active and moving in the great commission - not allowing her to grow stagnant and comfortable  - and not allowing for any ungodly unity! (i.e. through Ecumenism - or the formation of “tribes”, “clubs” and elites) He would scatter - and then regather again, doing this at regular intervals throughout the Nation. In this way, He was keeping us awake, alert and focused on Him! Read Matthew 25:1-13 - Oh how he loves us! There were no elevated platforms…no big names anymore among this Remnant: Only unseen falling pebbles…making ripples…moving outward. 

But it wasn’t only the Remnant of America seeing the other nations: It was the other nations also seeing them! 

As I watched a group of women weeping over China and North Korea,  I immediately saw the Remnants of these nations: They were looking across at the Remnant of America (the City on a Hill) and they were also weeping - I knew that this was the answer to many of their prayers - see Link #6.

I suddenly saw shafts if light shooting out between different nations, connecting one remnant to another. I knew I was seeing the beginnings of True pure unity…I believe the start of Revelation 7:9-17. 

The Face of the United States of America…

“This face was not “broken” as if defeated or destroyed…but as a horse is broken to be fully used by its trainer, so the Church of America will be “broken” by the Lord.” (See Psalms 32:8-10 & 51:16-17) - February 28 2022

You became as a people transformed! I’ve never seen the USA look like this before…I’m so overwhelmed…weeping with joy: You’re like shafts of light…streams of life giving water…you’re pouring yourselves out for the nations of the Earth: You’re beautiful United States of America!

It was from this place beyond the blue flame, that I was taken back to a vision from May 18 2021.  It was now being fulfilled…๐Ÿ‘‡

 The keys ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”‘

Isaiah 42

“I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations,

to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.

The stairs were dark...except for the Light of the Lord, as He stood at the top. We, the saints of God were with Him. 

And I could hear: It was the sound of deep groans, cries, screams of despair and hopelessness, coming from below. And I heard the Lord say one Word: “Keys”

As I watched, the saints of God who were with Him, each took the keys of the Kingdom given to them by Jesus and began to descend the stairs into the darkness. 

Each saint as they went, was shrouded almost to invisibility, by the Blood of Jesus and the Light of His countenance, which emanated from them. Some of them went three or four levels the deepest, darkest places, according to the depth from which they had themselves been brought out of by Jesus. 

I could see the scars of battle on these saints that went down, now fully healed and, as if painted gold: It seemed that the deeper the scars, the deeper those saints who bore them were able to go down. And the Lord showed me “He who has been forgiven much, loves much (Luke 7:40-47).See also Luke 22:31-32 & 2Corinthians 1:3-4

And I saw the prisons: It was dark...a vile and thoroughly evil place. But a s the servants of Christ arrived, they brought shafts of Light with them and I could see hands reaching out through the bars of their prison, suddenly desperate for Jesus: I was seeing the saints...but these desperate people were seeing (through the saints) Jesus Christ Himself. This is what the end times Church is going to look like...

And it was not a small localized thing...this was on mass: I believe, a global awakening. 

Then the best part. The prison cells were unlocked (Isaiah 42:1-7; Psalm 102:18-22). 

And I saw these Saints penetrating the darkness - with such  love and compassion like I have never, ever seen: this was the Love of John 15:12-13 

Those who sat chained in this darkness cowered away at first…their cries and screams increasing: They were afraid of the Light of Truth; but the Saints of God persisted toward them. And then came Love…the Love that is shaped like a cross  - I heard the cries and screams breaking down to become sobs, as the Light and Love of the Lord emanating from the Saints literally smote and enveloped them: and I saw - and heard - great heavy chains begin to break, all around me…from literally everywhere!                                                                      ...I remember the cries..both before they were set free...and afterwards... I am weeping because I can describe nether one...

All I know is whatever trial and tribulation we are going through right now, keep doing exactly that...Keep going through with Christ: GO THE DISTANCE! Because God has put people all along the road you’re traveling who need what God is doing in you. We must walk even through the valley of the shadow of death...Why? Because in Christ, we are bringing Life.

***Why did I not see Jesus descend? ...Because He has already descended- even to the lowest parts of the earth (Eph4:8-9)...

He already holds the keys of death. He IS the Resurrection and the Life (John11:25). He is the One who does the resurrecting...When He speaks (vs43) they will “come forth”...

And what does He require of us? (See John11:39 & 44) ”roll away the stone...unbind him and let him go”

So Jesus does in fact, descend...but this time, it is in His Church:  Those saints of God who went down, were very VERY far from being alone...absolutely the opposite! ...and whenever and to wherever He sends us, it will be with His presence and His authority!***

I can say nothing else except this: Jesus Christ is building up a Church who will look like Him; God is raising up a Body who will be UNABLE to function except under the One Head, Jesus Christ.

2Corinthians 1:3-7

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,

who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.

If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer.

Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John16:33                       Job 19:25-27; Deuteronomy 8:2-5.    


But what were these Keys?

Matthew 16

13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 

14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 

16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 

17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 

In this place called Caesarea Philippi…the epicenter of emperor worship…the very heart of paganism itself, surrounded by shrines and symbols to gods of fertility and above the noise and clamor of idol worship (which was not a quiet matter) Simon Peter boldly confesses his Faith - in Jesus Christ and Him alone. This is why Jesus goes on to say: 

18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 

19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

These keys will be given to those who in the midst of a world that is pulling in every direction except that of Christ and his Cross, maintain their testimony, boldly as Simon Peter did, amid the assembly of the Kingdom of darkness, declaring that Jesus is the Messiah - the Son of the Living God! (See Revelation 12:11 & 1Corinthians ch.2)

A. hW.

To read original prophecy visit:

Image from:


***From 05/15/20

A White Flame 

“And  as the prayers of the Saints went up from the Alter before God, I saw flames - fire in the midst of the incense. Like the fire of Pentecost but different: 

This was white fire - white heat:- The refining fire of God; a white heat of resurrection and transformation”  


And an angel came and took the fire from the alter and I saw something like a door open up between Heaven and Earth. Angels began descending and ascending with prayer mixed with the fire. I  did not see nations - only individual hearts that the fire began to burn within -  Saints who were looking Heavenwards. (Philippians 3:13-14; Colossians 3:1-17). I saw the burning in people’s hearts and also in their MINDS. As these purifying fires burned, I sensed black smoke begin rising up - from hidden sin, demonic strongholds and mental addictions being surfaced and dealt with. From this conviction of sin, righteousness and judgement, a great weeping and repentance arose. It is from out of this that I believe TRUE revival - rain - will come (not false - not forced - not manufactured).  

Matthew 24:12-13: I have become so aware of this in my own life - it’s going on all around us. This is why we MUST, when He knocks, open the door.

See Acts ch. 2. (Some of us will be “cut to the heart”)

                            Seek the Lord

“A prophetic anointing is coming...a GREAT prophetic anointing is coming.” Kim Clement: Mt Carmel 2008. It is through this prophetic anointing and the fire of God that, I sensed the Lord showed me, three things will be spiritually re-built:-

~~ The Wall (Nehemiah): the boundary line that God set....the place where He makes a distinction between what is good and what is evil; what is right and what is wrong;

~~ The Temple (Ezra): That Place within man where the glory of God comes to Rest; where the dwelling place of God is with men; an individual life surrendered, purified and set apart; a Place of selfless prayer and unbridled praises to God - for all nations.

~~The Alter (Elijah): The Cross - the place of the blood of the Eternal covenant, where through repentance a person is Saved from Death and Hell; where the vale is torn and man can enter in to meet with God face to face. 

At the same time, the alters, temples and walls that have been built by man within the Church - walls of division and suppression, will begin to be broken down. 

                              Seek the Lord

“What may seem flawed and broken  to you, comes before The LORD as complete, perfected, utterly beautiful and astonishingly powerful - because it is coming through the Blood, and it is coming through unity. 

We may be fragmented and scattered throughout the Earth, but, when they reach the alter of God, our prayers (those powerful prayers of the saints) became ONE and the glory of God begins to fall - Psalm 133 . 

The Lord says:  Only when we become one at the alter of sacrifice (the cross), with Him and with each other, will we then become One at the alter of  incense (prayer)Romans 6:5.  The call in this hour is to seek the LORD: He is SO READY to be found.”

                                Seek the Lord

From out of surrender comes unity and from out of unity comes POWER








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