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Volume I. Cyrus, Trump & America’s True Foundation

~~This is based on a series of events in the run up to the 2016 elections: Lance Wallnau prophesies Isaiah 45, over the soon to be 45th President, Donald J. Trump.~~

Part I 

So who was Cyrus - and how is he connected to Trump and America?

Isaiah 44:28…who says of Cyrus, ‘My shepherd will fulfill all that I desire,’ who says of Jerusalem, ‘She will be rebuilt,’ and of the temple, ‘Let its foundation be laid.’ ”                                                                                               

Read also Ezra ch. 1  (Israel’s return from exile)

Why was Israel’s return from exile so necessary?

…It was not, as one celebrity prophet put it, because “Israel was hopelessly captive to the Deep State.”!

(They were under God’s discipline for idolatry - and had been for 70 years - their captivity had been for their own good…they had been refined!)  

It was not to “make Israel great again”

(The whole point of the 70 years captivity was to humble them to repentance…to raise up a generation who have learned the lesson of Deuteronomy 8:1-5…and who understand that apart from God they are nothing) 

So why was Israel’s return important?:

i. For the uncovering of their original Foundations (Ezra ch.3)- When  confronted by these, the people were brought “home” to the reality of The God of Their Fathers - and their transgression against Him….Their hearts were brought back to a place of humility and penitence…and it was then - at that point - that they were ready to rebuild on those Foundations! 

ii. For The rebuilding of The Temple (Ezra ch.3): The “House of God” was the heart - the Foundation Stone of the nation of Israel…The Place that the Lord had prepared for His final ultimate Sacrifice , that would end all others and defeat evil, once for all. ✝️ (See Gen 22:1-18 & 2Sam. 24:16-25). 

iii. For the rebuilding of the Wall - symbolic of the restoration of Jerusalem as the Holy City (Ps.87)- from out of which, Salvation will come…

And it is back to this Holy Mountain and this Foundation that the Lord is calling Israel - after 70 years in the wilderness - to remember the original Covenant - and renew it…To rediscover the nation’s original Foundation - and rebuild upon it - from the ground up. 

Now, in a place of humility and with a hungering to return to the Place of the original Covenant made by their forefathers - a Remnant (an army) under Yeshua the priest and Zerubbabel the king in exile, is ready to step out and return…

And right on time, the Lord will move powerfully in the heart of King Cyrus of Persia: He will be the hand that God uses to open that window for this Remnant to move - and to keep it open.

This Remnant - (approximately 2% of Israel’s total population at that time) had not established themselves in exile…not made themselves comfortable to the point where they didn’t want to move - quite the opposite: they were hungry to  return - to repent (the Hebrew word “shuv”meaning  both)

So did they succeed? - Were they obedient to the mandate of the Lord?

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell us absolutely YES!

With tears and lamenting (Ezra ch3:12-13 & ch.10)…

…and great opposition (Ezra ch4 & Nehemiah ch4&6), 

they were obedient to the commission of the Lord…and because of their obedience, humility and courage the Lord blessed them in their work and they were ultimately successful… 

Part II 

How about America? What is our Foundation?  And what was our commission under our “Cyrus” Donald Trump? 

To answer that, we must go back to words that were spoken by one of America’s first fathers: 

From Cape Henry, Virginia, in the year 1607, the Rev. Robert Hunt dedicates the Land to the Lord…He says the following:

"…from these very shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World but the entire world." 

The spreading of the Gospel is the Foundation Stone of America: For those first pilgrims, this prayer of dedication was a “Declaration of Dependence” on the Thrice-Holy God in whose Name they had come…that, although they had  found Liberty in this New World, they would lay it down - surrender it back to God, for the sake of spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom. 

If we want the Lord’s blessing on this nation, we must return to this original Foundation. See: 2Chronicles 34:8-21.

…But didn’t we do this under Trump? 

Did we uncover this Foundation and stand upon it? 

In answer, The Lord brought me to Haggai ch 1:2-11 

{Written specifically for the Remnant of Judah during the time of their resettlement, this is the other (not so pretty) side of their return from exile. If we consider ourselves a part of the Lord’s Remnant today, we must take these words seriously.}

“This is what the Lord of Hosts says: The people are saying, ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.’”

Then the Lord sent this message through the prophet Haggai: “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? This is what the Lord of Hosts says: Look at what’s happening to you! You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes!

“This is what the Lord of Hosts says: Look at what’s happening to you! Now go up into the hills, bring down timber, and rebuild my house. Then I will take pleasure in it and be honored, says the Lord.  You hoped for rich harvests, but they were poor. And when you brought your harvest home, I blew it away. Why? Because my house lies in ruins, says the Lord of Hosts, while all of you are busy building your own fine houses”.

And I heard the Lord say: “Why do you work so hard for things that will perish…to live so comfortably and securely in this world, without truly and sincerely contemplating the next? … Why do you neglect the more important things of Me…the things that pertain to Life: Prayer, worship, study of My Word, fellowship with one another, evangelism and good works in My Name?

“You are working so hard, but you are never satisfied…because worldly things can never truly satisfy: Your toil and time is not for Heaven’s wages, but for Earth’s…And so they go nowhere.”  (Read: Isaiah 55:1-2; Matthew 6:19-33 & Revelation 3:14-22)

Part III 

In the end, Israel’s Remnant were faithful, courageous and trusted The Lord, even in the face of fierce and persistent opposition and oppression…and when the Lord saw that their hearts were steadfast, committed and truly repentant, He renewed His favor upon them, raising up next, King Darius the Mede and then King Artaxerxes, until after almost a century  - between Cyrus’s decree and Nehemiah completing the Wall - the work in its entirety was finally finished.

“I will put at your helm for 2 terms, a President that will pray…” Kim Clement 2007

So, what if we too had humbled ourselves and dedicated our lives to this great work the Lord was calling us to?…Would He have also renewed His favor upon us - and given Trump (our Cyrus) a second term in office, as the prophet spoke? 

Yes, I believe He would. 

But from the outset of Trump’s inauguration, we the Church were prideful, and used this gift of grace to build our own fine houses, instead of working to build His. We boasted in our own power and prosperity instead of humbling ourselves, as the remnant of Israel did, in recognizing that it is only “because of His mercies that we are not destroyed” (Lam. 3:22)

 ~~His House: 

Not a building fund…not raising up a sanctuary that will be bigger and more luxurious than the one before it…

No, God’s House is a spiritual House - Ephesians 2:19-20.~~



Through President Trump, we were given an open window - to preach the Gospel of Salvation through repentance from sins, throughout the nation - and around the globe: But those Airways of Freedom were used instead, to preach a seeker-sensitive, man-centered and worldly gospel…Our God-given Liberty was used to spread a ‘gospel’ of greed, worldly dominionism and prosperity, in the Name of Jesus, to nations and to peoples who knew no better! We were supposed to teach them the Way of Jesus (Luke 9:23-24) - but instead we have preached the opposite. 

We were so focused on building an earthly kingdom…a physical wall (see link below) that we forgot about the spiritual one.

We were supposed to be the “City On A Hill”  - but we have been nothing more then a pyramid of celebrities - that is an exact replica of the world.

So now the Lord will refine us to humble us. Because He loves this Land, America will go through the olive press: Like ancient Israel, her Foundations will be laid bare. But it will not be because of the unbeliever (not because of the Republican, nor the Democrat).

Judgement begins at God’s own House. It will be primarily because of us…


Ezekiel 13:3-7

“Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals among ruins. 

You have not gone up to the breaches in the wall to repair it for the people of Israel so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the Lord. 

Their visions are false and their divinations a lie. Even though the Lord has not sent them, they say, “The Lord declares,” and expect him to fulfill their words. Have you not seen false visions and uttered lying divinations when you say, “The Lord declares,” though I have not spoken?”

See also Jeremiah ch. 6:13-15 & ch.14:14

Matthew 7:15 & 24:24

So for a season, the Lord will take away their platform and their voice. The Lord will reclaim His Word from them (Romans 2:17-24)…and for a season, He will give it to a people who will produce good fruit. (Matthew 3:8; 21:43)

For a season I believe I saw disruptions of towers and satellites - for a season I saw screens (electronic screens - through which these so called “voices of God” were speaking) go dark. For a time there was a strange silence in the airwaves over America…and at last, for a season the Voice of the Lord could be heard. At the same time, I saw people who had kept and hidden books, documents, literature and all kinds of records on paper: And because of this, they had been preserved, unlike digital information, which I saw had been altered - and in some cases, erased completely.

***I do not know the timings of this, but I am giving warning of what I see: We must have a plan in place of how to contact loved ones, etc, should our communications (our screens) go dark. The Lord is giving us time. However, this does not necessarily mean that every means of communication will go down; For I could still hear the Gospel - coming through mediums such as radio…and especially it seemed, in the Bible Belt: Those who had been faithful with the Freedom the Lord had given them to preach the Gospel were being allowed to keep it: I saw that, in the midst of this “strange silence” many of these familiar voices of Gospel Radio could still be heard.***

In Conclusion 

The  Lord gave the faithful Remnant of Israel, first Cyrus, then Darius and Artaxerxes to finish the work. If we want to see Trump - or another like him in office again, we too must humble ourselves, surrender our Liberty to the bond-service of Jesus Christ, the God of our forefathers, and finish the work they began…Because, if Trump - or anyone like him ever returns, it will not be for our comfort…and it will be to a different America (to a nation on its head, with its Foundations laid bare)…because we will be a different (refined by fire) Church. 

While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. (1Thessalonians 5:3)

After this nation has been brought low - to its Foundations - then and only then - will the Lord Himself begin bless, heal  and Fortify it - by His own Hand…


Because. "…from these very shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World but the entire world." (Robert Hunt) 

And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached through all the world as a witness to every nation 🇺🇸 and then the end will come (Where is America in the end times? Right here  - Matthew 24:14)

 But if we (the Church) do not go back to this “declaration of dependence” upon the Lord, I felt Him say that we (the nation) will be in danger of losing our Declaration of Independence…

But when we do eventually go back - which we will…

I can’t say anything else except - it is just the most incredible thing I have ever seen in my whole life! 🇺🇸


A Prophetic Word to the Church - Romans 5:3-4

Received 21 November 2022

This prophetic word is not aimed towards everyone. It’s purpose is to show us…to warn us that: A pyramid has been built in the House of the Lord in America; this word when written, was directed towards those who have positioned themselves at the top of it…who are on very shaky ground; and to those who would/who are following them. (Genesis 11:4-8, Revelation 18:1-8); so that everyone else would PRAY…

“America,America: My Church in this Land. What are you aiming towards? To where are you running? 

“What is this that you are fighting for?…Because if it is anything other than My Gospel - My Kingdom - my glory, your fight is in vain.  (Ps.127:1)

“To whom are you listening? Who are those among you who continue to cry “Peace” and “Prosperity” when there is none? (Ezekiel 13:9-14)

“Who is the one who says “we will eat, drink, and enjoy our bounty” when your nation dies of a spiritual starvation around you? (Isaiah 22:12-13)

“Who is the man who says “Let’s take our nation back”, when it was never his to begin with? (Psalm24:1-2)

“Who is this who has the audacity to defy My Word, in the reckless pursuit of worldly gain - and teaches others to do likewise? (Matthew: ch. 6:19-24; ch. 16:24-26)

“Who are the ones who fight so hard to make this nation great again? For what purpose? Can anyone answer? Who is your enemy, my Church in America? - What is it’s name? Is it Satan? - Or is it “the Democrats”? 

“For I have heard the lofty boasts of those who claim to speak in My Name. They say “We will wage war and take America back” So exactly whom are you waging war against, my people? 

Is it against principalities and powers in high places…or is it against “the Left”?  (Ephesians 6:11-13)

“Wake up, beloved! Strengthen what little remains…for I have not found your works complete in my sight. (Revelation 3:2)

“You talk of taking the nation back - yet you do not know what you are talking about.

“You talk of “destroying the Left” Beloved, do you not understand that it is my will that none should perish - that ALL (Republican & Democrat) should come to repentance?  (2Peter3:9)

“What has happened to your zeal for my Name and my Gospel? Where is your meekness…your humility?…the joy of your first love, my bride in America?

“When you consecrated yourselves only to me, as burning branches plucked from the fire, you couldn’t wait to deliver my saving grace to others. Now my message of Heavenly Salvation has been replaced by one of carnal dominionism: You have placed the treasures and ideals of this nation, above the truth of My Word; And this my beloved, is idolatry;

“Now you have forsaken your love for my Kingdom and replaced it with an ungodly love and devotion to this Land…A Land that belongs to Me: That I - Yes I - set apart as holy from the beginning: 

Not for the prosperity of your own lives,

nor for worldly liberty

and not for the pursuit of the godless things that this world values; 

but that this Gospel of the Kingdom should be preached throughout the earth as a witness to EVERY people, in EVERY nation…not to pursue the “happiness” that comes from this world, but the Joy that comes from Heaven. (Matthew 24:14)




“Consider this nation’s forefathers, who braved famine, disease, pestilence, and all kinds of danger, because their hearts were set on pilgrimage: not for an earthly kingdom, but a heavenly one;  (see: Psalm 84:5 & Hebrews ch. 11) 

So also I ordained for you to dwell here, not that you would find your lives - but rather that you would lose them -  for me.” (Acts17:26)

Revelation 3:17-20 “ ‘For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. 

I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. 

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. 

***What is the cost of this gold the Lord wishes us to buy? The cost is our lives - surrendered and laid down for His service…just as the purchase of our Liberty, cost the Lord everything!***

My beloved, I know it feels as though you are a nation under siege from every angle…undermined at every turn: I know it looks at times, like you are losing everything…and it will continue, until the things that you cling to - the foundations of this Land built by men - are brought down,  and the original foundation stone, that is My Will and purpose, is raised up. 


This will not be easy, for the refining of this nation must come,  but I promise I will not leave you or forsake you: 

The purpose of this refining is yes, to teach you to “fight” but more important, to teach you to ENDURE. (See Romans 5:3-5, Colossians 1:11 & James 1:2-4). For here is where you will overcome! (Matthew 24:12-13)

And I have given you grace to endure, because the end is yet  to come: the time of great trial and testing for the Earth…

This is why you Beloved, must be awake, sober minded and not clinging to the things of this Earth. This is why you will be refined…for all those who have ears to hear.

“And so I still say to you, My Beloved in America, that if you, My People, who have the honor of being called by My Name, will humble yourselves before me, and seek My Face first - and My Will Only…

and turn from the wickedness of this world, rather than covet it,  

If you will separate yourselves from this nation and unto Me…if you will walk before ME and be holy, I promise I Will hear you, and heal this Land…but it will not be the same when I do!”

(Deuteronomy 8:2-5)


A. hW.

For more on this topic see:


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