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Volume I The Great American Dream Machine

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12)

Prophetic word 

The Great American Dream Machine 

At first I thought I was seeing a “Dream”…it was bright and sparkly and full of promise…then as I waited on the Lord, I saw it was a smooth, powerful and precision machine. I heard the words: “This is the PERFECT DREAM machine” I realized that as strong as this machine looked, in order for it to run PERFECTLY, all the parts needed to be able to function PERFECTLY - only the best of the best for this machine…and many were not! Some cogs were weaker than others…some were more misshaped. I felt the Lord show me “To operate as part of this “dream” is to become as a cog in a machine. But this machine is about to fail” 

I saw the workings of the machine suddenly begin to collapse…cogs and other intricate parts began to fall on each other. (I heard the words “Devoid of Faith” and “Crushed in spirit“) But those in power did not stop the machine, but kept it running, acting as if nothing was going wrong. 

I thought to myself “you need to stop this machine - to save the parts…the machinery”. The machinery inside was being damaged - crushed - burnt…and despite the appeals of many watchmen on the outside, the task-masters, who were seated high upon great pyramids, still would not stop this machine! 

At this point I saw that there were long lines of young people from about 18 to as young as 3, who were being smartened up…as if conditioned, to become part of the workings of the machine. The younger children at the back of the line, were playing, happily unaware of what lay ahead…but some of the the older ones, (from around 12 to 18), as they got closer, and their conditioning became more and more intense, began to look scared. Many others began to complain, and when some questioned as to why they had to become a part of this machine, they were basically told by parents and other supervising adults (I saw teachers and classrooms) that either it was “For their own good” - or “For the collective good…for the PERFECT running of the machine” - or (and this was the worst!) “For the building of the kingdom of Heaven”. The adults themselves were unmoved by these concerns, and seemed to be functioning as if in a trance.

I saw that many of the weaker, slower, more misshaped parts, having become dislodged, were violently ejected out of the machine’s workings: They now lay burned out in a corner…”they are the weak links in the chain.” - I saw rather then heard this!

As I looked at the task-masters, no longer did I see Egyptian like pyramids…I now saw the monuments of Rome…France…and then Washington DC! And I kept getting the words “Masonic Order”. 

(I know enough about Free Masons to know that they may claim to worship God, but they are Satanic at heart, to the highest order, with “survival of the fittest” being their theology…I also know the Masonic, atheistic beliefs that these monuments in our capital represent. Is this the foundation upon which we as Christians have chosen to raise our children? Read Psalm 127)

This whole thing reminded me of a “civilized” version of the satanic mills and workhouses of England, during the Industrial Revolution.

“For the greater good”, I kept hearing them say….

But surely only God is great…and good!

I continued to look at the machine…it seemed to be going faster and faster: the cogs and other parts, even the stronger or more intricate ones, were now showing signs of failure…black smoke began erupting from all over the various parts of machinery…and still these Egyptian-like task-masters would not stop the machine or make it slow down, but drove it faster. (I knew it was increasing both their wealth and power). 

I looked at the children waiting in line…some of them I knew…some were extremely dear to me, and as I realized this, the urge to get the task-masters to stop the machine became intense! I began to cry out with other watchmen: “Stop this machine…Stop it!”

I began appealing to the Lord to intervene… “an appeal to Heaven”***

“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” - Psalm 127:1

The Lord spoke:

“I created a Nation where people could freely learn to worship Me…not to work like cogs in a man-made machine! Beloved, I have given you such great FREEDOM…How are you using it? What are you feeding, nurturing your children with? Are you preparing them for the blessed Hope of My Kingdom…are you building up their faith through things as yet unseen? 

“Or are you keeping their tired eyes open, to the luxuries of this life…to the temptations that lead to Self Actualization - to the slave-drivers of the anti-christ world order…for it is to this place, that the wide path the people of this nation have chosen, will lead. 

“Beloved, why do you not seek first My Kingdom? Why do you work so hard for things that will perish…and condition your children…and your children’s children to do the same? (Psalms 127)

“My people you must hear Me clearly. Either you separate yourselves to Me and turn from this world order, or you, your children and your children’s children will be crushed by it!”

Read Revelation 3:14-22

The machine finally slowed down and abruptly stopped. I saw the people inside begin to come out - some angrily protesting that it had stopped…others choking, gasping for breath, and longing for relief…and as the thick smoke from the devastation cleared, many of them finally began to see…

I believe that for a season the Lord will bring this atheistic system - the great Masonic towers of the nation down - so that HIS VOICE will be heard.

For a season the Lord will give to America the favor that He gave to Israel in Psalms 125. There will be one chance…and only one, for us - to humble ourselves, seek his face , and turn from our wicked ways…so that He can heal our Land. (2Chronicles 7:14)

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-39

***I guess my “appeal to Heaven” is somewhat different from the likes of Dutch Sheets & Chuck Pierce: Many are appealing for America to be raised up in strength and greatness…I am appealing for America to fall to her knees in broken repentance - because as America goes…so go the other nations - including my own.

The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with us all…I love this nation ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

A. hW.


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