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The Watchmen, The City and the Towers - Part II

Back to the City…With its Watchmen…its Walls…and its Towers 

In order to fully understand what you are about to read, you MUST first read part one: See Link #1 in footnotes 

Within the City

The builders

They were working hard: Many groups under many different banners - and each builder fervently and determinedly, with the belief that they were “building something for the greater good”.

The banners:

I saw many banners, with literally scores of people working under them and the people on the towers and the walls (see part 1) seemed to be directing this entire operation. 

What was written on these banners? Here are some examples:

“We will build the Kingdom for Jesus”, 

“We will be Prosperous for Jesus”, 

“We will take Dominion for Jesus”, 

“We will be Powerful for Jesus” 

“We will be Influential for Jesus”

“We will take territory for Jesus” - and so on. 

I could hear the people shouting…almost chanting these statements as they worked.

Under another banner, in another area very close by, I saw: 

“By my own confession I will move this mountain - through Jesus”,

“By my own confession I will manifest my destiny - through Jesus”,

“By my own confession I will bring Heaven to Earth” (through Jesus)

And still more:

“We will heal the sick (for Jesus)”, 

“We will cleanse the leper (for Jesus)” 

“We will raise the dead (for Jesus)”, 

“We will drive out demons (for Jesus)”

{Why I suddenly started seeing the words “through Jesus” and “for Jesus” in parentheses I will explain later on.}

Just as before, those working were chanting these statements over and over. I recognized these words from Matthew  ch 10 vs.8 - a scripture commonly quoted by many prominent “faith healers”, pastors of mega churches and televangelists - and I realized that many of these - very highly esteemed names within the more charismatic branches of the Church, were actually among those on the wall and in the towers, directing this whole operation from above.

What struck me more and more as I watched them work and listened to them chant, was that, although handfuls of them did seem to be producing fruit for the Kingdom (I could see that there were indeed miracles being performed and great healings taking place) so many more of them were not producing fruit…they didn’t seem to be carrying out the very actions that they were chanting. They just carried on chanting - and building. 

Then, amid thunderous applause and showers of accolades, these “great men and women of God” would appear on the wall or from one of the towers: Sometimes to motivate, every now and then to encourage - but mostly to give direction and further orders to the workers below, in what was commonly called a “conference”: I noticed that the workers themselves lived in great fear and reverence of these people; seeing their servitude as a privilege and never questioning at all, the orders being given, which seemed to me to be the same ones over and over, but cleverly and subtly worded in a different way: Whenever the thought of questioning these people came to me, I immediately heard from the workers around me “touch not the Lord’s anointed” and “Do his prophets no harm” (a grievous twisting of 1Chronicles 16:22 ***) 

These “anointed ones” would tell jokes and exaggerated stories, usually centering around themselves, to the delight and great excitement of the workers beneath, who seemed to lap up every “silver tongued word” like thirsty dogs in a desert. 

The worst part of this was that, from what I could discern, these “great men and women” were not at all practicing what they preached (for example “cleansing the leper” or “raising the dead”) - and apparently they did not need to - because from the high places they occupied, they were accountable to no one…and yet they preached as though they themselves were doing these very things on a regular basis.

As I stood trying to make sense of this brutal yet subtle abuse of power that I was witnessing, the words of Matthew ch. 23 hit me hard:

Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 

“The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat,

so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. 

They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. 

They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, 

and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues 

and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by others. 

But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers. 

And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. 

Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ. 

The greatest among you shall be your servant.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in. 

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.

(See Link #2 America’s most dangerous export) 

“Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.’ 

You blind fools! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that has made the gold sacred? (or you could say; which is greater, the tithe/offering that you persistently demand, or the blood-bought child of God who brings it too you?)

And you say, ‘If anyone swears by the altar (the Place if Sacrifice - the Cross) , it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gift that is on the altar, he is bound by his oath.’  You blind men! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred?….”

(Read Matthew ch.23)

If I could describe what I was seeing here, this scripture would do it - entirely! 

Building Babel?

What are they building? What are they all working on?

I saw a monstrous  tower that was raising up in the midst of the workers - in the midst of the city - a tower that looked like a mountain - with a huge base (where the “worker bees” were situated) and an extremely high, lofty pinnacle: And again - as clear as day I heard these words: 

“Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. 

Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” (Read Genesis 11:1-9)

And it was here, at this point that I began hearing another word, being thrown around over and over, by the worker bees at the “camp”:


The Conversation

The following conversation took place at ground level within the city, between myself and a “worker bee”: 

“The Apostles and the Prophets are saying “Unity

…That if we want Jesus to come back, we must be powerful…we must be influential…we must be One People” 

“Who is telling you these things?”

The Apostles and the Prophets - up there in the towers.” (She gestured upwards towards the two highest towers in the city: The most ornate and beautiful towers I had ever seen…towers that seemed to reach to heaven) “We must do as they tell us. They are the only ones who can usher in the Kingdom”

“How will they do this?”

“They will pull down the principalities and powers that stop us taking dominion…Only they have the power to do this…Once we have dominion, Jesus will return and the whole world will know who we are…”

(See Genesis 11:4)

This shocking conversation is something I don’t even want to talk about.

I think…and I hope… that to any Bible believing born again disciple of Jesus, it pretty much speaks for itself.

I saw several renowned evangelical ministers, looking down from the towers and the wall: They had been granted huge and magnificent platforms for the purpose of uniting the Church, and thus fulfilling John 17:20-23. In carrying this “great burden” they appeared pious and humble…but as I have learned, appearances are highly deceptive…and these people are masters in the art of performance.

At ground level, within and underneath the various banners, the worker bees were striving to “create” this unity that their tyrant masters above seemed bent on attaining - and yet each one seemed to have a different idea as to what it was that would unite them: I would hear some say: “It’s the apostles and prophets who will bring unity” and yet others would say: “Miracles, signs and wonders will unite us”.

I enquired of the Lord: “What will unite them?” It was as if they were all building the same tower but at different angles and from different viewpoints. 

The answer I received has shaken me; 

Power, notoriety and influence…They ALL want power on the Earth, they all want to be KNOWN on the Earth, and they all want influence on the Earth: If they cannot attain it for themselves, they will enslave themselves to those who can.” 

This was the reason for the creation of the pyramid…for the worker bees, who didn’t seem to mind - or care - that they are possibly being used - and are part of some dark and dangerous deception. Because they think they are part of something greater…something that will enable them to take dominion over the world (for Jesus of course - please excuse the satire)… 

I remembered the conversation of before: “then the whole world will know who we are.”

I looked at the “unity” that was being built: And it was as I looked, that I suddenly saw part of the deception: Under the various banners I had seen at the beginning, I began to see other words written - hidden, but in plain sight.

Under the banner of “We will bring Heaven to Earth”, I saw “Mysticism and “Universalism” 

Underneath “By my own confession I will manifest my destiny” I  saw “New Age and New Thought:The Law of Attraction (a New Age belief that is being openly practiced and promoted by certain branches of the charismatic church) 

And there were others:

Underneath “We will take Dominion” 

I saw Nationalism and Pride,

Underneath “We will be Prosperous”, 

I saw secular humanism and greed.

Underneath “We will take territory for Jesus” - 

I saw: Islam - and then the anti-Christ world system.

~~~So many banners…so many different paths…such a wide gate…

And yet: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction and those who enter by it are many…” (Matthew 7:13-14)~~~

I saw unequal yolks within this drive for unity: A combination of Eastern Mysticism and Western Esotericism (especially amongst those claiming to be apostles and prophets) 

I saw a merger with other religions: Notably Mormonism, Judaism and Roman Catholicism (much of this was coming through the building of the “mountain of Christian media”)

I remembered the parentheses I had seen earlier, on the banners: “We will raise the dead (for Jesus)” So was all of this really for the Lord Jesus Christ - for His Kingdom and His Glory? Or was it deep down, actually for ours? 

I felt the Lord say that to go after the things of this world and say “it’s for Jesus”, is a deception - and to use the Lord’s anointing to do it is grievous! I could see that through the liberal amounts of counterfeit, through the mass of lies and deception, was also the genuine: Genuine signs and wonders; genuine healing and deliverance; prophetic words that were genuine and true; That which was truly of the Lord was happening on the same platform, right alongside the counterfeit, with the eyes of the world looking on. The problem was that for the most part it was being exploited in exactly the same way…And this was bringing a terrible reproach upon the Name of Jesus.

I found myself petitioning the Lord; 

“How long Lord? Surely this cannot continue forever”

“A day of testing - of reckoning - is coming for My People: where each person’s work…every man and woman’s “ministry”…the measure of Grace that I have given them - will be tried and tested by My fire. (1Corinthians 3:10-15)

This is a warning Church - and one specifically directed toward those “ministries” that have any other name attached to them except the Name of the Lord

I thought about a previous prophetic word, where I had seen screens going dark, voices being silenced. So it will be, for all these ministers - who have (whether consciously or not) placed their name above the Lord’s; on screens, upon platforms (including those of social media), on books…and unbelievably - even upon the Bible itself! 

Have we forgotten…or maybe never knew to begin with…that “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). Dear God help us…

“You wish to use the “anointing” to make My Name famous? - You are deceiving yourselves. 

You wish to use “praise” and “worship” to put My Name in lights? My people! You are deceiving yourselves. 

My name will be remembered in all generations; I will be praised by the nations forever and ever. Do I need your help?”, says the Lord. 

Are not My ways infinitely higher than your ways? - And My thoughts higher than yours?

Beloved, Yes I created you to worship Me…to serve Me…to bring glory to My Name: But this is NOT the Way!

Image: Hillsong Music 

I thought about the huge arenas; the elevated platforms, lights, smoke machines, mood music, musicians, singers, dancers, Christian media, rallies, conferences - BIG names on BIG marquees…and I began to ask myself some honest questions: Do these things truly glorify God in our lives…or do they actually distract us, away from Him?

Is any of this REALLY for Jesus…or is it actually for us?

(While it is not my desire, or my place to point fingers or tar everyone with the same brush, are we not all One Body? - and when a part of the Body is suffering or falling into temptation, does it not in some way, affect all of us?)

The Name of Jesus may, for a brief moment, appear in lights, behind a “worship band” at the climactic moment of a song…but it is the name of the band that appears on the marquee…

The Bible may be opened…and the Name of Jesus mentioned, from a platform, in an arena: But it is the name of the “minister” that has drawn the crowd…

Do we gather to learn the Word of God…or to

hear the words of men?

“You have exchanged the eternal reality of Who I Am for something called an “experience”

“You have exchanged My eternal Living Word for the temporal, corruptible words of men.”

“Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise. 

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness”; 

and again, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.”

So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours, 

whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, 

and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.”1Corinthians 3:18-23

I saw how much confusion and deception had entered into the homes of not only believers, but unbelievers, through the monster platform of social media (some of it had been used for good, but for the most part it was bringing shame and dishonor to the Name of the Lord and the Christian faith). The Lord will not spare the rod with these platforms. 


While King David was living in his house, the Lord gave him peace with all his enemies around him. 

So the king said to the prophet Nathan, “Look, I’m living in a house made of cedar, while the ark of God remains in the tent.”

Nathan told the king, “Do everything you have in mind, because the Lord is with you.”

But that same night the Lord spoke his word to Nathan: 

“Say to my servant David, ‘This is what the Lord says: Are you the one who will build me a house to live in? 

I haven’t lived in a house from the day I took Israel out of Egypt to this day. Instead, I moved around in a tent, the tent of meeting. 

In all the places I’ve moved with all the Israelites, did I ever ask any of the judges  of Israel whom I ordered to be shepherds of my people Israel why they didn’t build me a house of cedar?’ Read 2Samuel 7:1-7

David’s intentions are good: but in believing that The Lord could not dwell among them without a fine palace or a spectacular temple, showed that still, with all his virtues, David had a stunted view of God: He is in effect, reducing the Lord to the standard of humanity. 

Thus says the LORD: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; what is the house that you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest? (Isaiah 66:1)

For around 500 years the Lord “made do” with, not a magnificent temple on deep foundations, but a portable tabernacle made from animal skin, wood and corruptible materials; Why? So the people of Israel could be a light to the Gentiles and the glory of the Lord could be displayed throughout the earth, wherever they went - as sojourners (pilgrims) in a foreign land.  This has always been the Lord’s desire. (John 1:14)

But this is also a foreshadowing of today…and of another place where He delights to dwell - another “portable tabernacle” made from corruptible materials: Our human bodies (1Corinthians 3:16-17; 2Corinthians 5:1-10; 1Peter2:11-12); 

So that we too can be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, as sojourners in a foreign land, wherever He sends us. (1Peter 1:17)

For a time and a season, He allowed for the temple with foundations, built by men…and He preserved it - but ONLY so that, and until, the Sacrifice could be made (Psalm 118:27) and the broken Law appeased by the sacrificial Blood. (Hebrews 9:11-12)

It has always, and only ever been, about Jesus Christ and Him crucified 

So he is also allowing these ministers, and their ministries a season of grace: but that season has an expiration date. Time is running out! - See Link #3 Unity



Back to the Banners 

As I looked at the banners, one after another, I saw the complete opposite to everything that Jesus and the Apostles taught - I saw the complete opposite to everything that Jesus Christ, The Lord of all Creation, is!

So who is the “Jesus” that these people think they’re worshipping?…What is it that they are they building…? And what nightmarish kind of “unity” are they working towards? What is this wide and deadly path they have chosen to travel?

The Bible tells us where it began: Genesis 11:1-9; and also tells us where it will end: Read Revelation ch.17 & 18. This is a broad and dangerous road, that will end in Death.

I could see that the worker bees were not solely from the United States, but a multitude of other nationalities: I specifically noted Latino and Hispanic nations and also the continent of Africa; And I realized with horror - and not for the first time - that this doctrine of demons is being exported from this nation, around the globe; to nations and to peoples who don’t know any better.

I looked at the high and magnificent towers (also known as “Offices”) that were situated at intervals along the wall: There were three towers that I could name: Besides the two tallest (the ones that aspired to reach Heaven - the Office of the Apostles and Prophets - see Part 1), there was another “office”, which looked more like the penthouse for the CEO of a multimillion dollar corporation. It was high and highly opulent: I learned this was the Office of the Pastor; which was ironic because, without going into great detail, I knew that the majority of actual authentic pastors in this nation would not get anywhere near the entrance to this tower. I knew that no pastor with a congregation of less than a thousand people would be even considered for admittance. The criteria for selection was “interesting” to say the least. Some gained entry through family or lineage, some through exceptional talents or gifting, some through association - and some literally bought (or bribed) their way in. The thing that struck me most were the numbers of great orators, motivational speakers and flat out “entertainers” that managed to gain entry: It seemed easier for these than for anyone else. These were the ones that, as I wrote in Part 1, usurped the role of “teacher” and tore great chunks of the Bible right out of their context, twisting these scriptures however they chose, sugar-coating them in flattery and feeding them to the hungry masses. See 2Timothy 4:1-4.

These would interchange often with the apostle and the prophet: Some of these “pastors”, if their churches become large enough and they reached a certain level of prosperity and influence, would then “graduate” to become “apostles” themselves; as if in some kind of nightmarish “christianized” Ponzi scheme. 

These pastors, like the apostles and prophets, were untouchable by the “real world” and unreachable by the masses. (See Part 1 - Minas Tirith) The selected few that were “good enough” to meet the criteria, seemed to behave more like the CEOs of large corporations than shepherds of the flock of Christ.

Which again explained to me the existence of this terrible two-tiered system - that I have begun likening to a queen bee with its worker bees…and this is putting it very mildly; I could think of words like “exploitation” to describe what I am seeing, but again, that is putting it too mildly: I apologize, but what I have seen and written, I will not forget: It will remain with me for a long time. Thank you Lord for Your Peace, which surpasses understanding, and never leaves me.

All three towers - the apostles, the prophets and the pastors - were accessible, one to another via the wall; all three  “Offices” seemed to be interchangeable: some people held more than one office - some people held all three! 

It was these who were poisoning the masses in the Name of Jesus and working them like bees, to build - not His Kingdom - but theirs!

I would hear, from within certain circles, these “apostles” and “prophets” being referred to as “generals” 

I thought to myself  “If by generals you mean people who are constantly dictating the battle but never actually entering into it, you have that one exactly right!”

Then my mind went back to a previous vision of a year ago, entitled The Great American Dream Machine See Link #4: Task masters on high pyramids; worker bees underneath, generating great  power and influence for those above. The vision had been written as a warning to separate ourselves from the trappings of secular society…or so I had thought; but now I could see exactly the same system being operated within the Church

And just as with the Great American Dream Machine, once again I saw the weak links in the chain being violently ejected. People were being hurt - some of them brutally - because of the appalling doctrine within this city. And those on the towers didn’t care! They just carried on living their lives on the upper tier of this two-tiered system. On the rare occasions when any of them were confronted by people on the outside, they would piously and with a ‘righteous indignation’ deny all knowledge…of anything! - And then they would smile…

And that was the end of that! (No one was going to be allowed to burst this bubble)

I wanted to find a way onto the walls, to shout to the masses beneath: “Stand up to them! You don’t have to do this! Stand up!”

But the Lord again took me back to the mountain - and again I began to write.

To be continued…



And what of the other two towers - the remaining offices of the infamous “five-fold ministry”? 


I have left this part until the end - because, out of everything I have so far witnessed, this next event by far has shocked me the most!

The Other Tower:

There was no “Office of Teacher” that I could see. The only “teaching” going on (if I could even call it that) was the butchering of the scriptures, from the other three towers - and especially that of the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” who were calling themselves “pastors”.

As to the Office of Evangelist - this was interesting: When I asked about it, I was directed towards a tower I had never seen before; even though it was situated very close to the offices of the apostles and prophets, who would go in and out from this tower regularly. 

It seemed to be a hive of activity - by far the most noisy and boisterous of the four towers: The atmosphere in and around it, was like a  July 4th celebration: I saw party poppers going off, fireworks exploding, streamers flowing from the windows. There was a huge crowd of “worshippers” around the bottom of the tower, and some official looking people stood at the doors, which unlike the other towers, were at ground level. I walked over to a lively group of young people who were dancing outside the tower. 

Is this the Office of Evangelist?”, I asked. Some of them looked at me puzzled. Then one of the officials who stood at the door came over to me: “We are the workers of signs, wonders and miracles.”, he said: “It is we who will draw the lost to Christ.”

 ‘Okay’ I thought, ‘Well that seems to add up alright’. I was thinking of Matthew 10:8

The Lord’s instructions to his disciples: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.”

But what I had not considered until now, was what each and every one of these towers had in common: They were all, without exception, devoid of the whole and complete Word of God: 

Oh, they had parts of it: Upon and within every tower, I could see scriptures - and parts of scriptures - plastered upon their walls, in some kind of a mosaic pattern: Some of these were even framed and took pride of place in the “executive offices” of the apostles, prophets and pastors; but nowhere could I see a whole and complete Bible. 

Do you give people the Gospel?” I ventured to ask. 

“Oh yes we give them the Gospel - that Jesus loves them - that he just thinks they’re awesome! - and he has an amazing plan for their lives.”

I was straining to hear this, over the noise of celebration that was going on around me.

Do you talk about sin?”, I asked. “After all, this is the whole reason why Christ was crucified - to save sinners from their sin.” (I was thinking of 1Timothy 1:15)

“Oh we don’t need to do that - most people already know that they’re sinners - they’re beaten down enough - And besides, we don’t want to offend anyone.”

Somewhat taken aback, I remembered Acts ch 2:36-38 (Israel’s Great Repentance) 

But people must repent”, I persisted. “They must be convicted of their sin so they can turn from their sin.”

“Oh everyone repents”, came the cheerful reply from a young man nearby. “We’ve all “repented” - We all live in the “Penthouse” now.”, He gestured upward: “It’s radical! When we give our hearts to Jesus, he takes us to the Penthouse”

Where did you hear that?”, I asked (I could feel my heart sinking)

“That’s what they teach us…” he again gestured upwards toward the pinnacles…the penthouses of the towers.

“Don’t you know that?”, he continued. “That’s what the word “repent” really means! - to REturn to the PENThouse!”

He was looking at me with genuine excitement and enthusiasm - as if to say “don’t you think that’s cool?

I stood as if frozen to the ground: To say I was shocked would be an understatement…I was horrified almost beyond belief..! 

(I still to this day have never known such an open butchering and distorting of scripture in my life…My heart ached for this young man)

But before I could reply, I was swamped by such a large crowd of people whooping and hollering, that I could barely think straight. I was caught up in something that looked like a rally.

“We’re going to take back the nation for Jesus!”, someone shouted. “We will perform great signs and miracles - and the whole world will know who we are: Our names will be famous for Jesus!”

WHAT? Did I just hear this correctly..?

Seconds later I heard “…We will make the name of Jesus famous” - as if they were hastily correcting themselves: But I knew what it was that I had heard - and I knew it had come right out of the troubled, deceived hearts of the people. (see Matthew 12:34)  Whatever was going on here, it was clearly not centered around the Lord Jesus Christ. 

This tower was the place where earlier I had said I could see the counterfeit miracles being performed on the same platform as the real - creating such a mess of confusion and controversy; and as I said before, bringing a terrible reproach to the Name of Jesus. - And they were so young…So many of them were so young!

“How did it come to this Lord?” I was groaning inside. “How did it come to this?

The answer I received was immediate:

“It came largely through the platform - through the mountain - of the media. And it is this mountain that I will soon judge.”

(I knew he wasn’t talking about secular media - as evil and corrupt as much of it is:  Judgement begins at His House - He was talking about the Mountain of  Media within the Church)

And from first hand experience - from one who is still shocked and shaken - I can tell you that this whole city, with its towers, its walls and its watchmen, would not exist as strong as it is today, were it not for the Mountain of Media…

Come soon Lord Jesus 

A. hW.



{***1Chronicles 16:22 Explanation:

David sets up the Tabernacle in Jerusalem and dedicates the Ark of the Covenant to the Lord. 

In it’s context, 1Chronicles 16:22 is one of David’s famous Psalms of Thanksgiving to the Lord (see Psalm 105:15); where he calls on the people to remember the One who has brought them safely out of Egypt, through all the desert wonderings, through many kinds of dangers and perils: Whenever these loomed, and in whatever shape or form they came, the LORD would issue this command: “Touch not my anointed (Israel, the Chosen People through whom Messiah would come) and do my prophets (those who would speak for the Lord - beginning with Moses) no harm.” And for this, David thanks God, who has brought them safely to this Land and to this Good Place where they now find themselves.

So as we can clearly see, this is a descriptive text and is not in any way to be used for one group of believers to control or manipulate another.}

Definition of the word “repent” (source: Bible Hub)


Meaning: “to change one's mind or purpose”
Usage in the Bible: I repent, change my mind, change the inner man (particularly with reference to acceptance of the will of God), repent.







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15  “Can a woman forget her nursing child,      that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget,      yet I will not forget you. 16  Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;      your walls are continually before me. Isaiah 49:15-16 This most recent prophecy is part of my “Fast for Family”, and again runs parallel with my previous visions - some of which can be read in the footnotes at the end. The Beautiful Remnant of the United States of America  The unity of baptism : I saw many in America: Many families. They stood as if on the banks of the Red Sea, as Israel under Moses…driven there by the Holy Spirit, perused by the kingdom of the anti-Christ. They had been driven there for Baptism: I saw many families. They went down separately…and when they came up they were one: in the Lord and in each other. I realized that this type of unity…the desire and prayer of Jesus…can only come through this kind of baptism: a denial…a Crucifixion of Self…

Volume III ~ The Olive Press

This is the final of three volumes. As with the first two, there is repetitions - the same events but from different viewpoints - and as before, I ask that the reader be patient. You will read again much of what you have already read in volumes 1 & 2 - but there is a twist: Now, there are other nations involved: Because what happens in America will have a direct (or indirect) impact on the nations of the world. I will also write in detail about a global unraveling, that although beginning in America, will affect  the nations of the world. Volume I describes this unraveling, in many different ways. I recommend, before you read one more word of this booklet, to read the first 2 Volumes. Because their purpose is to prepare the Remnant of America for this unraveling.  None of the first pilgrims lived very long, upon entering the New World: But they were obedient to the Lord in the time He allotted them: The seed was sown into the soil of the infant nation. The harvest still remains to

Volume III The Beautiful Remnant of America - Part 2

The Beautiful Remnant of America Part II  So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun; for he will come like a rushing stream, which the wind of the Lord drives. Isaiah 59:19 Before continuing, please ensure that you have first read Chapter 1 ~ The Olive Press i ~ The “Hidden” Remnant   “What is a tree without its roots? Roots expand underground in the darkness - the hidden place, that the tree may stand firmly grounded through the storm. This expansion does not come without faith, time, patience and endurance, and goes entirely un-noticed and un-acclaimed,  because it takes place underground . And yet we know that this expansion is essential to the life and health of the tree.  So it is for the Church in this hour… “What is a house without its foundations?  A house built quickly- on sand    - will not stand - but the one who patiently and deliberately