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The Watchmen, The City & The Towers (Volume II Part 1)

Habakkuk 2:1.                                                              I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint.

A City:

Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” 

And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built…” 

(Genesis 11:4-5)

I saw a city with high walls, majestic towers, strong fortifications…and it seemed, innumerable numbers of “watchmen” who had positioned themselves on the pinnacles of these high towers and strong walls. Inside I could hear the sound, like party poppers going off; I could hear whoops and hollers, which seemed to be mainly centered around the people I saw on top of the walls and watch towers: 

I noticed that these “ministers” would appear, amid thunderous cheers. After taking their bows and “humbly” receiving the people’s praise, they would then gesture to the crowd, who would quieten down to watch and listen in awe, wonder and admiration as this elite group of people “ministered” to their adoring fans. When asked what was going on, the reply from those gathered would be: “This is ‘Church’”; “We’re worshiping ‘Jesus’”.

It was peculiar and horrifying at the same time: watching this blatant idolatry taking place in the House of God, in the heart of the nation founded by God: the USA. 

“Where Are the True Watchmen of the Lord?”

Without The City:

“When a prophet of the Lord realizes that literally all they have is the Lord, that prophet is in the right place.” (07/06/23)

I saw a small group of watchers…intercessors…entirely unknown by name and face; who had been placed OUTSIDE the city walls…far outside…away from the glamour and the clamor…way out into the desert, and upon a high, and somewhat desolate mountain. (See Link #1 in footnotes).

They were a remnant of almost every generation; of multi race and nationality (I remember seeing Chinese and Korean among them, as well as European, South & Central Americans and Africans). These watchmen for America had been set apart as Holy unto the Lord - far apart!

At first I remember thinking in my foolishness: “They’re too far away: How can they possibly see anything from all the way out there - much less give warning when they do see?”

Then as my eyes cleared and I looked more intently, I realized that from that mountain - from that place, they could actually see, not only the entire city within its walls, but the landscape in its entirety, for miles around: Anything moving from within or without the city, these watchmen and women could easily and immediately see it!


And the word of the Lord came to (Elijah): 

“Depart from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. - Far removed from the city

You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.”

(See 1Kings 17:2-4)

Excerpt from Link #1 “The Watchman Has No Name”

“Upon this “high place”, desolate, shrouded in mist…the place where the springs of pure fresh water are found: 

Untouched by humanity; untainted by the influences of this world…

The place where the glory of God will be poured out upon a people who are nameless and faceless. Because God will not share His glory with another.

“It is a LONELY Place…where, if you are looking for the praises of men…the rewards of this life…you will find NONE: But, if you are truly searching for the Lord - Jeremiah 29:11-14. How can we seek him with all our hearts when our hands are so full of this world?” 


Here stood the Mountain of the Watchmen…Some of these were armed with what looked like shofars, to sound an alarm - or call a sacred assembly…and each and every one carried in their hands, a large scroll, which I knew was the Word of God: All were prophets, but ALL were rooted and grounded upon nothing but the Bible…the Word of Truth; to combat what had now become almost an epidemic within the American Church: the presumptuous words of the false prophet. (See 1Corinthians 4:6)

Ezekiel 13:3-7

“Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals among ruins. 

You have not gone up to the breaches in the wall to repair it for the people of Israel so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the Lord. 

Their visions are false and their divinations a lie. Even though the Lord has not sent them, they say, “The Lord declares,” and expect him to fulfill their words. Have you not seen false visions and uttered lying divinations when you say, “The Lord declares,” though I have not spoken?”

See also Jeremiah ch. 6:13-15 & ch.14:14

Matthew 7:15 & 24:24

“My watchmen are facing the wrong way. They are there for the entertainment of men - to be seen by men…”

(I had noticed that each and every one of those on the walls, were facing inwards, toward the city, with their backs to the outside) 

“They have usurped the walls and towers of this nation (the structures of safety and positions of foresight) and have turned them into a platform for entertainment - idolatry: Why are the eyes of My Church so much on them, when they should be on Me?”

Now, as I looked at the high, lofty wall upon which these watchmen stood, I could suddenly see breaches and holes, just as with the wall described by Ezekiel. These holes and breaches could not be discerned by those within the city; However, they were plainly visible to everyone outside of it - great gaping holes, visible to the watchmen on the mountain…and also to the enemy! Those who dwelt  upon these walls, did so carelessly and were blissfully unaware of the great danger that they were actually in: That which they thought to be so strong it would last forever, was in reality a house of cards! I could hear coming from their mouths: “We are stronger than ever before; no one can bring us down.” For reference see Isaiah 9:8-10.

Within The City:

I looked again, with something like horror, at these so-called “pillars of the church” on the walls and the high places: They were drunk with a spirit - but it was not the Holy Spirit:

They were playing like children during recess: pitting themselves, one against another, to see who could get to the top of the tower: It was like a game we played in Britain called “king of the castle”. Those who had reached the top were awarding each other with medals; placing caps and gowns upon each other; “promoting” one another…I heard flattery…even bribery - and I realized that these at the top were forming an alliance, lest they be toppled by those underneath. It looked almost unbelievable! To people on the outside like myself, it was nothing more than imaginative play…a dream world…a fantasy - like a Hollywood movie - that could easily be stopped by the Church if we chose: The problem was, that so many within the Church didn’t want it to stop…to so many, it had become real! 

American Idol In the House of the Lord.

These were highly talented, from the finest families - the best of the best: Some of these were singers; some musicians and artists; some were great orators and motivational speakers…still more would draw attention to themselves by making jokes and telling sensational and exaggerated stories, (“trips to Heaven”, visions of angels…and even visitations from Jesus Christ Himself) much to the delight of their adoring fans. 


And yet, we read in the Word of God:

“I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows

And I know that this man was caught up into paradise—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— 

and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter. 

(Read 2Corinthians 12)

Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. (John 20:29)

How high we think we have climbed: And yet, how far we have actually fallen…


From their platforms, these elites were now tearing out chunks of the Bible and throwing them to the crowd, who would devour them like candy, and then in turn, would begin throwing them to each other, with great excitement and glee. (Some of these chunks were bigger than others; but most of them were very small - bite-sized. Having been torn out of their original context, these “scriptures” were then cleverly twisted with mysticism, compromise and human reasoning, and sugar-coated with liberal amounts of flattery and bribery: In this way you could guarantee that these same people would ALWAYS come back for more!) The Name of Jesus was also being blasphemously thrown around everywhere, by this “mob”. 

I saw through the spotlight in which these elites were basking, that people were showering them with what looked like confetti; such as was the common practice among pagans, in the worship of idols.

They called it “church”, but to me it was a monstrous power-hungry pyramid…a monster that we the Church had created, and now were feeding.

It was shocking. I heard words that sounded almost exactly like the words from Genesis ch. 11 “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

(Read Genesis 11:1-9) 

Pay particular heed to the Lord’s response to their unity in vs 6-7: 

“If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do THIS, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech. 

Church, whatever great thing we think we’re building…We’re not supposed to be building it!!!

As if that were not bad enough, these self appointed watchmen, drunk with worldly power and influence, would then turn around on the walls and high places on which they stood and challenge the people of other nations, with words like “There is no other God…not Allah, not Buddha, not Krishna…” Others would mock the established governing bodies, with phrases like “The United Nations is the united nothing…”

I was hearing this over and over again from the walls and pinnacles of America. Their words reverberated all around the globe. It wasn’t that what they were saying was not true: It was rather, the total lack of restraint and the attitude of the heart, from out of which the words were flowing.

In reference to this, see also Link #2: The Book of Jude

I remember feeling shocked, devastated, and then angry; But the Voice of the Lord came quietly and calmly: “They do not speak for Me…they speak presumptively from pride and self-satisfaction…from the fat of the land that I have given them…and most of them do not realize what they are saying.”

Careless Words and Sweeping Statements…

I saw Islamic and other theocratic nations; I saw the communist totalitarian nations: They were mocking the God of Christianity, because of what they were seeing and hearing from these pinnacles and platforms. 

For every careless word and sweeping statement, I saw repercussions - a ripple effect, that seemed to go out to these other nations: and when it hit them, it hit hard! I knew that the struggling churches - Christians in other countries - many of whom were underground - were suffering unnecessarily, through imprisonment, torture and martyrdom: They were baring the brunt of the lofty challenges coming from these pedestals.

For, as it is written, “The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” (See Romans 2:19-24)

As I have said: I saw the Islamic, theocratic and Communist nations…but I also saw more “civilized” nations; where there was, at least on the surface, a certain element of freedom: I saw Canada, Australia, France and my own nation Great Britain: These nations too, were now experiencing repercussions, because of the reckless, prideful words coming from these church elites.

Because, whether we believe it or not…whether we like it or not: What happens in America - for good or for bad - will ultimately and in some way, affect the rest of the world. (See Link #3 in footnotes) 

The Lord continued…

“These people claim they are speaking for me: They THINK they are speaking for me: But they are doing so presumptuously. They do not know me. 

And now the call is going forth to HUMBLE yourselves and repent…for those with ears to hear: 

Retreat from that which has been built by men; 

Bow LOW and Hide yourself in Me and under my blood. (See Link #4 in footnotes) 

For I will bring down every wall and fortification that has been erected in my Church, by those who claim to serve Me, but are deceiving themselves: Through flattery, lies and deception, they are manipulating My Church…My Body…into serving THEM! 

“You MUST wake up beloved: I am about to bring this hedge down…in my mercy I will do this…lest you face My Judgement…because of My love for you.”

The fortifications around some of these big international ministries were huge. Layer upon layer. This next illustration is going to sound very strange, so please forgive me: 

I thought about the movie Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King…a huge fortified city known as “Minas Tirith” (If you have seen the movie you will understand; If you haven’t, please bare with me) 

Image: Minas Tirith (ArchDaily)

Layer upon layer…level upon level of fortification: Each one higher than the next: With the habitation of the king right at the pinnacle: This was suddenly how I was seeing these large TV ministries: This was how these “ministers of God” were living: literally in a bubble…at the “penthouse” of the pyramid, supported almost entirely by the people - the Body of Christ - below. 

And just as in the movie, this protective bubble is about to burst; This wall is about to be breached. Why? Because nothing is beyond His reach: No one is beyond accountability before the Lord: NO ONE! 

“So now I will sift (scatter) my Church, so that I can refine them, so that I can once again regather them.”  (Refer Genesis 11:7)

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.” (Hosea 2:13-15) 

“My People, called by My Name: You must not approach these platforms…you must remove yourselves from these “mountains of influence” … for I will judge them, and all who have worshipped upon them.” (Compare Revelation 18:3-5)

As I listened to the tumult coming from the city, I could think of only one thing: Read Exodus 32:17-19

When Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he said to Moses, “There is a noise of war in the camp.” 

But he said, “It is not the sound of shouting for victory, or the sound of the cry of defeat, but the sound of singing that I hear.” 

And as soon as he came near the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, Moses’ anger burned hot, and he threw the tablets out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain.

“So for a season I will take away their platform and their voice…”

Again I heard these words; from a prophetic word that I received on April 13 2022:

“So for a season, the Lord will take away their platform and their voice. The Lord will reclaim His Word from them (Romans 2:17-24)…and for a season, He will give it to a people who will produce good fruit. (Matthew 3:8; 21:43)

What was their platform and their voice..?

“For a season I believe I saw disruptions of towers and satellites - for a season I saw screens (electronic screens - through which these so called “voices of God” were speaking) go dark. For a time there was a strange silence in the airwaves over America…and at last, for a season the Voice of the Lord could be heard.” (04/13/22)

(To read the whole of this prophecy, see Link #5 in footnotes)

And with it will come such a shaking…such a trembling…for those who do not let go of the things of this world now, and tie themselves down to the pillars of Truth - the Word of God: (See Link #4) For a season, The Lord will bring down this “mountain of media” along with those who are attempting to climb it in His Name: for so many are actually bringing dishonor to His Name.

There was once a time where the ministers of the Lord could be seen and heard from all over the planet: That season will come to an end.

…That by any means necessary these people may be brought to repentance: Because the hardest part of this whole thing was the realization that most, if not all, of these “elites” on top of the towers, had begun their ministries as humble and sincere servants of the Lord…It is as much for them, that this chastening is coming.

“House Church”

The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom,

and his tongue speaks justice.

The law of his God is in his heart;

his steps do not slip.

Psalm 37:30-31

Was this affecting the entire Church in America?

Emphatically No! 

As I looked across the city (symbolic of the established Church in the USA) through the outrageous celebrations, I could see areas that were strangely silent: Churches, homes, communities, whose doors were locked and windows shuttered, and where I could see people who had gathered inside. 

Were they afraid? Were they hiding? 
Again emphatically No! 
Rather this was symbolic of SEPARATION; and also of sobriety: These were families, church communities, ministries and individuals who had chosen to take no part in the idolatry around them. I saw within the closed up buildings: Pastors, teachers, parents, grandparents (men and women, old and young) with Bibles spread wide open, teaching the Oracles of God; children in small groups, also were being taught the Word of God. 
(Seeing these Bibles spread out everywhere, after what I had just experienced, was refreshing to the eye…and a great relief to the heart). I saw “hidden remnants” like this all across the nation - I believe in every State (see Link #4 - The Lanterns). Every now and then, the sound of the idolatry - the sin - would come very close to the buildings where these Remnants were hidden: And from behind the locked doors and shuttered windows, the adults would motion to the children: “Quiet”. They would fall silent until the “noise of idolatry” had passed by.

As I saw this, I was again reminded of Exodus 12:1-13. I read this scripture again - And then, from the Lord I heard:
“Yet because of My Blood…My Covenant of mercy poured out upon my blood bought Church, I will not destroy, as I did in Egypt: I will scatter…just as I scattered those who “gathered” at Babel, lest I destroyed them all over again: So I will sift (scatter) My People, and, at the right time regather them again, because of my Covenant of Grace.”

“The noise of idolatry?”

Refer back to Exodus ch 32:17-19

And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son whom he receives. 

Hebrews 12:4-5

Image: The Tower of Babel (Encyclopedia Britanica)

Coincidentally, if you study the Tower of Babel, based upon the evidence historians and archaeologists have found, you will realize that it is not that different in design from Minas Tirith. It is literally the first post-flood pyramid structure to be built upon the Earth: a symbol of the first sin to enter into the hearts of humanity: When humanity seeks to be as God - also known as PRIDE. (See Genesis 3:5-6)

And, continuing on the theme of pride…👇

The Beautiful Office of The Prophet…

I looked back at the numerous towers (or pinnacles), which I saw were situated at varying intervals along the wall, each one connected to the other by the wall itself. I realized that I was looking at a two-tier system in the Church. No one on ground level could reach the towers or the walls (the high places), unless they were especially selected by those above; and very seldom did those on the high places venture down to ground level. Whenever they did, it was an iconic event! 

The towers themselves I learned, were called by another name: “Offices”

One tower (or office) in particular caught my attention: It was very tall - reaching, it seemed almost into Heaven (See Genesis 11:4), and very elegant to look upon: There were exquisite stone carvings on the outside;  and such spectacular artwork adorned the inside, that I believe it could have rivaled the Sistine Chapel itself. 

I saw that this tower and its occupants - who were called “the anointed ones” - were greatly admired - “worshiped” in fact - by everyone who passed by. Many people on the ground desired a place within this particular tower, but I saw that its windows were high up, far beyond the reach of anyone on ground level. I could see only one door - which opened directly onto the wall itself…and of course, there was no way whatsoever for those on the ground to get on to the wall. I remember thinking: How on earth did we, the Body of Christ in America, become so exclusive? How did we become so much like the society we are supposed to be separate from? 

The name of this tower was The Office of the Prophets. It was beautiful…It was high…And it was PROUD. (See Proverbs 16:18)

And the Lord reminded me of something He had spoken to me back in December of 2022 

“There was a big school (tribe) of prophets in Elijah’s time - yet the only name that you remember is Elijah: Why? Because he is the only one who truly separated himself unto Me, and away from this world and any desire to make a name for himself there. (12/21/22)

Nether was his successor Elisha, chosen from the school of the prophets (from those who were closer to Elijah…who knew him) - but he was chosen from the backside of the desert, at the tail end of a ploughing line…at the Sovereign Will of the Lord.

I remembered Elijah’s call in 1Kings 17 - a call to total separation and reliance upon the Lord; I thought again about that small group of prophets that I had seen earlier: far away on a desolate mountain…watching and praying…virtually unknown…and literally worlds apart from this celebrated structure that I was now gazing up at. 

“They have formed a “tribe”- and created a “club” in My Name, so that they can be seen and admired by people…and in doing so, they have gone entirely contrary to how I designed and commanded my Church - my Body to function. (See 1Corinthians ch.12 & Matthew 23:1-28)

“Therefore as I dealt with those who gathered at Babel, so I will scatter…sift these who think they are something…that they will learn and understand that apart from Me they are nothing…that I resist the proud, but give grace to the humble…that I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.

(Genesis 11:1:9; 1Peter 5:5-6; Isaiah 57:15)

At the foot of the tower of The Office of The Prophets, I saw an adoring crowd of “fans” that never wavered, never dwindled, but kept a continual vigil around the beautiful ornate structure, and seemed to be in a constant state of anticipation and excitement. “The prophets are gathering!”, a woman nearby explained to me: She was so overwhelmed with excitement, she could barely speak legibly. “They’re going to give us a word from Heaven…” I glanced again up at the structure - the tower that aspired to reach as high as Heaven - and again I thought of Genesis ch.11. She continued:… “They’re going to give us the word from the Lord!” 

A feeling of deep dread and heaviness was beginning to overwhelm me: The word from the Lord? If there was one thing that these “magnificent towers” and these “great walls” were utterly devoid of, it was the True and Living Word of The Lord - The Bible!

As I stood staring up at the tower, someone else from the crowd approached me: Someone that I knew…who was a friend: 

“Are you a Prophet?” He was bubbling over with excitement as he asked me.

“Yes”, I blurted out (I still to this day don’t know why I said that)

At this, my friend became so excited that he seemed to lose all self control: “Can I shake your hand?” His voice trembled with the rush of adrenaline.

“Shake my hand?” -  I was more bewildered than ever: “What? - Why?”

I cannot remember the response that he gave to me. All I know is that, at the moment I said “yes” to being a prophet, I transitioned in his eyes, from friend and fellow laborer in the Lord, to celebrity…megastar…superhero…“little god”. It was shocking…horrifying - and at the same time, surreal: This was blatant idolatry in the blood-bought Church of Christ…And nobody there could see it - This was beyond belief! 

By the grace of God, I turned and I ran - hard and fast…away from the towers…the walls…the city. I did not stop running until I reached the same desolate mountain that I had written about at the beginning; the same one that I write of in link #1 (The Watchman has no name): The Mountain of the Watchmen. Since then, The Lord has never had me look back towards that city - and those towers - until now!  And it is from this place…this mountain…that I write.

{For further reading: Link #6 is an article I wrote, concerning the biblical “office” of a prophet, and how we should be behaving and functioning before the Lord, within His Body. 

As I said before, I still to this day, don’t know why I said “yes”, when asked if I was a prophet: Maybe pride? - Maybe somewhere secretly, I myself wanted a place in this tower…}


How can I describe what I have been seeing for this nation: It is as if America’s destiny is like a scroll with many seals: And the Lord is beginning to open it: one seal at a time.

He does not have me speak in riddles: I leave no mystery…nothing unexplained: but rather, I receive from the Lord an explanation and interpretation for everything that I prophesy. 

In this way everyone can go back to the Lord and His Word, and enquire for themselves based on the interpretation given: 

In this way, no one is chasing me to “unlock secrets” or “unravel mysteries” or  brake “prophetic codes”

In this way, no one is looking to me for answers - because I can assure you: Outside of the Word of God, I have none.

The only thing that is left unanswered in this whole series of visions, is the one factor that everyone wants an answer to: “When” 

And to this, I simply do not have the answer: What I do know is that the answers we need are in the Word of God: And if we have studied scriptures such as Matthew 24 and Luke 21, we will realize that we are in - just the beginnings of - birth pangs: The end is not yet. 

This means that there is still a chance for us in this nation; to make things right; to set things the right way up. This is the reason for everything the Lord has had me write. Because, whether we choose to believe it or not, as America goes, so go - in one way or another - the nations of the world. 

A. hW.

Image: Jude vs. 20-25









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