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The Beautiful Remnant of America (Volume II, Part 2)

“Can a woman forget her nursing child,
    that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?
Even these may forget,
    yet I will not forget you.
Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
    your walls are continually before me. Isaiah 49:15-16

This most recent prophecy is part of my “Fast for Family”, and again runs parallel with my previous visions - some of which can be read in the footnotes at the end.

The Beautiful Remnant of the United States of America 

The unity of baptism:

I saw many in America: Many families. They stood as if on the banks of the Red Sea, as Israel under Moses…driven there by the Holy Spirit, perused by the kingdom of the anti-Christ. They had been driven there for Baptism: I saw many families. They went down separately…and when they came up they were one: in the Lord and in each other. I realized that this type of unity…the desire and prayer of Jesus…can only come through this kind of baptism: a denial…a Crucifixion of Self…for all of us. That is what I was witnessing here. I was seeing families - but I realized that this kind of baptism would be required of all of us…all who would follow Him.

There will be reconciliation among husbands and wives, among parents and children…and even among siblings: Marriages will be tested: Please take heed: If your marriage is built upon your home, your possessions, your status, your achievements (or those of your children), the American Dream, ANYTHING other than the solid Rock…This is a call to turn to the Lord - and RETURN to the Lord - “Search ME Oh Lord…”(Psalm 139:28-29)

The unbuckling of the Bible Belt - (This is a continuation of Volume I ch.4 - or see Link #2 in footnotes)

~~Because the unraveling of the nations, will begin with the unraveling of this nation - as the final stronghold of the Christian faith; 

But the unraveling of this nation will begin with the unraveling - or unbuckling - of its final stronghold of Christianity: The Bible Belt.~~

America: The Eleventh Hour… 

The nation was as if on fire: there were fires burning throughout the Land - I believe more symbolic than literal. They seemed to have enveloped everywhere except this one area: The area which I strongly believe to be the Bible Belt. Within and around this area, a redoubt (a defensive fortification) had been built, and I could see…local churches…families, who had retreated within it. I saw the banners they had been fighting under: freedom of religion; the right to bare arms; the right to private/homeschool education; and much more. It was as if the Remnant Church had taken a final stand under these banners and behind this redoubt, against an advancing enemy that seemed to become more and more powerful as it approached. They had been fighting valiantly for these things - but now I saw from behind the redoubt, as this dark tsunami of evil approached, they left this defensive fortification and began to strap themselves down to what looked like huge pillars, which were firmly rooted into the Foundation Stone of the Nation. (To find out about this Foundation Stone please read Volume I ch.2 or see Link #1 in footnotes) 


As I watched, this Remnant began to let go of the ‘former things’, abandon these banners of rights and privileges they had been under, and strap themselves and their families down - cleaving themselves to something much more powerful - and permanent: the Word of God and the foundations of the Christian faith. I saw that there were numerous pillars like this all over the Bible Belt…the Heartland of America.

 The banners that I had seen before had now disappeared and been replaced by new ones, upon which were written various scriptures: I specifically saw the words from Genesis ch.1 & 2. And as I looked, more and more people retreated from the man-made redoubt and started tying themselves to the pillars. I saw families tied together - pastors with small remnants of congregations - all tied down. And I became aware of something else: A clock was ticking: It was as if we were in a count down - preparing for something to fail…to fall. 

The Sword

I saw a sword in the heavens over America: I asked the Lord: “Why is this here?”

And I felt Him say: “Because of PRIDE” 

It was as if, a day of reckoning was approaching…and the only way to escape this Sword of Judgement was to humble ourselves beneath it - 2Chronicles 7:14. 

I looked at the remnant…the families who were tied to the Word of God:  Robes were now being placed upon them: Heavy, weighty robes that covered them completely, like a cloaking device: Upon them was written the word HUMILITY {read: 1Peter 5:5-11}

“You MUST cloak yourself in My HUMILITY, if you choose to hide yourself in Me. You must bow low…becoming nameless and faceless.”

 (I noticed that the weightiness of the robes was bringing people lower and lower.) 

“For this is your greatest, and your only protection, against the sword of Judgement that is surely coming. For I will judge the PRIDE of this Land…I will begin with My own House” And I immediately thought about Exodus ch 12: The first Passover:  The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you…” (Exodus 12:13). As I looked at the remnant around the pillars; the families, bowed low, I realized that the cloaks of humility had now become the Blood of Jesus Christ.

And as I continued watching this Remnant, I remember feeling so moved - and encouraged - that there even WAS a remnant…and that they had heeded the warnings and were submitting themselves to ONLY the Word of God…humbling themselves ONLY before the Lord...acknowledging that there was ONLY Jesus Christ - and nothing else!

From these pillars, I could now hear this remnant beginning to worship the Lord: with words - declarations - that sounded like those from Psalm 136: “Nothing…Nobody - except the Lord!” And I realized what I was hearing from these families…this remnant: It was a different level of worship: It was the worship of warfare…

We had been backed into a corner - but it was God’s Corner!  Therefore, let the one reading this, not be afraid. We were in the best place imaginable…exactly where He wanted us to be! Hidden in Christ!

***Teach your children!…Teach them now, the Word of God!***

The Winnowing of the Bible Belt 

~~There is coming a winnowing  to the Church in America - beginning with the area known as the Bible Belt (for it is from this area that I saw the Army of the Family emerge). 

Through this winnowing, we the Body of Christ will all be brought down to the SAME LEVEL, on the Lord’s threshing floor. (I will go over this more in a future prophecy)

To read about the Army of the Family and more on the Bible Belt see Volume I pages 19-21, or Link #2 in footnotes.~~

The Bible Belt will be winnowed - and sifted . And this is a call to parents, pastors and teachers. We must be ready. Because what will determine whether we stand or fall will not be our faith in and understanding of the Constitution…nor will it be our gifts of healing, deliverance or prophecy: It will be our faith in, and understanding of the Word of the Living God. The Bible Belt must now begin to properly arm itself…not with the words of man, but with the Word of God - The Bible.

This is the Foundation, that these parents, grandparents, families, pastors, elders had now taken their stand upon. It was no longer the rights and freedoms of the Constitution: This man-made document, although good in its time, will not be able to stand up to this wave of evil - (Just as their man-made redoubt was no longer able to protect God’s remnant from the approaching enemy.) There is only one thing that will stand…One foundation that will not be shaken: The Foundation of the Word of God: the established order laid down by the Lord in Genesis ch. 1 &2. The order of marriage…the order of children…the order of gender and self-identity…The order of the Family. This is what this dark wave was out to destroy…and this is what these families of the Bible Belt had taken this one final stand upon.

Again I saw the sword over the nation…I heard again the clock ticking…

And then I heard the Lord say:

“I am about to remove My Hand - and My hedge of protection from this area (the man-made redoubt around the Heartland)…For a season I gave you Grace. Now that time is over. There will be no further delay: I am about to unveil My Glory over this Nation - to shake everything that can be shaken: And it is now time for you My Remnant, to move - to relocate - to more SOLID ground.”

I suddenly became aware of the entire Heartland of America…and as I looked at the growing numbers of people - denominations - families of multiple generations, that had come together to tie themselves to these pillars of truth…to humble themselves under the Sovereignty of the Lord, I saw for the first time, true UNITY ~~

Lanterns & Lighthouses… 

Although this event seemed to be centered around the Heartland, I know that there was a praying remnant, who were making themselves ready, throughout the Land, in every State of America. Some of these States were extremely dark. Without naming names: I saw States to the east and the west, on either side of the great mountain ranges. I saw States to the north, along the border of Canada and around the Great Lakes area…and there were others. It was so dark in some of these places that I could see nothing at first: Then I saw people (watchmen) going into the darkness, carrying what looked like lanterns, which brought a limited amount of light. I followed them. Through this light I could suddenly see The Lord’s Remnant. 

They seemed smaller in number than the Bible Belt, (I surmised this was because I wasn’t used to seeing things in this kind of light - a light that, because of the deep darkness that surrounded it, was more concentrated and intense than anything I had seen before): These remnants were battle-scarred  - but they were there! They were holding out…they were holding on…And they were strong!  And these also, had built redoubts of some kind. Again I could see families, who were being hidden by the Lord…under His blood; and again I thought of Exodus 12:1-13. Through the light of the watchmen’s lanterns, I could see the same Pillars that I had seen the Heartland, situated nearby: And just as before, this Remnant immediately abandoned the things of this world and began to tie themselves down, assuming a posture of weakness and total surrender. 

Now I could see that these pillars of Truth had become great lighthouses: As their beams circled throughout the Land, I could suddenly see the Lord’s Remnant - everywhere! It was at this point that I realized: Not one State of this Nation would be abandoned by the Lord. (Psalm 145:18-20) I believe I could see a Remnant - whether big or small - in every State!  The Light from these lighthouses seemed to offer this Remnant great relief…as they continued to brace themselves up against the Pillars of Truth…as they prayed and waited….

Because, through the Light, they could now see: The Lord - and one another. (psalm 133)

I saw the sword in the heavens: It had begun to swing; And again I heard the clock ticking…

If you were to ask me what exactly was taking place around these “Lighthouses of Truth” I would not be able to tell you much; except that the Remnant Church clustered around them, had turned their backs on the things of this world (the American Dream) and had their sights set upon the things of Heaven (Christ and His Word). I knew how hard this was for some. I began to weep: Because as time got shorter, I could hear the cries of humble worship and supplication ascending to the Lord as a sweet aroma; At the same time, as the Sword of Judgement began to cut lower and lower, I could hear the Saints exhorting one another from all across the Land; spurring one another on: “Get on your knees!”; “Set your faces like flint!” and “Don’t look back!”  was what I kept hearing. (The heart…the strength of the people of this nation will never be truly realized until pressure is applied: We must be there for one another Church; we must begin now!) I couldn’t help thinking about Genesis ch. 19:12-26.  This is how urgent things had now become; and under the increasing pressure, the Remnant Church were becoming more and more unified.

What was this man-made redoubt…?

{This is an excerpt from Volume I ch. 2 - or see Link #1 in footnotes:       

 I saw 1787 - the people’s document for the people - The Constitution of The United States. It fell down upon this Foundation Stone, the Word of God…and was immediately broken into pieces! 

…And the Lord gave me Matthew 21:44: “Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces (the repentant); 

anyone on whom it falls will be crushed (the unrepentant).”

…So the Constitution fell, and was broken…And repentance hit the United States of America!}

Zero Hour: the explosions:

The first explosion blew the man-made foundations out from the nation. And it was as if a wall came down and a great wave of evil began to sweep across the Heartland. Many within the Church broke away from the pillars and started to run. But many more didn’t. They pressed themselves and their families in harder and harder into the pillars they were tied to…to the Foundation of the Bible…and to the Cross: until all across the Bible Belt - and the entire nation - the Remnant Church began to look like olives in a press: (See Link #3 & 4 in footnotes)

Image: Huntsmans in the Holy Land

~~~I saw  what I thought to be an olive, being pressed and squeezed in between two hands…gently at first, then more and more intensely until I saw oil begin to come from the olive. I knew this was the Church. (See Link #3 “More about the Olive Press”)~~~

 And when the olive burst…?

I saw first the area around Tennessee and Kentucky…then all the States below: 

The third seemed to burst further west: I saw Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska…

then came the fourth: Texas and the surrounding areas. 

It was at this point I began to realize that this great shaking and this Great Awakening could no longer be hidden. Now the whole nation had awakened and was taking notice. Because with every explosion, as another Olive burst within the press, oil mixed with water came gushing out - and started going everywhere! 

Then another explosion; this time up towards Indiana and areas to the north and towards the Great Plains. I believe that this latest explosion will be the one to effect Chicago (see Link #2 & 4). I saw the substance from all these Olives (the refined Saints of God) eventually flow together to become one mighty rushing River: A River of Reformation (a turning - and a returning - to the Word of God)

Further details of this event can be found on pages 16-19 of Volume I or see Link #2 (The Rivers of Reformation & the Holy Spirit).

Like a thousand power-hoses at full throttle, this “River of Holiness” gushed forth, taking out everything in its path. It was unraveling and cleansing, first the Bible Belt, then over time, the entire nation - on a monumental scale. (See Ephesians 5:25-26)

Then another great shaking - and something like an explosion: With this, I saw a great persecution break out in retaliation against this move of God. Something came crashing down within the Bible Belt, that I knew represented the established Church. With this crash I saw the blood of martyrs beginning to flow from the Land (John 12:24-26). But as I have already written in Volume I, it didn’t stop this awakening…it only hastened it further: -

Truly this martyrdom (on American soil) seemed to re-awaken God’s Remnant all over again! I saw a righteous anger…a galvanizing of the Saints - especially within the Bible Belt - and specifically among the men...                                                                  

(Before continuing, I recommend that you please read Volume I, pgs. 40-42 or see Link #5 in footnotes)๐Ÿ‘‡

“Like warriors they charge;

like soldiers they scale the wall.

They march each on his way;

they do not swerve from their paths.

They do not jostle one another;

each marches in his path;

they burst through the weapons

and are not halted.” (Joel 2:6-8)

Who were these people..? 

This was the Army of the Family - and especially the Army of the Fathers

What was their objective..? 

To rescue their children…and their children’s children…

(Malachi 4:5-6)

“I watched astounded, as chains began to break and captives were set free. I watched as through the Power and magnitude of the Lord, this galvanized Remnant Body literally began to plunder the camp of the enemy…It was the Salvation of souls like I had never seen before! I saw these “Fathers” storm the high places: They broke down the satanic altars, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles.” (Exodus 34:13)

(Excerpt from “A Nation Under God - Link #5)


I remember the righteous cries of war coming up from the generations in this army: Each generation seemed to have a different sound - and yet they were completely one. I saw them over-run the battlements of the enemy; I heard the war cry - and I gasped; especially when I heard the war cry of the older generations: They who had known America as it once was…who had watched in despair at its decline, were now galvanized in a way that was almost indescribable…and that made me tremble.

“Lord, turn the generations - one to another. Raise up men after Your Own Heart, who are fathers...Raise up fathers, who are men after Your Heart!”...This is Family- This is the Heart of God.” (02/18/21)

I saw again Genesis ch.1&2…and then suddenly: I Peter 5:5-11.

And that was when I finally saw the army of Mothers; handmaidens: humble and meek – yet fearsome to look upon. They were protecting the children..! I will write about this fully, in Volume III, for it is too much for me to disclose right now…except that: Everywhere these Fathers stepped, the army of Mothers followed - tracing exactly, the steps of the Fathers…placing their feet in the footprints of the men…who were in turn, setting their feet in the footsteps of the Lord. ***This is not to say that we as women will have any less of a relationship with the Lord, but rather, this was the mystery of His established order of Genesis ch.1&2 ~ and it was BEAUTIFUL to behold!

From the Heartland, the River called Holiness flowed up and out in every direction across the United States of America.  From Kentucky it seemed to go north and east; up through West Virginia, Pennsylvania, to eventually reach New York and then New England - with overwhelming power and velocity…the power to set the captive - the sinner free!

And from the outpouring in Texas, it flowed directly west, eventually hitting with full force, Los Angeles and Southern California. 

With every State it breached, the River called Holiness became bigger and more powerful than before…and we the Saints, became more and more one with the River - with Him. I watched as “We the People” laid down our second amendment rights, our flags, our patriotism, our ‘stars and bars’…all these things we have worshipped as Americans, when we should have been worshipping God: I saw the people of this Land laying down their “Liberty” so that they could become slaves for Jesus Christ: Once that happened, they were immediately swept up by the River called Holiness…and every man, woman and child became one with it (Revelation 12:11)

And for what purpose? To what end? If you have been following my prophecies in any way, or have read Volume I, you will know that from this place, the Remnant Church of America (which turned out to be larger than I realized) will go forth to fulfill the reason she was originally founded: the spreading of the Gospel to the nations and peoples of the world. And it was here, that for the first time I became aware of legions of angels going ahead of them; And of the Lord Jesus Christ standing at the Father’s right hand.

At the same time, the same watchman whom I had seen in a previous vision (see Volume I ch. 3 or Link #6), stretched his hand outward toward the nation…and there it seemed to remain! 

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Matthew 16:24-25

The River continued to spread: I watched it overcome the great mountain ranges on either side of the nation; It overflowed onto the west coast…it overflowed onto the east coast…from boarder to boarder…from sea to shining sea: The Glory of the Lord covered the broken, shattered United States of America (Habakkuk 2:14). {as I also have been broken by the Lord - and shattered while writing thisBut: see Jeremiah 18:3-6

I could no longer see the Bible Belt in the area known as “the Bible Belt”; the reason being that the people of the Bible Belt had now spread out all over the nation (just as in my visions of global revival, there comes a point where I can no longer see the USA within the confines of its borders, because the USA has gone forth and spread out to preach the Gospel to the nations of the world - see Link #5 Part II). 

I do not know what will become of the territory known as the United States of America, when the world is overcome by the Antichrist system; But I do know that Salvation - the Kingdom of God - isn’t about Land, territory or borders; It is about People; “We the People”!

“We must stop trying to fight in the natural, for this nation…

and LEARN how to STAND in the supernatural, for God’s Kingdom…

so that as many as possible from this nation might enter in to the Kingdom!” 

(From “A Nation Under God” see Appendix 5 of Volume 1; or Link #5 in footnotes)

There was a time to stand against Communism and speak out against Socialism - but in the days I was seeing, that time had gone…

In these days the Church of America will be revealed standing on her True and original Foundations; The enemy too, will reveal himself in a more open and obvious form: 

And we will realize - we MUST realize - that we cannot fight him as Americans…we can only fight him as Christians, hidden in Christ and seated with Him.

Why the Bible Belt?

Because the Heart of the Lord is the Family…

And the Family is at the heart of the Bible Belt - the Heartland 

Lord, restore the fathers…

Raise up the families: 

Unbuckle the Bible Belt; 

for the Bible Belt itself, is a sleeping giant.

Image: The Burning Heart

His winnowing fork is in his hand and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” (Matthew 3:12)


And what about the States outside of the Bible Belt? 

As I’ve already written, the awakening was effecting them too: I believe that no city…no State was excluded. New York, LA, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit , Seattle, even Washington DC. The Lord cares about the people of these cities: If we’re serious about revival in our Land, then we must be serious about the entire Land - revival in every State of the Union…this Union that so many over the centuries have died trying to preserve. I believe it will be all or nothing for the USA: And if it is all, then we MUST be ready and prepared for the Lord to turn this nation on its head. To bring us up on his winnowing fork, so as to bring us down upon his threshing floor - upon America’s original Foundation Stone. If the Kingdom of God is going to be made manifest, it cannot be upon any other foundation.

For this particular prophecy, I only saw the lower 48 states; but that doesn’t mean He wasn’t moving in the remaining 2. I will write more about it in a future prophecy: The Lord has not forgotten Alaska or Hawaii.

The Seat of Government  - & A Warning ⚠️ 

You are likely asking: What are the timings for all of this? How and when will it all come together? I don’t know - except that (and I have said this before) if  “45”, or one like him, is ever in the White House again, we cannot be as we were before: carnally minded, materialistic and prideful; (See Link #7) There MUST be a Repentance - a change of heart and mind - otherwise our last condition will be worse than our first. 

We must understand the calling of the Lord upon this Nation: We will be persecuted - that is for sure: We will be refined like gold. But it will not be as it is in other nations, such as China - at least not yet: But rather, the Lord will give us a certain amount if time and space to “breathe”  (to rebuild and regather) to a degree. But ONLY because of His calling and commission upon the United States of America: For this reason, I cannot rule out 45, or another like him, taking the helm of Government again. (I’m not prophesying here - just speaking as a watchman: I don’t like speculating during a prophetic word, so I will say nothing more) 


Friends, it must NOT be as it was before! But whatever happens in the White House, we MUST remember: there is ONE plan for America: One true Foundation Stone: We must uncover it and stand upon it.

Because from Hawaii - to California - to Florida…from Alaska - to Washington - to Maine…He loves this “Covenant Land” - all fifty States; and the more he shows me, the more I realize this: He has a destiny…a mandate for this Nation - and His will be done, no matter what it takes - even if he has to turn the United States of America completely upside down and shake it. (Which pretty much describes what I’ve seen him doing) Because He loves you America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ 

There is no other Land like this one.

Unity “That they would all be one…” 

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity: 

It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beardon the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes. Read Psalm 133…

…This is the very same oil that flowed from the Olive press called Gethsemane; where Jesus, the Great High Priest, moments after praying his own prayer for unity (John 17:20-23) faced the full pressure of that olive press, in his resisting of sin (Luke 22:39-46): So, we the Church, must also go through this time of pressure, for the anointing oil that is truepure UNITY to flow. Oil is not produced except through pressure

Because there is a true unity (ending in Revelation 7:9-17); and there is a counterfeit unity (which began at Genesis ch.11 and will end in Revelation ch.17 & 18). One of these ways will bring Life; the other will surely end in Death. (Proverbs 14:12) One comes through repentance; the other does not. One way is broad and easy; the other Way, so narrow that only through surrender and letting go of everything else, will we be able to pass along it. (See Matthew 7:13-14; 19:23-24 & John 14:6) We will look more closely at this “broad road to death” in the next few chapters.

May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all at this final hour. Amen.

~~~Prophetic Word from 22nd April 2020…

“When you begin to crest the wave of this season and safety and security begin to set in, You, My People do not cease to seek My Face, but press into Me all the harder. (When you crest one wave there is always another coming behind). My Beloved, you have been asleep; It is time to awaken.

You must remain awake and alert, even while the world around you slumbers and takes it’s ease. Do not settle back and take your rest in ANYTHING but Me (My Rest will suffice all your needs).

Learn well the lessons in the wilderness that I Am teaching you now, at this time, lest you have to go around this mountain again. This is the Way many have gone before and is the path of a true disciple.

I will shake everything that can be shaken. (Haggai 2:6-7). Remember the foundation of your faith - which cannot be shaken; Hold tightly to the horns of the Altar: My death and resurrection, and then when the day of evil comes, you will STAND in Me and the world will know who I Am. 

Revival and resurrection are not  birthed out of ease and comfort, but in the pressing and squeezing of Gethsemane; in the fiery furnaces of life, where I Am literally the only Place of refuge.  In this world Beloved you WILL have tribulation; but remember you are not alone (2Kings 6:16-17). Therefore ready yourself with the Gospel of peace. Be strong, courageous and of good, good cheer!; Show those who are of this world - show them - that I have overcome the world.” (1Peter 1:6-7, John 1:5)~~~ (04/22/2020)

Image: Standing on the Word of God

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” Isaiah 52:7๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ





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