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Right now, we’re “having fun” with the anointing and I’m not saying this is a bad thing - (Personally I have benefited greatly from this time) but it’s the best way to describe the “season” we’re in. (Except from 29 April 2023)


In the civil war movie Glory, the newly formed 54th Massachusetts regiment have just received their new rifles; They are naturally very excited and are having fun, “playing war”, taking potshots with the rifles and “playing dead”. As Colonel Shaw, the Company Commander approaches and sees them, his mind is taken back to his last battle (The battle of Antietam - another civil war bloodbath) and the horrors that he endured; the blood that flowed; the comrades in arms who fell right beside him: Now as he watches his men “play acting” he immediately takes action. Another bloody battle is on the horizon; his men must be ready - and right now they are not.

(See link below)

The 54th Massachusetts will go on to become one of the finest regiments in the Union army: Renowned for their skill, bravery and FAITH.


As I said before we the Church are having fun with the anointing: healing ministries, deliverance ministries, prophetic ministries, “worship” ministries - and all with our names on them! But this season will come to an end. Persecution and tribulation looms over the horizon, and we must prepare ourselves - our training - to go to a different level. We must learn to function as one body, on a different level; a level that as westerners, will be very alien to us…where it becomes no more about us…or our ministry…or our anointing; but where it becomes about one another, for His Kingdom and His Glory. (John 15:13)

The nameless and faceless underground Churches of the persecuted Lands are praying for us in the West; that we will become one with them - and we will! I fervently believe that the Lord has shown me this: We will all be winnowed - brought down on one level, on the Lord’s threshing floor. The day is coming when we will all be on the same page…when we will be able to reach across to our persecuted brothers and sisters in other lands and link hands with them…because we have truly become as they are! And when that happens, then and only then will we truly understand Jesus’s words of John 17:21. 

By the utter grace of God, I have seen just a glimpse of this invisible unity (the unity of Revelation ch. 7): A unity that will be largely unseen and uncelebrated in this world: but that will be very much seen, known and celebrated in Heaven! 


Excerpt from prophecy 8 February 2023

“The Mysterious Music Of An Invisible Unity…”(Matthew 16:18)

From Mount Carmel 2008…

Kim Clement: “Take your loved one by the hand”… 

For many who will go through the Fire, will go through as a family…a unity that will begin - and end - in the home!

Then as Kim began to play on his keyboard, I began to see a different kind of unity.๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽผ

For the next few minutes, as Kim played, I saw the global Body of Christ …we were being knit together, by the Hand of God Himself…it was the most diverse, beautiful and unlikely unification imaginable to man…I saw us being unified by the Holy Spirit…it was an incredible and almost unbelievable unification of generations, social classes, culture, creed, skin color, language and tribe. He brought some down and raised up others…leveling everything before Him - We were as if, a flat line…a glassy sea before His Throne (Revelation 4:6; 15:2). There were young uniting with old, high born with low, rich with poor, slave with free, the prince with the pauper: I saw prisons, former criminals, drug addicts, and others whom I cannot describe…people who had come OUT from other religions, fanatical groups, other “tribes”…people that, had we in the western Church been able to see, we likely would never have been capable of unifying with - NOT with the true unity that Jesus prayed for in John ch.17:20-21! 

This was why this final awakening was happening in darkness…under persecution. The unifying of the Saints that I saw, while Kim played, was nothing short of an absolute miracle! Jesus’s prayer of John ch.17 coming to fruition - and almost entirely without our knowledge or input. All we were doing at this time was humbling ourselves and seeking the face of the Lord. (2Chronicles 7:14). 

This is a unity that will be utterly impossible for any person or ministry to engineer…so we may as well stop trying to engineer it! To think that we can, is a prideful deception.

To the ministers with large platforms: Stop trying to reconcile Christianity with Catholicism, Judaism, Mormonism (to name just a few): This form of man-made unity will lead us all the way down the wide road to Revelation 13, provoke the wrath of God and hasten His Judgment: This was why, after the Flood, he had to scatter the people in the first place! (Compare Genesis 11:1-9 & Revelation 18. As surely as He judged Babel, He will judge “Mystery Babylon”.)

But rather, SEPARATE yourselves and start HUMBLY seeking ONLY Jesus Christ…the One who was crucified for our sins, was buried, who rose again and is now seated at God’s Right Hand…THIS is Christianity…THIS is our God: And we need to start seeking Him, with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength…

When we do this…we will know - and PRAY - the heart and mind of God;

When we do this…God will bring them! - Revelation 7:9-17 (2Chronicles7:14)

“There is no unity outside of holiness” - David Wilkerson 

(2Corinthians 6:14-18)

A. hW.

“The Mysterious Music of the Invisible Unity” at 34 min 30 sec into video clip. (Kim Clement, Mount Carmel 2008) ๐Ÿ‘‡


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